There needs to be a way to balance compotition better the problem is in the realm I'm in my clan is at 1 billion power and the secound at like 300k now and most players are quiting killing the realm any ideas for a solution?
We have 1 player at 307m might. He is #1 on Leaderboard. #2 is 80 something mil might. Everyone else is lower from there in might. You would think that 300+ mil player would be helping everyone in this realm grow and learn the game. But no, he does not. Person is extremely arrogant and kills whole clans by himself. Catching up to him is almost impossible unless lots of real money is spent. This player really needs to be placed in a realm more fitting his size. The 80 mil guy is large enough to mentor and is more realistically possible to catch up to. Just my observation.
I know it's unfortunate that a bigger play got transferred to your realm and that it's kinda unfair, but please don't spam this same message on other threads.
Well, he spent lots of money, so yeah, catching up to him will need you to spend just as much as he did or more...He started playing KoH around the same time you guys did, so he's just as new as you are, he just had a big wallet and was able to shoot ahead. You guys can still help each other. He isn't required to help you guys, but it's up to you guys in the realm to teach each other, or to look on the forums for guides we posted on how to protect yourselves. I know there are some...haha LINK ==> Here's the guide. <== LINK...It has pictures
My realm didn't die with players like Donno (he's 3billion might and I'm under 200million.) Yet we manage to stay alive. Look at the bottom of the post above for a link to tips you could use to keep your troops from dying and to keep your resources from being looted.
The people telling players to “just spend as much” are probably the dumbest people I’ve gotten to see today. Hermoine’s guide is for sure helpful, but I don’t think telling people to spend as much is really as helpful. Check out the guide though, that’s good . I have things to buy. If you’d like to donate to players in our realm that’d be sick. Thx. 420 BLAZE IT
Haha, that's the only way they should expect to be at the same level. I would NEVER expect to be Donno level at the same time as he is by being F2P. There is no way I would expect it. Why would he spend thousands of dollars if I could catch up in seconds without spending? They cried that they aren't the same level and can't get there...well if they really want to compete with the top dogs, (In their case...ChuckNorris) well, they better start pulling out their wallets. They can't possibly expect to get to the same might that he has without spending. I'm not there and I've been playing for way longer than Chuck has. Obviously I WILL get there, but not tomorrow. It takes time if you don't spend money. If you want to get there fast, Money $ will be the only way. It's not Pay to Play, but all games are pay to be top player. So yes, I'll stand by what I said, haha. If they really want to be where ChuckNorris is, that's literally the only way for them to get there right now.