Anyone Have A Working Link For The Offical Discord? :^3 Much Appreciated Already Asked Support, They Are Currently Not Accpeting Tickets
Future reference make posts easily readable for everyone bright colors on a bright background aren’t exactly compatible
Yes. However the developers have requested those links no longer be distributed. The only way to get access to the discord is to send an in game help message. A one use access code will be sent to you. If you are in the discord, search for posts from Grant, the post was made last Wednesday or Thursday, to see what I am talking about.
Yeah...Derek_ATA said not to share the server link because the server is meant to be private. (He said it on March 6th, 2018. I posted a screenshot of him saying it in #offtopic of discord) If you want the link, you can ask in game by going to Extras Help New Chat and asking for a link. Or even maybe messaging Grant...though I can see that leading to poor grant getting 1,000 PMs asking for the link to discord...Poor grant...maybe don't ask grant, lol.