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Best way to view army strength?

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by DinosaurTag, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Is there an easier way than manually adding it all up? I only see the strength of individual marches 🧐

    I looked through the stats list and it tells number of available troops but not an overall strength..
  2. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    Not sure what you mean? Please clarify and I’ll update this post.

    If I am understanding you correctly, you are talking about one of two things, your defensive, or offensive strength.

    • DEFENSE, click on you wall (located at the bottom of your kingdom) to view your defense, and adjust your guardian dragons.
    • OFFENSE, when you go to attack a player or monster, auto select will automatically create the march with the most β€œpower”
  3. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Yes, I noticed there is a troop power number in small writing, then a big number of the total defence which is in the city at the time.

    I found it interesting that the allies bonus is already added and there isn’t a seperate detail showing how much exact power is coming from allies, just a percentage. Which is fine but it isn’t very clear, it confused me and I asked some other people.

    I’m hoping that ATA can implement a bit more information on each stat for us to click on, so that we can see exactly what things are. The research and upgrades could use a bit more information or a section explaining in more detail.
    ProfessorDaddy likes this.
  4. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Also for overall offensive power I’ve just been adding my marches power together with the troops left behind, but I realise it’s not accurate now.
    So i guess my army offensive is really just my two marches added together..
  5. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    Ok, I think I understand what you are talking about now.

    The way that ATA does there math is a little confusing and non intuitive so I will be brushing over some of the more nuanced details. The the the key things to understand is that starting with T3 troops, troops have different bonuses depending on what they are doing, defending, attacking players, attacking pve.

    Your bonus from allies is the bonus you get by hiring more allies (this is seperated into the three biomes) this number can further increase through the research item "Bonus grassland/badlands/swampland from allies" located in the biome research trees. This % increase this provides is not reflected in the base bfa shown on the "My Allies" tab. In order to see total bfa you need to go to the battle prep screen.

    The army power is the pre-dragon strength of your army. Each troop has a battle strength (can see when you go tot he train troops page next to the two crossed swords). Remember this is the base, for T3 and T4 troops this is increased depending on specific action by a bonus that can be increased through research.

    Let's say I have 1,000 knights that have a 184.5 defense strength (total, not its base number)

    To calculate its army power it would be 1,000*184.5 = 184,500

    Then factoring in a 1% biome bonus (on the biome the kingdom im defending is on) I will take 1% of the 184,500 to net 1,845. This number will then be added to 184,500 to yield 186,345 which is the army strength you are talking about.

    When you attack someone if you have a march cap of 100k but 200k troops the power will only be of the troops selected to fight in that encounter. When it is of the defensive of your kingdoms all of your troops are calculated into this army power you are talking about

    NOTE: I just talked about knights above, there could also be other troops depending on what is selected in your army composition or if you are on defensive. On defensive any reinforcements that are in your kingdom are also factored in.

    The dragon bonus are then added after this to give you the complete, total battle strength.

    Hope this helps, I typed this up in a rush so theres probably half a dozen spelling mistakes. Let me know if you need further clarification.
    Mini0n, Hops5 and DinosaurTag like this.
  6. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Thanks for such an in depth reply!

    The problem is I don't think I can do that much math πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    I just want to be able to view it in an easy way lol.. at the moment it feels like I need a calculator just to figure it out 😭
    ProfessorDaddy likes this.
  7. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    What exactly do you want to figure out? Most of the information you need is given to you.. your probably just over thinking it, haha
  8. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I guess I probably am 😳
  9. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Easiest way is to click on the land spaces next to your town that have enemies on them while you have no matches out. It will create the strongest possible power for that biome. (Presumably under the requirement to attack the creatures, since they still live there lol)
    DinosaurTag likes this.
  10. DinosaurTag

    DinosaurTag New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    That makes sense ^^ thanks Cap
  11. Neft

    Neft New Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The math is also exceedingly simple, check your wall and lets say it says you have 90million power from troops and a 20% bonus from allies as well as a 500% flat biome boost just to make this simple, the math can be calculated the same way for 530 and so on... anyways.

    i did the math backwards one day and i found how its completely tied in, theres still room for a possible innacurate display since i had to factor in the researches ontop of the %'s shown to even get an accurateish number and even then it was still wrong by a bit, so theres some rounding going on, probably to make it look cleaner but anyways

    to get the % for 90mill lets start with the allie bonus first since its smaller and its how ata seems to calculate it in, so move the % or the decimal 2 places, so instead of 20% or 20 you would type in 0.2 in a calculater then X it by 90million so essentially 90,000,000*0.2 wich should be 18million.

    and you do the same for the 500% so instead of 500 it would be 5.0 in the calculater, now lets at the 18million to 90 million which brain dead math its 108million, 108*5.0 = 540,000,000 and thats how its factored in.

    now to get a troops exact might without bonuses all you have to do, is do the math backwards essentially, the easy way to do this send out a march or get it to where your about to and select exactly 1 troop, for this example i will be using a pug rider with level 3/15 researches for health and etc...

    now 1 troop says 1,048 might with a 441.5% bonus and 18.9% allie bonus, you can take the dragons off the march to make the math a little easier, with the dragons removed it drops down to 188, now assuming the allie boost is still active i believe the correct problem for this would be 188*0.189 which would give 35.532 since you move the decimal two places, the reason we dont start at the % is because the decimal is present after the 8 which we all learned in elementary and middle school.

    so 1 pug should be 152.468 (this is a decimal not a comma)

    this is assuming i worked it backwards properly, if i do 159*0.189 = 30.051 which would give 189 which is pretty close to the number without dragons but it overshoots it
    Mini0n likes this.

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