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Lack of Thought

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Xx_Chuckie_xX, Dec 24, 2024.

  1. Xx_Chuckie_xX

    Xx_Chuckie_xX New Citizen

    Dec 14, 2017
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    I wonder if anyone has any good outcomes and positive experiences from using the help ticket feature of the game. In all the years I have played an ATA game, I can’t recall a single instance of them doing the right thing. All I ever get is “thank you for the feedback and we will pass it along” I question whether the issue is ever understood to be honest.

    Post the thread with your experiences and let’s see how long it is ignored.
  2. Splyt_

    Splyt_ Citizen

    Oct 19, 2020
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    I've had all my problems answered mostly and helped with in the ingame chat help.

    But in the forums, I can't say other than they barely add new features into the game and I've gave them loads of suggestions and thats just me. Hope that answers your question.

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