Firstly there will be 10 Dragon altars max by end game currently. The 2nd Farm and quarry does affect quite a decent portion your progress till late game but not very much.
You always want to have the max number of studies and altairs possible. Those are the first things I upgrade or build when I upgrade townhalls or unlock a land. And sadly, buildings can not be destroyed. The max I think is ten of each building? But definitely at least eight, I’ll try and get a better answer to that one.
The second farm and quarry while seeming to be useless are actually pretty beneficial for mid to late game. They allow you to produce more food/ore and increase the produced cap. Basically free food/ore to a certain number.
I’d have to disagree, you can make way more ore and food hitting monsters, or just by sending out a set of gathers each day. I’ve been playing since May and never once have I thought of building more then one of each. But I can see where you are coming from, but building spaces are precious, and are a much better use for altairs, studies, embassies, treasuries, wards, and barracks.
During the tutorial you are required to build a farm and quarry. As you progress through the game and upgrade your TH you will get the ability to build another farm or quarry on an open land. That’s what Godsillist and I have been talking about. Hope that helps, if not feel free to ask a follow up question.
Don't forget, you also have the option to leave a space empty until you upgrade your Townhall if you don't want to build the only options that are available to you. Don't settle for buildings you don't want/don't need just because it's all that's available to you right now. Lands are limited, especially if you have trouble unlocking more. You can't delete you'll be stuck with what you build. I myself am not building more than 1 farm or quarry because I always have over my production it feels pointless. The production cap isn't really that high anyway compared to what you get while hitting monsters...but I'd rather let you make your own mistakes. Who knows? Maybe one day ata will make farms and quarries more useful later with an update. Even if you build all of everything else, you'll still have space for 4 quarries/farms (2 of each). I just don't find them useful in my gameplay, especially not while I'm trying to build more treasuries, wards, altars, studies etc...
To expand on what GodSilent said, you can jncrease that % by leveling up your dragons (ranking up does not increase your bonus to allies). Another way to increase your bta is thru the research catagory “bonus grassland/badlands/swamp stats for allies” located in the biome research trees.
If you scroll up in your kingdom into the unexplored lands you will see monster camps. If you click one of those camps you’ll see the dragon that is earned and the strength needed to kill that monster. Let me know if you want further clarification.
Does anyone know what the hourly quests are, in order so I can plan ahead. Eg: at 5 it's troop train, 6 is rss gather, at 7 it's might growth....etc.
Yeah, I'm still a little confused. There are about 10 dragons that I haven't unlocked yet. I have tons of to rank them up, but I can't figure out how to get them.
You have two views, kingdom view and realm view. Kingdom view is where you build and upgrade your buildings and where you unlock new dragons. In order to see where these dragons are unlocked scroll up in your kingdom until you see dragon eggs, locked in cages like the image below. Lands are cleared in order, and take a specific strength to be cleared. It may take months to get strong enough to unlock certain dragons. (Image credits to Hermione)