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Hiring Allies: Introduce Minimum Retention Time

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Coach_El, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Coach_El

    Coach_El New Citizen

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Can I Suggest that when hiring Allies you let the person who has hired them to keep them for a specific amount of time before they can be taken away.

    It's really frustrating when you need the percentage increase to build your land and someone hires them away from you lowering the attack boost percentage and then not able to execute the attack.

    It would help if you could keep them for a minimum of around 10/15mins to do what you have to do before someone steals them away from you before you have time to take advantage of the increase in strength.

    A very frustrated Newbie
  2. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    That would severely cripple the ally system while I understand why you’d like it later on it would irritate you beyond belief. Playing the ally market is among the best way to make gold a delay would hamper the ability for players to make a profit rapidly
    Katniss and Pedro4President like this.
  3. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    You know that there's a chance that the person who you hired the ally from is buying the ally back from you, right? You saying they steal an ally from you immediately after you buy an ally is what I'm talking about. If you really want an ally, you'll have to pay more than they're willing to pay for it. You may end up with an overpriced ally on your hand, but how can it be fair that one person can buy an ally, but it can't be bought back from them for 15 minutes? What if you bought their ally right when they're under attack? They'll end up having to wait 15 minutes to buy it back, or to find someone else's ally to buy? I don't like the idea of setting time limits on ally ownership. If you can't afford to hold on to the ally you just bought, buy a different one and move on.
  4. Coach_El

    Coach_El New Citizen

    Jan 25, 2018
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    You're missing the point completely. there should be a rule that an ally can not be bought whilst they are in the middle of an attack. Many people buy allies to boost their attack others buy them to increase their gold quickly the game would be much better if it allowed people to at least finish a planned attack. 10mins is ample time to buy an ally and execute an attack before that ally is lost and also for that ally not to be bought in the middle of an attack. This would help people playing a lot... it really is frustrating when you're wanting to build as a newbie and can't afford higher allys but even the lower ones get taken off you very quickly. This game is about stratagy not falsely increasing allies value so they're not able to be bought by newer players who are trying to build... How is that fair?? users that have been playing this game are most definitely at an advantage because they have the resources and buying power to make it difficult for you to grow!

    Oh and everyone would be in the same boat higher level player or lower level player which is a lot fairer than I'm going to falsely increase this ally because I can and will stop you from growing.
  5. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Ok so if I’m attacking or getting attacked none of my 45 allies can be bought from me, now amplify that to the tens of thousands of players in the game and you now have a completely useless ally market where no allies can be bought or sold
    Katniss and CommanderShepard like this.
  6. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    Learn the market. Play the market.

    Hire slightly overpriced allies, they will stick with you longer. The ally market is meant to be set by the players, by putting a do not hire timer on an ally you are inhibiting the ally market. If someone wants an ally they should be able to hire it, after all, if someone else wants the ally, even after you hired it, you hired an at market, or an underpriced ally.

    The biggest issue with the ally market is in the active hire range, 100 to 250,000ish where any ally, no matter the stats is likely to get quickly hired away. People hiring in this range are likely just starting out, and seeing their allies get hired away quickly might discourage them from playing the game.

    I would be in support of a five minute processing period where the original owner retains the benefits of the ally for up to five minutes, as long do not collect their uncollected gold from the ally sale or rehire the same ally. This will allow the market to continue to set itself, while allowing the newer players to make use of, and learn about the ally market. A market that as you grow, becomes vital to your success in the game.
    ZarinethZ and Coach_El like this.
  7. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I wouldn't mind if you were able to retain the ally bonus you had when you started the attack if someone hired an ally from you just as you were attacking...My main issue was with the fact that people felt that they should be able to hold onto an ally they just bought (they just bought off of someone else) even if they aren't the highest bidder. If you want an ally, you'll have to pay for it. If someone else buys it, you'll have to be willing to pay more for it than they are willing to pay, or find another ally.
  8. LordDarkSteel

    LordDarkSteel New Citizen

    Feb 4, 2018
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    As it stands I’m of the opinion the ally system is broken.
    If an ally holds a slot for ten minutes after it’s been purchased away so you temporarily keep the bonuses from it, it would solve the problem. It wouldn’t hurt the trading system if it keeps going to the ally slot it’s already in if you buy it back.
    The only extra limit this would place is that you couldn’t bid rally more allies than you have ally slots.

    This change could actively encourage buying allies if being attacked or going to attack.
    #8 LordDarkSteel, Mar 11, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
  9. Fr33shavocados

    Fr33shavocados New Citizen

    Mar 14, 2018
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    I agree. I love this game and am thankful to all devs, I know how hard the work is. But hiring system is irritating now to point I dread doing it.
  10. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    You can take advantage of the fast sale of those allies to make some gold.
    Buy an ally that you wouldn't mind keeping, it sells, you buy it again until you can't afford to do so anymore. Move on to the next ally. Keep doing this and you'll make a pretty penny. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up keeping an ally and be able to hit with it. But yeah, try to make use of the quick turnaround if you find a price range that's bought out so easily.
    Katniss likes this.
  11. Coach_El

    Coach_El New Citizen

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Yes but those tens of thousands of allies are not all going to be unavailable at the same time. The process should allow any available ally to be visible in the market and those that are not be held off the market until the time has elapsed.

    Although i like the idea that someone suggested that... instead of the time limit being on the retention of the ally the time limit should be for the percentage increase that that ally gives you but only for a set time and only if you do not collect the gold currency from the sale within that time limit

    That would keep the ally market going in the same way and help with keeping the attacking percentage... this seems simple but i know some will start saying things like what if i have 10% attack and my ally gets taken away and I dont collect the gold and buy another few allies to increase my percentage to 20%... well maybe the claws should be that to keep your original percentage you can not collect the gold or hire new allys to increase your atrack percentage unfairly and if you do then your new percentage would be from the hiring of new allies and you lose the previous percentage of the one that was taken away. That would still make it a strategical choice if you had to make it!

    the current system is definitely off putting to newbie players thats for sure
  12. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    And y’all proposed ideas would just devastate the game for a multitude of different things like I’m getting attacked let me cap out on cheap allies really quick and increase my defense by say double that makes a tremendous difference or say increase my attack by double same thing it’s would devastate the games entire structure
    Katniss likes this.
  13. Coach_El

    Coach_El New Citizen

    Jan 25, 2018
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    You're looking at it in totally the wrong way... EVERYONE would be in the same boat do you not think that when someone initiates an attack they wouldn't boost themselves with allies?? Just as someone may do the same when defending... it would be strategical to find the best defence against an attack that was coming or looking at a defensive structure and trying to create an effective attack with allies that could possibly win... Personally think it would make the game more fun if you strategize defensive and offensive attacks. Remember it will be the same for EVERYONE some battles you would win others you would lose but at least you would have a fighting chance if you got to keep your allies for at least the battle if not for a short time period.

    Also don't certain building strategies in the game give you more allie slots so some people would still have an advantage over others anyway wouldnt they?
    ____Savage____ likes this.
  14. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    This game already significantly favors the defender, you guys want to have short lasting bonus remain in play, say I have 40 ally slots open and I’m getting attacked I buy 70 allies total (they’re cheap and sell instantly) but the bonus remains so my 500% bonus now goes to idk let’s say 900% that is a massive increase and would completely ruin every aspect of the game

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