hi, sorry I'm a noob but I've got some questions about dragon unlocking. If I read the table right I should not have mouthusa or bovis yet but I got them early on.....they are just locked and uuuseable. Are the eggs you get random and unlock with the land level in the published table? Or did something glitch and give me dragons I can't use Thx for any information offered
You'll unlock them later on after you defeat the respective invaders in your town It's not a glitch; you need to unlock them.
Look in your city and you will see the dragon eggs for the dragons that you have to unlock. Before, they didn't show, but in an older update, they added dragons in cages so you could tell how far you were from unlocking dragons. Scroll up in your city. You can even tap on them to see how strong your attack needs to be.
Thank you, but I understand this part. I have two "eggs" salty and mothusla, that have never unlocked. I do not remember when I received them, but from time to time I get shards for them. My question is when/how do I unlock these two dragons.
You will unlock them as soon as you clear the lands where the eggs are...beat the monsters in your city. When you beat the monsters guarding those specific eggs, you will have unlocked the eggs, they'll hatch and be free to use.
In the store. You have to buy them on the day they have them in the store. The prices go up per dragon. You buy them with Real life money. (Sometimes you get the 1st one for free)