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Additional Builders

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ButterBean, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Currently whilst playing the game building upgrades are limited to 1 build at a time. I would like to put forward an additional component to this and an idea of my own, it would involve having an additional builder so that we are permitted to build two buildings simultaneously. I would suggest that this feature be available only on unlocking a specific research, and also an additional hiring cost for the extra builder. I believe this would bring some balance into the game for those who don't particularly fancy spending vast sums of cash.And will hopefully lesson the gap between players and make for a more enjoyable game (just my opinion, opinions vary)

    The hire cost for this extra builder could be made with in-game currency, may it be gems or gold the two rarest commodities in the game. It would also increase the chances for the average player to finish a build during the events like hardcore growth. Currently the hardcore growth event requires 1mil for 3 stars (varies depending on your TH) This equates to something like 4-5 days of research (depending on research bonus) and would also require a LARGE amount of building upgrades.

    Some may say, oh but the spenders will grow even faster. But let's be honest for a moment, the top LB spots are already 20x+ that of an average player. Factor in Dragons, BFA and they're playing an entirely different game to that of an average player. Many similar games have this feature, and it seems to work very nicely and using ingame currency encourages more activity for acc development.

    I am certain others may have addition ideas, and more ways to improve this idea 💡 Or perhaps I am wrong and no one wants this feature ? Who knows, only time can reveal these things and your response will let me know if I'm
    Insane and alone in this thinking.

    Peace out ✌️
  2. Gregthefirst

    Gregthefirst New Citizen

    Feb 5, 2018
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    I would very much like a second builder, and the suggestions is very well thought out.
  3. CantThinkAName

    CantThinkAName New Citizen

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Having a builder research tree will be nice apart from the city growth research tree. And make it available at a bit higher town hall so the lower ones can very well manage with single builder and higher ups can benefit a lot from more than 1
    MystaKull and Karnola like this.

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