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KOH Guide (Advance)

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Sosa, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Sosa

    Sosa Citizen

    Sep 1, 2017
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    Over the course of Beta and soft release I have developed a document that has random information that may be of help while playing KOH.

    The following link will take you to my Excel document.

    KoH Guide

    In this guide I will break down the uses of each page within the document.


    The document was created using information gathered during, beta, devo and soft release, many of it is subject to change at ATA’s Whim.

    Building times are written as a maximum time with no research to decrease these, as well as free build time has not been calculated.


    Event Sequence

    The above is the rotation of each of the hourly events. Use this information to set your building, Research and gather marches to maximize their use and benefit to your growth within game.

    Each day the rotation of buyable chests is also included.

    Bundle Packs


    On this page of the document, I have outlined some (Currently not updated) of the packages you are able to buy from the store.

    Breakdown of Bundle packages.


    This page will allow you to see which packages give you the most for your money in terms of Speed ups. This page can be very useful if you are looking at spending your way to the top. Again this page has not been updated since some of the most recent additions to the store and web but will be when ATA Stop adding new packs every day.

    Gem/Speed Calculations


    This page of the document was used in conjunction to the Bundle packs. You will be able to work out the rough amount of speedups you have worth in Gems. As well as a quick way to add up your Ore and speedup time.

    Troop training


    This page has two main uses

    1. If you want to know the food and time cost of training a specific amount of troops you can input the data required and you will know exactly how much you need.


    2. By imputing the optional data you will be able to work out the expected Might and Defense of training certain amounts of troops.


    Ally gold strips


    On this page of the document you are able to input the amount of gold you are hiring off another player, and see the amount you are able to strip with each hit, as well as how many hits it will take to decrease this gold to near zero.

    However please note that the flaw of this page is that you can only destroy as much gold as you can carry. Therefore if you are not able to hit with the maximum damage in the first hit then this will throw off the calculations.

    When destroying Ally gold, You are only even able to destroy up to 205 of the gold or as much as you can carry.

    Townhall Breakdown


    As discussed in a previous guide, this page will be able to tell you exactly how much ore and time is needed for each TH level. At the bottom of the page there is also a quick guide.


    Main building Breakdown



    Hope this document helps. If you have any questions, comments, or something you would like to see added let me know! Also if you find this is very outdated remind me to update it!
    #1 Sosa, Sep 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2017
    NotFri3ndly, Mini0n, Vailman and 4 others like this.
  2. LittleShogun

    LittleShogun New Citizen

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Very helpful . Thanks Rude
  3. RubberxDucky


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Hey Rude, it appears u may have messed up some of your BB Code at the bottom. So I took the liberty of fixing it for you


    Ally gold strips


    On this page of the document you are able to input the amount of gold you are hiring off another player, and see the amount you are able to strip with each hit, as well as how many hits it will take to decrease this gold to near zero.

    However please note that the flaw of this page is that you can only destroy as much gold as you can carry. Therefore if you are not able to hit with the maximum damage in the first hit then this will throw off the calculations.

    When destroying Ally gold, You are only even able to destroy up to 205 of the gold or as much as you can carry.

    Townhall Breakdown


    As discussed in a previous guide, this page will be able to tell you exactly how much ore and time is needed for each TH level. At the bottom of the page there is also a quick guide.


    Main building Breakdown



    Hope that Helps!
  4. Sosa

    Sosa Citizen

    Sep 1, 2017
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    Haha thanks I already had the devs on it to fix. For somereason what i had written hadnt come up properly. As i hadnt written the ' which cause them to mess up.
    RubberxDucky likes this.

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