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Eliminate/reduce Bullying

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by BlanchePapaya, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. BlanchePapaya

    BlanchePapaya Citizen

    Dec 27, 2017
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    i know this isn’t sim city. But at the same time the game runs off mid level people because it is nearly impossible to turn the corner from middle to top. The top clans and players get all the rewards and all the benefits. And if a smaller person has anything - either they have to shield themselves or they got destroyed - or worse yet zeroed.

    Restrict people from attacking anyone 2 town hall levels below them. Restrict people from stealing reward or loot nodes from people two levels below them. Let the big guys fight each other and let the little guys grow against each other.
    FAT_NOODLE, Athena647, Drushi and 8 others like this.
  2. Caesar

    Caesar Citizen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    It’s a war game. What else are you expecting to happen?

    If you don’t like these clans hitting you try joining one for their protection. You’re getting nowhere if you are in a clan that’s barely active. Either that or create a clan and keep it active. Create alliances and work together.

    The biggest thing is to keep talking to a minimum.
  3. Caesar

    Caesar Citizen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Join alliances of bigger clans^
  4. DaddyDeathHammer

    Dec 16, 2017
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    The ability to be “zeroed” is a game flaw. Each player should be able to determine what level of troops they want above the garrison number to defend their city. Leaving rss above cap is one thing but having to have all your troops lost every time some some a-hole clan wants to gang up on a smaller player is going to be detrimental to them continuing to be interested in playing. Especially if your spending money to build troops
  5. Chimmychonga

    Chimmychonga Helpful Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    They won’t do anything to reduce the amount of bullying, because it’s basically either forcing the weaker people to buy gems to get stronger, or making them quit, and if they don’t spend gems and quit, why would they care if you go?
    Geemae likes this.
  6. Caesar

    Caesar Citizen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    You can’t be completely zeroed. You have a hospital cap and wards for that purpose. For example, of my 330k troops I will be able to hold 118k in my hospital when I’m attacked. I lose a little under half
  7. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    This is a HUGE problem! If you want to keep players you have got to make the hospital cap more like the garrison cap. Or make it so we can seriously enlarge our garrison caps.

    The PVP is fun but there a a bunch of out right a holes making this awful and impossible to recover from. We smaller players (like even into 100 millions) have zero chance against these total bags who seriously need lives.

    A reverse garrison would be fantastic. Like it can be huge when your small enough so you can not be zeroed to the point of not being able to play anymore. But it decreases as you get to huge numbers.

    This is a really really big problem that is getting worse everyday.
    RickSanchez, Geemae and TommyCallahan like this.
  8. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    You should be happy that this is a defender friendly game now. The term zeroing is around because it used to be possible to lose every troop when attacked with the exception of the garrison. Also you had troops killed every single attack.

    The pvp system is fine with obvious need for minor adjustments here and there as they arise. You want to not be attacked stay under cap on resources, learn to use shields properly, have your clan protect each other, use proper biome dragons defense, teleport to a new area if you are gaining to much hostile action.

    Plenty of things you can do to keep yourself safe.
  9. Rumor

    Rumor New Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    It’s the same for this game and it’s the same for any other game, bud. F2P players have it hard to climb to the top, while players who pay, get there faster.

    It’s how the world works, the capitalist world we’re in at least. Everything revolves around money. If you have, the world is yours, otherwise, there are the stairs.
    Geemae and Caesar like this.
  10. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    In a perfect world I would totally agree. But unfortunately it isn’t and there are a few, very few thankfully, players that just seem to be angry and only play to kill every troop they can for no reason. We’ve only encountered one but none of these logical things work when dealing with an illogical angry person. :)
  11. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Tell them to transfer to realm 10 and play with donno, he has 15m troops to kill
    RickSanchez and katydidnt like this.
  12. TommyCallahan

