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Clan dominance and easy pickings

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DMommy, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. DMommy

    DMommy New Citizen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    It is a war game. Let me just go ahead and get that out there before anyone tries to remind me.
    Having said that, if you have not advanced in research, a TH level 12 cannot scout a TH level 20, but it can totally go the other way. You can attack each other with obvious results.
    My issue is, there are clans (clan) that are beyond the might of all others. They go around picking easy prey, attacking at will. If you are a level 23, how is it even reasonable to attack a level 9?
    I am not discouraged, but others are. People have quit the game over this. In the clan slaughter event, you didn't get points for attacking 5 levels below, but the one clan did it anyway just to do it.
    So why is it not a fixture in the game? "This kingdom is beneath your might level of attack, find another target."
    I would rather fight those who could give me a fair match, but then I have never been a bully.
  2. GrimIey

    GrimIey New Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    This would be near impossible to implement , clan banks would nearly be 100% safe
    MOAR2 likes this.
  3. NoTolerance

    NoTolerance Citizen

    Jan 23, 2018
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    You give reduced rewards. Easy fix.
  4. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Hmmm.. You cannot simply implement a TH restriction, what about dragons, bfa...These are all factors to consider,for example say I am TH9 yet I have high level dragons, and 300% BFA is it still fair and just for me to hit another TH9?

    As someone has already pointed out, it would make creation and maintaining of a clan bank practically effortless for the tiny lvl1 acc could never be touched.

    With the game mechanics it would be incredibly difficult to bring in a method of restricting unbalanced game game, without also creating huge exploits..

    Perhaps maybe they could reduce % of kills on the smaller weaker kingdom, or even have zero kills if the gap between "real power" is too great. I say real power for it should have considered all factors dragons, research, bfa etc... Maybe even implementing an additional cost for attacking significantly weaker enemies (beer,gems,gold) these are of course deterrents.

    The big question is what can really be done ?
    DMommy and Rain like this.
  5. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    They already do this. There is a cap on the number of loses (injuries and deaths) the defending player will suffer when hit by bigger players.

    #5 Tiashue, Jan 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
  6. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    This is only whilst they have hospital capacity... Once the hospital is filled (significantly lower capacity on lower TH kingdom) its instant death for large quantities of troops on each and every hit thereafter.There are no limits to this as far as I know, if you
    have 100k over the hospital capacity you will have that amount killed, if you aren't online and able to heal.

    So reducing % of deaths per hit whilst having hospital capacity isn't worth much really,(a zeroing will be done whilst inactive majority of the time, if it is to work) Due to the vast difference in power the smaller kingdom cannot stop any of this, and most likely has limited reinforcements so clan members can't help either,they must essentially just take it until the other player is bored. There is certainly room for improvement in making the balance more even throughout the game, what the answer is I do not know. But many people leave due to repeatedly farmed. I can only base my opinion on what I have heard from others.
    DMommy and Rain like this.
  7. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    Please re read what I wrote. Also there no need to talk in bold/ italics.

    There is a cap in place that limits the amount of loses when the gap between you and your opponent is large. As I said in the original post I made, loses are comprised of both injured and kills. There is also no change in the amount of troop loses when you reach HC so your point first point is invalid.
  8. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Honestly they hand out 8hr shields like candy in the daily dragon quests. How hard is it to shield up for the night? It also helps to keep RSS below caps to not make yourself a tempting target. Just play smart.
    IdkWhatWeveDone likes this.
  9. MagicDJuice

    MagicDJuice Citizen

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Yeah, big clans can bully smaller clans, but at the end of the day they get nothing out of it. If you learn the game mechanics well you can make it almost impossible for anyone to ever loot you or harm your troops, and you don't even have to spend any money to do it.
    MOAR2 and Rain like this.
  10. NataliaDiamo

    NataliaDiamo New Citizen

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Its funny. Because u are spending most money on it 😂

  11. Mathdebater

    Mathdebater New Citizen

    Sep 19, 2017
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    It would be suicide to attack someone bigger than you so unfortunately the smaller guys are targeted more often, that being said everyone has an equal chance to be under their hospital cap, to shield and hide troops just the same. It really doesn’t matter what size you are once you learn the mechanics of defending.

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