My main tip would be to try to guess what TH level they are and search around the map by what level monsters they can attack. They're usually going to be near those levels they can attack... And get to know your map. You'll notice there's a pattern to it. The center has the highest levels, the outside has the lowest. Get yourself oriented to the map and it'll be easier. Even better, find out what clan they are in and look for that hive. You can only find people by scrolling on the map. Maybe one of your clanmates has that hive pinned already. Ask them.
U can call them out in realm chat and have them come to you, and then just follow them back and there you go😂
There are a few ways to find someone in the realm! It is helpful if you know if they are in a hive or not (a cluster of kingdoms) as you will know if you are looking for one person or a group. Calling them out works but may back fire if they have friends, if they have a big enough ego it will work! There's the old fashion searching the entire realm using your best guess but this could take forever. My advice is if you find them once to pin their location so you will not have to search again unless they teleport. Hope this helped
I lost my account and i cant get it back,if any one knows NOS no sleeo clan l,tell them that im sorry,i did what i could,sorry,they dont give an option to return to your clan.
In addition, some of the things they might ask for are Name of the lost account Last time logged in Location of last log in When the account was created Type of device Date of most recent in app purchase Type of most recent purchase Email associated with account And probably other I’m forgetting If you can provide as much of this to support in the first communication it will likely expedite the process.