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Troop Upkeep

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DeliSubs, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Now, this will annoy the heck out of everyone who has stockpiled god-knows-how-many troops in their bases, but I'd like to propose a "Troop Upkeep" element to the game.

    Like with Resource Capacities, there should also be an element of Troop Upkeep Capacity.

    For example, Your set Troop Upkeep Cap would be... 100k troops for TH10 or whatnot. (This is just an example.)
    If you went over 100k troops and hired an additional 50k troops, it would start draining your food supplies at an hourly rate depending on how many troops you have along with Troop Tier level. (Ex: T1 = Least food consumed when over capacity, to T4 = Most food consumed when over capacity)

    Sure, people could over-stockpile on food to prevent their troops from "starving", but that would just cause their food stockpiles to drop even faster. Perhaps as an additional deterrent to over-stockpiling troops would also be greatly increased healing costs + increasing healing time or a greatly increased chance to lose troops, even while defending.

    Example battle scenario: Mister "1Man4rmy" has castle of TH 10, with... 200k troops, and a 100k Troop Capacity.

    A few noobs of lower levels decide to rally against his castle, combining their forces to match his 200k troops, and just about equal to his might. They clash, and as the attacker, the Noob Coalition takes some heavy losses, while "1Man4rmy" takes some actual deaths along with injuries, despite being the defender.

    For example's sake, "1Man4rmy" loses 10k troops, with another 10k injured, and put into the infirmary. These troops in the infirmary will take a massive drain on his food supply, and he will have to gem his way to speed up the heals, with increased healing cost penalty. The infirmary will continue to fill up while he either chooses to heal all of his troops at once, or a portion at a time, while other attacks may arrive. So these rally attacks continue on and on until his infirmary fills up, and he begins taking greater losses.

    Now the big thing about this suggested mechanic is, "What are the problems with adding this in?"

    "How do you prevent clans from just bullying weaker people if they can't stockpile any more?"

    "How do you fight back if your infirmary fills up and you have no more gems or food to heal them with?"

    "What's stopping p2w players from just stockpiling more and more food and gems?"

    These questions are ones I have no thought out answer to just yet. I just feel like the game balance needs a major change for the late game, because there is no penalty for hoarding troops.

    Thoughts? Improvements? Add on to my idea!
  2. Sirius

    Sirius Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    The problem is that this pretty much only hurts f2p players. People who spend can just buy the rss they need, making the gap between f2p and spenders even greater.
    Aldiron, MOAR2, Brocookoli and 4 others like this.
  3. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Perhaps more severe punishments, like not being able to heal troops when over capacity. Though that has flaws of its own as well...
  4. Pastole

    Pastole New Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I actually really like that there is no upkeep to this game. Seems to keep the playing field more level when compared to games that have upkeep.
    MOAR2 likes this.
  5. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    All your idea does is give players like me even more incentive to teleport to different hives and loot every last city for food which would essentially set that clan back by weeks.
    Pastole likes this.

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