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Stop The LB Madnesses

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ButterBean, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I bring forward a matter of the upmost importance, I wish to discuss the matter of side quests LB ranks. We have all seen those "ranks" on the LB, where they have half a dozen or more ranked 1st. This is a huge issue, for if you have the second highest points you do not get 2nd spot, not even 3rd or 4th. To be honest half the time you'll be lucky to get any special attributes or rewards at all ! I see the same clans, same names doing it time and time again, it's appalling and disgusting that this has been permitted to continue for so long. I believe it is now time for a change, a drastic change at that..

    I believe I have much fairer system idea, if you are joint 1st you simply share the rewards with everyone who gets the exact same points.. So say 7 people are first, and the reward is 7hr prize, you all get 1hr a piece.. Seems fair, and stops the exploitation of this feature. Then also I would like to see rank 2 for the second highest points regardless of how many are joint first... But you can bet your last dollar when this changes you'll not have joint 1st anymore. In the meanwhile, perhaps we could actually further discourage this practice, if they get joint 1st perhaps we could add the number of hours onto their current build, so if the have 1hr left on the building and join with 8 people on first place they instantly have a 9hr build instead. I believe this is a fair a just idea, changes are needed.

    Thank you for your time.
  2. DecisiveElement

    DecisiveElement New Citizen

    Dec 7, 2017
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    What you're proposing is actually unfair.
    MOAR2 likes this.
  3. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    This screams of "easy exploitation", lol...
  4. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    But you must admit my idea is much fairer than the current one.
  5. Caesar

    Caesar Citizen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I have an idea.

    Let’s say to earn 1 star you need 30, 2 star needs 65, 3 star needs 100.

    Let’s create a new tier of, let’s say, 200.

    For the first 10 who reach 200 they get 1st place, the next 10 get 2nd, so on and so forth. This is very simple and rewards those who are first to end the quest.

    This would then reward those who are more active instead of those who have more money.
  6. DecisiveElement

    DecisiveElement New Citizen

    Dec 7, 2017
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    how could I admit opposite of what I said?
  7. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Ties on event leaderboards are something our team is aware of and looking into in terms of impact and options we have to better handle this kind of event system.
    LaCookie and ButterBean like this.
  8. Aggragoth

    Aggragoth New Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    How is it unfair if everyone can have an equal chance of achieving first ? You'e asking for it to be more difficult. People who spend will just spend more to keep people such as yourself from getting first.

    We need more solo events.
  9. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The part that is "unfair" is that when people have joint 1st, the rest of the people are screwed over. So if you have the second highest you may end up getting no extra rewards as there is no second/third spot. On other occasions certain clan actually wait till everyone is joint 1st and then last minute several of the people from that clan jump points and the rest get nothing... It is a exploit, and needs to be addressed. Regardless of if it makes it more difficult, it should remain fair for all.
    LaCookie likes this.
  10. Bugsy31176

    Bugsy31176 New Citizen

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Even if you have the 2nd highest points total, if 5 people have the same amount more than you it means you are 6th overall. This is entirely fair. If people use this mathematical fact to there advantage they are simply playing that game, nothing unfair in that.
    the reason top clans are always at the top of LB is that the way they become top clan is by being very active and so it only makes sense that they are always at top of LBs.
    Also, when you get multiple ties it tends to be on quests where people are likely to get same points e.g. Monster slaying, where anyone who has hit the same number of the same level monsters the same number of time will all have the same points. Doesn't tend to happen on research, contruction, troop training or might growth.
    Splitting as you suggest would be more unfair. Imagine 5 people joint first splitting prize with 1 person in second on own. Person in second would end up with better reward than all those above them.
    Only fair way I can see to split ties would be to have time achieved as a tie-breaker I.e. Someone getting 100k points after 30 mins would beat someone who got there in 50 mins. Either that, or split on might with lower might getting preference I.e. Someone with 20mil might would beat someone with 40mil might with same points.
  11. DecisiveElement

    DecisiveElement New Citizen

    Dec 7, 2017
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    if 12 ppl harvest 120k rss 12 ppl join 1st place. i have 80k 12 ppl have more than me I'm 13th. i hear you what you saying. you're frustrated. you don't sends to have a chance to win. competition is too big. what may help is categories (e.g. weight category in boxing) based, and I propose town hall level (rather than might as some may suggest)
    LaCookie and MOAR2 like this.
  12. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Your idea is completely unfair. If three of us tie for 1st place and you are in fourth place you didn't earn a reward beyond 4th place. You just want to penalize good players. The stars are your participation trophies beyond that if you want top 3 you have to earn it.
  13. LaCookie

    LaCookie New Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    Time as a remedy is not a good idea either. Time zones complicate the matter when to be on when a quest starts and money will always make it easier to get there first.

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