Sometimes, based on the specifications of certain devices, the app may automatically display only Ruby as the dragon in a march although the march is using different dragons. I have a tablet that shows all ruby, and my phone on the same account will show the correct dragons. It is based on the RAM of the device you're using. ATA has a list of devices that they know have enough RAM to handle the app without giving issues, and if you feel your device belongs on the list of devices (It has 2GB+ of RAM) you can ask that your specific device type be added. There's no guarantee that they will add it to the list. (Ask in the In-Game help in Extras) But nothing is wrong, a lot of newer apple devices were having issues in beta both Apple and Android devices. They'd crash etc because they didn't have enough RAM to handle the app, so ATA made a fix for it and it was super stable since. (Way less crashing)