    TommyCallahan New Citizen

    Dec 11, 2017
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    What they could do, is make realms that are PvP or F2P specific. This would help people control where they want to play and also level playing fields more so.
    Another option is:
    If a person wants to switch at some point from F2P to PvP, then allow them to do so with a buy-in option or acknowledgement that they cannot return to F2P.
    Third: have some sort of arena or tournament for players to join in if they so choose to, sorted by either TH and/or army level. I've seen some lower level THs field HUGE armies, so making a min/max army size requirements would keep things somewhat level. You could make a F2P and PvP version of each.
    Lastly: To reduce bullying, devise some sort of penalty to be imposed on grossly disproportionate attacks (e.g. <10:1 power ratio differential) by triggering some sort of Dragon fury - that would aid the defender even more and kill more troops of the attacker. Call it a god-like or Dragon god intervention or something. The Attacker still wins but at a huge cost that makes them rethink if it's worth getting involved with such a smaller player to begin with:
    - e.g. They cannot shield for one full week or teleport. Making it harder for them to impose their will everywhere and/or making them vulnerable to rallies
    MOAR2 likes this.
  13. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Can I just ask what is the main idea behind y’all wanting to destroy pvp entirely?
    PlumpOrange likes this.
  14. IlIlAliciaIlIl

    IlIlAliciaIlIl New Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    Well it's a pvp based game. When you attack someone a good few th level below you, realm wrath lasts for a longer time. But ya, in my opinion there should be a specific hit range alloted for different th levels.
  15. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Your town hall nor your might dictate your strength.
  16. TommyCallahan

    TommyCallahan New Citizen

    Dec 11, 2017
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    I'm not looking to destroy PvP, only to enhance it.
    Quid pro quo: Why are you so deflective and against any and all suggestions to change it? Every game looks to improve and enhance game play one way or another. I'm new to these forums, so I don't know what improvements/enhancements you have suggested thus far. All I have seen so far is negative criticism which suggests you like the status quo and are likely benefitting from it. Just an observation, not meant as a criticism.
    Anthronkachonk likes this.
  17. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I beta tested I’ve seen a lot of changes for instance a hospital cap actually working instead of instant troop kills and a complete zeroing. I’m in realm 10 I don’t benefit from pvp I can’t compete at the levels that some others do. Realm wrath is pretty new. Also my suggestions and improvements don’t get posted in the forums but through another means.
  18. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I think the issue is that they haven't seen it how it was to appreciate how far it came since then. The new players see one thing and think it's awful, but don't understand ATA's reasoning behind it. I'm pretty sure having a F2P realm where if you buy something you're switched to P2W would make it less of an incentive for players to buy things. Who'd want to buy something in game, even if it's one legendary dragon if that means you will be placed in a seemingly bloodthirsty realm? Don't forget that ATA is a business. People pay and people choose not to pay. They're all put in the same realms and if someone decided to pay for an advantage, it's because that player felt it was worth it. You don't need to compete with those players who paid top dollar. Compete with those who are similar to you. I don't compete with Donno. He's not in my bracket and there's no need for me to do so, There are quite a few guides that people can follow to actively protect themselves from being zeroed. If they don't have shields, they can do so many other things. PvP is a part of this game because it's a PvP game... Welcome to Heckfire!

    Heeeyyyy, not a huge wall of text, woohoo!!!
  19. SalmonCanyon

    SalmonCanyon Liked Citizen

    Nov 26, 2017
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    The apologist stance is cool and all but a key reason a game like clash of clans is successful and these war games are a dime a dozen is because you can’t bully a player into hating the game and quitting it in them.

    Realm wrath doesn’t help a TH18 survive the bullying of a TH25.

    Realm Wrath doesn’t do anything to a guy who’s just endlessly sniping your monsters and hitting your nodes.

    Even when you get some sembelence of support you can’t get retribution because he can use the same means you’re forced to, to stop you from retaliating.

    The entire PvP system needs an overhaul.

    This is a “war” game, not a hostile occupation by a dictatorship.
    SuperDuke likes this.
  20. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    You have shields, teleports and an ability to receive reinforcements from you clan members. I’ll say it again(prolly didn’t say it in this post) your townhall does not decide your strength. Your allies, research, and dragons do that, not your townhall or your might.
    CouldaBeenATroll likes this.

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