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Gaining Kills with Boo.

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Boohaa, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Boohaa

    Boohaa New Citizen

    Sep 1, 2017
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    Lets face it, most of the leaderboards are nearly impossible to rise, so take my advise and aim for a top spot in the kill counts!
    Start by getting a stack load of milita to prevent your valuable guards and pugs being killed.
    Once this done your ready to find your victims! Scout smaller hives and look for players with high troops numbers, while being aware of hospital caps (th13 has around 80k hospital cap) any troops over hospital caps can be added to your kill count!
    So now your ready to hit!, port in and continue attacking untill the hospital fills then sit back and rise the kill leaderboards!
  2. solivagant

    solivagant New Citizen

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Oh so it is. I've been in your practical class before, but unfortunately your playing style have been reducing the active players in the realm. I've lost a few clan mates who've decided to stop playing this game because they're so desperated by losing a ton of their troops after your a week stay in our hive. It takes more than a days for rebuilding the troops, especially for casual players who didn't spend their big money. They're just in the beginning of enjoying this game, but you forced them to quit. Just my opinion anyway. Have a good day dude.
    lmaoNOPEE_Q_Q, Kil0_ and RandySeah like this.

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