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Shrines Reactivate this Weekend!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 18, 2018.

  1. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    The battle for Shrines continues Saturday at 2pm (PT) with a few tweaks.

    - Core Shrines now grant a +100% Attack Bonus against ALL Shrines (not just the Stronghold Shrine)
    - N/E/S/W Mini Shrines now grant a +50% Attack Bonus against all Shrines in one OTHER biome (this replaces the +25% Dragon Bonus)
    - N/E/S/W Mini Shrines have been renamed for clarity

    Shrines have the same increased rewards and extended Stronghold capture time as last weekend!

    Tyranny Tax remains disabled as we work on improved Clan and Realm perk options.

    Note: Shrines are currently not available in Realm 28 at this time.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I hope you make some nice prizes so people fight over it. Please make it worth fighting over. Avatars will totally get people fighting for it. (not me, but people)
    And please don't make another thing that hurts the losers in the event. That's probably the worst prize idea ever.
    Yavvy likes this.
  3. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Congratulations ATA you found a way to make minishrines irrelevant!!!
    YoMommaOfDragons likes this.
  4. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I think it is actually an attempt at making the takeover of core shrines easier for other people. Not sure if it will be a game changer, but I guess if you can muster a force to take a mini shrine the 50% increase on the core shrine rally would be more beneficial than a dragon boost? Not sure, just waking up. But I do hope that it makes it more accessible to people. I'll check what the actual def on a mini shrine is lol
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yeah I think avatars are actually a good idea, I liked the valentines avi have the pimple faced old man myself.
  6. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Shrine Cores may need a longer capture time, but certainly need a shield phase like the center. Lots of clans don't want to take a core because they'll just get kicked off by people who more than likely won't stay holding the Core. I also don't think being able to change the Realm message should be limited to just the Deliberation phase. Extending the Ruler phase would be nice. I'd rather my realm have their harvesting/brew bonuses as long as possible.
  7. KingBu

    KingBu New Citizen

    May 1, 2018
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    Waste of time and energy and money. Only the cores are used and the shrines are kept empty. Unless your clan has $$$ then your not going to even get close.
    YoMommaOfDragons and ButterBean like this.
  8. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Dont worry, you're not alone. It's a complete waste of time for 98% of players/clans. ATA won't even talk about this or anything for that matter. Look at forums they never communicate with us anymore. They did say it's end game feature, people took this literal and quit ending their game. I just found a new game so my activity here is going plummet.
    YoMommaOfDragons and MOAR2 like this.
  9. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    The stronghold shouldn't have a shield phase. It would be more contested if the clan holding it actually had to hold it the whole time not just for a short period of time.
  10. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    That's true, but realistically with the current mechanics it's no contest. Duration isn't the factor, it's the mechanics. I think that we need more balance, because there isn't any at the moment it's a crock of ATM. How about this for an idea. To get balance in the game we reset all accs back to zero, and simply start a fresh? I honestly think that will be good! Or failing that I think we the shrine should be open to attack all the time, but they should not be allowed to have reinforcements on the shrine, they should hold it solo and try to defend against rallies.. Now that would be interesting and fair for everyone
    0ggles likes this.
  11. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I don't believe that would even work. They would probably have to overhaul the entire system just to make something feasible.

    I still think Shrines need a shield phase with the Stronghold. As it stands you currently have to leave one person on it. This discourages, at least in my realm 27, a lot of smaller clans from trying to take it. Some will take it and then others will come only to kick them off and not hold for themselves. You can't make the Shrines fair without destroying the idea of the Shrines also I hope you're jesting Bean. The length of time for the Reign phase should run into the start of fighting for the next Ruler.
  12. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Lol, no one would go for the idea of ata resetting us back to zero. People spent way too much time and money on this game.
    I am glad the resetting stopped with beta and for KoH, I totally wouldn't go back to that. Not saying testing shrines wasn't fun when we all had similar accounts... But people spent a lot of money and time on their accounts, so resetting would not be a feasible solution.
    0ggles likes this.
  13. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Why on earth would we want the same people ruling 24/7 lmao You are aware of how many people have quit because they can't even participate in shrines ? I'm talking about players that spent months building up theor accs, to basically be told It's for top 2 players, and everyone else who wants to play can simply spend 1000s and participate... Trust me that didn't go over well, the drop of players is noticeable. Many of my friends simply login to do DQ and then never look at the game till the next day. People have lost interest, and i strongly believe this is going to be like smash...

    When you alienate 99% of the community from game features one thing is guaranteed, they will seek enjoyment elsewhere. This is just common sense, why bother playing if you can't participate
  14. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I don't even look at shrines right now. They aren't even on my radar when I log in to play.

    I was prepared for shrines not being for me though...so when it came out, I didn't feel that disappointment that many did when they realized they'd never be able to compete with the top clans/players.
    0ggles likes this.
  15. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I really think we should try it and just see. We can look back later and say "oh well maybe that wasn't a good idea", but I do believe it's worth the risk. I am a big spender spender here, must have easily spent $15 or more and I'm willing to take the risk.
  16. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Lol, Donno spent thousands.
    And believe me, everyone who was in beta have already been reset many times. We know what it's like to be reset, and trust, no one would want to have their account reset. I mean...if you really want a reset, you can always create a new account and have it go to the newest realm and pretend that's the only realm in the game...
    0ggles likes this.
  17. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I know recently the game has been catering for the few, but don't you think we should care for the many ? A complete reset will bring new people, and we can all go into one realm. And the shrines will be relative to everyone as we scramble to try and take it with equal footing. And ATA will have enough cash at this point to keep the servers going for a few months at least, so really it's a win win for everyone.
  18. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Don't think they'd get away with resetting everyone, especially since people spent money.
    Plus, they already said they wouldn't reset anyone anymore once the game launched, and the game has launched, so we aren't getting a server reset. Your best bet if you want to start fresh is to make a new account and join the newest server. You can try your luck at being top dog there and maybe you'll be lucky enough to not have to compete with a heavy spender...but hey, there's a heavy spender in every realm, lol.

    When you know someone's trolling, but you still continue to try to talk sense into them...lol
  19. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Well it looks like we are clearly at an impasse, stuck between doing something they previously said they would not do again or to come up with a new method to gain balance. We must go back to the 3rd century BCE where the yin and yang was first acknowledged. We need to get some balance in this game, well when I say "we" I really mean ATA. People are quitting because of the imbalance, so when the big spenders are left scratching their heads why no one plays and the game has to be shut down like smash it will be too late.

    If anyone has a better idea đź’ˇ I'm all ears....

    * Perhaps give a special avi to those that have reset at TH25 to acknowledge their contributions to the community.
    #19 ButterBean, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
  20. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Resetting everyone’s accounts would be just plain stupid. They would probably just take out shrines all together before they did that. If u want to participate in shrines then drop your might down and transfer to a lower realm. Wouldn’t be too hard to rebuild your troops back up and join a clan there that is interested in them. If that sounds like too much work to you then just give up on them. If everyone got reset it still wouldn’t be even. You spend like 15 dollars to start upgrading again while the big spenders just rise to the top all over again to repeat the same cycle.
    CommanderCrunch likes this.

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