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Wanting to Transfer to a reasonable realm - Customer Support doesn’t reply to everyone

Discussion in 'Realm Discussion' started by Ron, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Ron

    Ron New Citizen

    Dec 6, 2017
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    i have 0 clue what realm im in, but my account has not even been online for 2-weeks yet. About 11 days so far.

    I was placed into a realm where the players automatically had an extra 70,000,000 might over me at the 24,000 i started.

    I won jackpots of 25,000 and gained lots of gems. I spent the 25,000 to quickly gain my might and only went from 1.5m - 5m. Very quickly. Now i thought that was really good but nope, i was wrong as the top players (in the same time frame) gained 10m - 15m might.

    So now im stuck in this realm where its not even possible to gain the might as quickly as them AND ALSO even catch up at the same time. Im not selling my car in real life to buy $30,000 worth of gems to get myself to 25m might. And by then the other players will be an extra 50m.

    I contacted the customer support days ago, with only one response (the automated response that told me about username change & joining a friends realm... which you CANNOT if no one ever checks the customer support).

    Overall, i just want a realm that is actually going to make the game fun & have a sense of still leveled up hoping to be in the top 50. Obviously this game makes you a top player by seniority because its basically “the-waiting-game”, so why was i placed here? Theres obviously a newer realm to place people in.

    And the worst part, i STILL see new players just downloading the game, put into this. Feel bad for them and i see why there are so many people who just gave up because of this.

    —Username: olletnas
    —Realm: No clue because i never got a response from the company
  2. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Hey there,

    Our team is currently receiving an influx of support and realm transfer requests. During this time tickets may take longer than usual to receive a response. If you've submitted a request, a member of our support team will assist you as soon as possible
    AKURI1337 likes this.
  3. katydidnt

    katydidnt Citizen

    Dec 5, 2017
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    This is not surprising. And explains why my requests haven’t been answered. Since our realm was merged with others it’s downright not fun. We suddenly got 3xs the super high players and a bunch of horrible bullies who seriously need to get lives.

    We were moving up in rank before the merge but I’m not sure it’s possible anymore. We’ve already lost one clan member who just couldn’t play with the amount of bullying and zeroing going on.

    I have a feeling more will leave. If there is any way to undo the merge or split us somehow to make things more even and playable for those of us in the middle. That would be awesome. I certainly hope no new people are being added to the realm. It would be impossible for them.
    RoyalPandora and Stickninja like this.
  4. RagingSerpentine

    RagingSerpentine New Citizen

    Dec 3, 2017
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    That is the thing that I have noticed and it was cool at first and now it's a waste of time playing. It has become bully central and the ones higher than you can have their way to oblivion and it's making new players quit. The realms are all messed up for sure.Please fix these realms please, it is so out of whack, and y'all made it impossible to not want some of these players not play most days. it's a drag now
  5. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnmmm

    Nnnnnnnnnnnnnmmm New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hi I have got Big problem!
    I can't singed in my acount for 3days.
    I think my acount wil be hacked and my progress didn't load it. Please repair my acount and give it for me, becasuse I pay it much cash.
    Thx Kefa01

    A Huawei mobilomról küldve
  6. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Submit a help ticket (menu -> extras -> help) and they will help to recover your account

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