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Event Invasive Species - Dev Invasion!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Greetings Citizens of Heckfire!

    From February 13-15th we will be running our SECOND Community Test Event and we need your help!

    You may be familiar with the issue of laggy marches and this is our second special event for you to test out an improvement we have been working on! (which will of course grant you lovely rewards as a thank you for your help!)

    The goal of this event is to get folks to swarm specific PvP targets on the map, so we can make sure our improvements work, collect your feedback on the improvement and collect data on the backend.

    Please note: Attacking Dev Accounts will incur regular Realm Wrath!

    How the Dev Invasion event works:
    • The event's competitions will only be available between Feb 13th and Feb 15th.
    • Competition's will start at 3:00 PM PST and 4:00 PST and last only 30 minutes
    • On Feb 13th, we will run this for ALL REALMS at both 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM PST
    • On Feb 14th and Feb 15th, we will run this for a Specific Group of Realms at 3:00 PM and Remaining Realms at 4:00 PM PST! (we'll send out a mail about this!)
    • There will be 10 Invader Accounts per Realm!

    • Invader accounts will appear close to the centre of the map and close Shrines in each realm, near coordinates x=286, y=465
    • These accounts will be covered in Purple Vines, similar to our previous Realm Invasion events!
    • We've specially crafted these accounts to try to minimize player losses, optimize player kills, and make sure everyone is able to hit them!
    • Rewards will be granted via the Dev Invasion Competition, and yes these will have some bracketing by TH level and Realm so that everyone can have a fair shot at participating
    How will I find the Dev Invaders?
    • You will be able to find Dev Invaders concentrated around the coordinates x=286, y=465 in each Realm.
    • They will look the same as Invaders from the Kingdom Versus Kingdom (Realm vs. Realm) Events, and will be covered in Purple Vines to make them easy to spot!

    The Dev Invaders preparing their fleet!

    Please note:
    As this event is testing a new fix, we need your feedback on the improvement!

    If you run into issues related related to the Dev Invasion event make sure to submit a ticket via the Help Tool by:

    1. Tap Menu Button
    2. Tap Extras Menu Button
    3. Tap Help
    4. Tap the Chat button on the top right
    5. Choose the Feedback and Reports --> Feedback option!
    6. Let us know the details and include any screenshots you have!
    You can also report issues in the Kingdoms of Heckfire Discord in the #march-testing channel!

    If we run into serious issues with the test, we may also need to end the event early AND it may or may not comeback!
    #1 [ATA]Todd, Feb 9, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
  2. LordofSpies

    LordofSpies New Citizen

    Jan 6, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I know its about improovment and avoiding lag in future, whats great, but if you announce it with „a ton of rewards for everyone participating“ i feel excluded to not be able to participate as you run these events in european night. Not the first time…
    Still hope you‘ll be successfull.
  3. LordofSpies

    LordofSpies New Citizen

    Jan 6, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I know its about improovment and avoiding lag in future, whats great, but if you announce it with „a ton of rewards for everyone participating“ i feel bad to not be able to participate as you run these events in european night. Not cool.
    Still hope you‘ll be successfull.
  4. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Appreciate the call out Lord of Spies!
    We are doing another run tomorrow morning for folks in other timezones!

    Mail went out last week, but we'll get a reminder mail out again soon!

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