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Defense against sniper under hospital cap looking for kills

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by katydidnt, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    Our clan has recently had a dude move in who is kill farming.
    He is kicking us off nodes and gathering. Attacking him doesn’t help because he’s under hospital cap so we don’t actually hurt him.

    I’ve got to respect the thought put into it. But his messages are just plain creepy. :)

    For now we’re gathering and killing far away but I’m wondering if there is maybe a strategy or something we are not aware of as a clan.

    The dude’s clan seems to have found a loophole in the PvP part since there is no way to P-lay against that. All it does is make the game no fun. Our clan is tight. We’re supporting and helping each other as much as we can. But if there is a way to make this stop I would love to know!
  2. ShaggyBlue

    ShaggyBlue New Citizen

    Jan 15, 2018
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    My clan has been dealing with the same thing resently. My best advice would be to keep rss and troops under cap, dont respond to them, shield when possible, and if your feeling really brave yhou can send troops to defend eachother when he attacks so he loses more troops than you do.
  3. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    That’s pretty much what we’ve been doing. The problem is a few of our clan just can’t help but interact with him. We’ll go almost a day and it’ll seem he’ll get bored soon.

    He sets fires to draw us out. I really thought it was almost over since he is only getting his troops killed now.

    But his clan keeps sending more reinforcements. Just enough to stay under cap. It’s annoyingly smart and seems like an abuse of rules made to protect the newer players.
    ShaggyBlue likes this.
  4. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Technically, his reinforcements will be tied to his clanmates hospital caps, so even if you attack those reinforcements, you're not filling his hospital. Are you sure he's actually under hospital cap? Have you scouted him and verified?

    And one way to deal with monster sniping is to team up with a clan-mate and share monster kills. You both send marches to the monster and rotate who gets last hit for each monster. I know I do that with some of my clannies and it works out great. We end up finishing the same time we would have had we done it alone, but with the added bonus of killing each individual monster faster, which would make it harder to snipe. Also make sure to keep track of how many hits will actually kill the monster so you don't end up sending out an extra march by accident.

    If he stops being able to get kills from you, and you send all your over cap troops away to shielded people so he can't kill them, and you gather away from him so he doesn't kill your troops, he'll probably get bored and leave for another hive that's easier to bother.
    katydidnt likes this.
  5. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    We did verify his hospital cap. And he always stayed just underneath. With a huge amount of reinforcements.

    That is what we did with the monster kills. It took about a week but he did eventually move on.

    Not fun!
  6. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    You can can still kill his clan mates troops once their individual HC is broken. When this happens their troops will start being killed.
  7. Ucross

    Ucross New Citizen

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I hope it wasn’t me trolling.
  8. 4One4All

    4One4All New Citizen

    Apr 2, 2018
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    This game folloes the same metrics as Mobile Strike where a massive account can hit a new account to tue point of quitting because, as you said, it is not fun.

    Heckfire is just a poor game that is only fun for the big's. Its a great shame that ATA dont use the same rule system as Kindgoms at War where you can only attack other up to x6 (I think) smaller. That is much fairer and introduces fairer competition at all levels
    Def_Not_Dayrock likes this.
  9. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    One good thing about this though is that we have a lot more protections as defenders. There is the Hospital, the Garrison, the free heals (All heals used to cost food and none were instant) the fact that you can send your reinforcements to hide in Shielded Clan Members (That was on purpose) the 8 hour "Ghost Rallies" (also built in for the defenders...I mean...who needs 8 hours to prepare for a rally?)

    It's also good that you only lose troops and resources if you're over cap (or get gold destroyed if you didn't collect it before losing a defense)

    There's also the fact that after you get to a certain amount stronger than the defender, your and the defender's losses cap and taper off...so you don't wipe out a whole army in 1 hit. Plus, the ally gold, you don't lose it all in 1 hit. They made it so much harder to zero people.

    There are also guides out there that help people figure out how to hide troops EVEN IF they don't have any shields.
    Tips For Troop/Resource Protection (For New Players) <==Link

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