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Game suggestions.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LadyRei, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. LadyRei

    LadyRei New Citizen

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hello, me and my clan Azgoroth have been talking about some game suggestions. I didn't know where to put this, so I do apologies if this doesn't belong here.
    -Suggestions to improve game
    co-op options when free world explore resources.
    Co-op battle options.
    Energy is running out to fast
    When it comes to clans, we should be able to work together more then just at war.
    Explain,the hire allies a bit better. Some are still rather confused on it.
    There are more. My clan is al working together to suggest other things for a better game. ^.^
    Arewyne and Hops5 like this.
  2. Fear

    Fear Citizen

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Hey Rei :)

    For future reference, suggestions and ideas should go into " Idea's and feature requests " section of the forums (https://forums.kingdomsofheckfire.com/forums/ideas-and-feature-requests/)

    In response to some of your suggestions...

    •Your energy cap and regeneration rates can be upgraded through research, allowing you to fight monsters and such more often.

    •Also, regarding internal clan collaboration, clanmates can work together and send gifts to eachother. These gifts can be bought with gems (such gift boxes contain energy, resources and more), or you can earn chests through destroying monsters. By doing so your clan will level up, allowing for even more gifts to be showered upon you.

    •Hiring allies grants you an attack/defense bonus as well as a resource gain bonus when attacking. You can see these bonuses based on the % signs each potential ally displays.

    Those are just my 2 cents. Let me know if you're still confused with anything, and please keep suggesting new ideas! :)
  3. Where

    Where Citizen

    Nov 25, 2017
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    They should add a “Blaze It” boost for $4.20

    This boost will allow you to happily blaze through opposition!
  4. CptHawkeye

    CptHawkeye New Citizen

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Its near impossible to hold onto an ally long enough to even use them.
  5. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Luckily for you, It is not impossible. Keep trying and you may drive up the cost so much that you make the ally not worth it for the other person to buy it back. Congrats, your ally is now overpriced and unwanted. ;)
    Claymore56 likes this.
  6. SELNER907AK

    SELNER907AK Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    They need to make castle walls have a damage limit so we can zero people out, There is currently verry little incentive for clans to attack eachother it's easy to keep vaults below capacity meaning little to zero rss and the attacking side will always take more losses regardless if they win or loose an Attack. These battle mechanics have causes a gigantic stalemate where nobody really hurts anyone or gains anything.
  7. GreatertheGreat

    GreatertheGreat New Citizen

    Nov 27, 2017
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    If this idea was implemented, powerful clans would spend all their time zero'ing out weaker clans and making themselves invincible. The three players with the most money could literally destroy any competition, especially since the pay to win crowd is way ahead of everyone else right now. It would completely eliminate any chance for new players to grow, or any chance for lower might players to ever advance.

    There are a few reasons why everyone is at a stalemate right now:

    1. The pay-to-win crowd has no real incentive to waste their money fighting anyone on their level who poses a challenge, which leads to power hoarding and lazy noob farming instead of actual fighting.

    2. There are no non-base objects to fight over yet. Obviously bases are protected, because it's common sense that powerful players should not be able to eradicate a weaker player's might and game progress just for fun. But once the shrines are opened up, powerful players will have something to fight over that will put them on an equal playing field.

    3. Finally, there is a real problem with pay-to-win players forming top 3 cross-clan and sister clan alliances intended to rig the system and control realm shrines permanently. Obviously this will lead to stagnation as well, since shrine bonuses will almost certainly make those clans more powerful, increasing the radical inequality that is currently contributing to stagnation. Clearly there is a need for incentives that create conflict between powerful clans, instead of between powerful players and weaker players.
    PaddysPub, Hops5 and Wolfgang99 like this.
  8. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    They have some good reasons why they took away the ability to completely zero players. When that ability was there, people started quitting left and right, and they took to discord with complaints about being zeroed by whale accounts with no ability to protect themselves or retaliate. How fair is that if a giant account with over 100x your strength can zero you completely down to no troops and you can't attack monsters or do anything until they train troops again? That was a reality before, and the devs saw the error in that and fixed it. Trust...that will happen if they add that ability again as it has happened already. Don't forget, there are no hit restrictions. A TH25 Can attack an itty bitty TH5.
  9. Where

    Where Citizen

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Zeroing players is a no go.

    All about that 420 life
  10. SELNER907AK

    SELNER907AK Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    How about some incentives to attack one another? Unless you all like playing a war games where everyone is in 1 Allaince and there is nothing but peace. As a matter of fact let's just completely remove the fighting from the game and enforce gift giving! whoever gives the most gifts and is the most polite to one a other doesn't win but helps others be more kind and nice to one another. And then we can get rid of leaderbords and enforce that everyone see's themselves as number 1 on all ranking list!
  11. SELNER907AK

    SELNER907AK Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I understand the want to keep people from spending a fortune and killing off anyone that's not willing to spend, but you have created a game where someone can warp into the middle of the hive and be Attacked by everyone in said hive and take no losses but get tons of kills. All I'm asking for is some sort of reason to attack otherwise it's just a game of defending which ruins the entire point of an rts game. If pay to play is such a big deal because of imbalance how about you do everyone a favor and make a rts game that's good and doesn't allow pay to play or minimalises it to things that don't really affect the game so everyone has the same chance. Make a rts game that rewards teamwork and hard grinding but keeps the playing board level
    Hermione and CptDeadpool like this.
  12. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    You don't know how much I would have loved to see that...but it's a business and they have to have incentives for people to spend. For ata, incentives are pay to get ahead. Pay so you don't have to wait as long for things to happen, and pay for better dragons. There are people who paid thousands of dollars just for that privilege. Can't fault ATA for doing that. It keeps the workers paid, the servers online and most of all, It keeps the game free to play for the rest of the players...even if gameplay for the bottom 99% isn't as fun, lol.

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