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TH lvl vs. Might

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pretz, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    I'm so tired of everything being measured by TH lvl. Your town hall level cannot always be an accurate representation of power! If the devs want ties gone, they should also think of those taking advantage of bracketing to keep low TH at very high might.

    As said in another thread - the TH 18's at 300-500mil or more range clearly are examples of this. These players can attack TH 14's in pvp and get points - it's a bad exploitation of the system that must be controlled. I propose something much simpler: just go by might. That's it. It's all we should need.

    I'm TH 23 at 150mil might. Go ahead, flame me (no, not literally). I'm put in a tough spot just because of that for multiple contests and various other things. There is no huge explicit benefit I currently have from it, I just want tier 4 troops at the next TH. So why do I get compared to those 4x my might?
  2. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    What do you all think? Should we or could we try out something like a "weight class" as with boxing? I understand there would also be people wanting to abuse this, but from the way I see it it could be made much more difficult. You can't just keep growing stronger and stronger without might :)
    holon and ShriekingViolet like this.
  3. chid

    chid New Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Fastest bump ever. I agree
    MaxironiCheese likes this.
  4. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Those who remained at a lower TH are still limited on what they can research and what troops they can unlock. It's their choice on if they want to go up and be allowed to get the benefits provided by being in a higher TH or to stay lower and grow before jumping into a new class of fighters. You did rush it a bit. I wouldn't suggest pushing ahead if you can't hit the monsters of your TH level to be able to compete with others of the same TH.
    I can't say what monsters you can and can't hit, but if you can't hit 7's, don't pass 20 until you can. I don't see the point in going higher of if can't, because the events assume you can. Look at the crypt/love sick/snow fort events. 21+ are required to hit at least 7's.

    This game requires some strategy. Moving up just because one has the ore tokens to do so may not be the best idea, especially if they haven't done their other buildings or even research. That's putting yourself at a huge disadvantage because you're now competing with people who did wait and plan out their upgrades as they should have. Going ahead too fast puts you at a great disadvantage, but low TH high might players will have to move up if they want to benefit more. (You can't gather lvl 2 jewel troves until 19, so they can attack a level 2 titan but not gather the gems. And if they move up, they're in the next bracket.) Might can be gained from many things, not just troop count. Research plays a big role when it comes to a player's might...but they don't all research the same thing. Even 2 people with the same exact might can be different in their abilities. At least when events are broken up by TH for brackets, you know that a TH 18 can't have knights pugs and huntresses, and that they still don't have 4 marches. By might, you could end up competing against a TH15 and you have the ability to unlock huntresses right now if you haven't already, and you're at an advantage in all of the events just because you rushed ahead.

    It's hard to compare players, but at least with TH, there are rough limits on what a player at a specific TH can do.
    More Unlock Orders <== Link
    The above link can tell you things that are able to be unlocked at specific TH levels.
    holon, RubberxDucky, Daenerys and 8 others like this.
  5. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I’ll bring the torches!
    Daenerys likes this.
  6. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    The only big change I can see from TH 18 to 23 is maxed tier 3 boosts. Over time these big TH 18's get both stronger dragons, and allies which make up the vast majority of march strength. I can hit lvl 7's fine, or do pretty much whatever else is needed for this bracket at least hunting wise

    Edit: also, just for reference I'm talking about my TH, but you can max the boosts at TH 22
  7. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    As for the 4 marches, TH 25 the way I see it, is incredibly, incredibly hard to get to at a small size - to the point that the players who did even have 4 marches may not be able to utilize them well enough to make a difference. But when we have brackets like TH 23-25 just in general for all players regardless of size, you have to admit there is a problem. You can't just say when there's no limit to a TH 25's size (ie. Donno) that it's fair.
  8. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I don't think it's fair that 25 is in the same bracket either to be fair. I mean...4 marches for a gather event vs 3...if a TH 25 wants to win, it's not hard. Being able to send out 4 marches in MS also gives an advantage.

    People are able to get to 25 even if they don't have the ore if they're in the right clan. I know that I was in clans where we helped members get to 25 before their 3-day shield was up. It all depends on how you are going about getting there. Asking clan members and having a clan actively participate in sending ore is how a lot of people got to 25.
    holon, AryaStark and RiskyBiscuits like this.
  9. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    Uhh, ok well if you've been in clans that give out 150mil ore in 3 days, lmk their name...lol

    Btw, in most clans I've been in, even when I was getting to TH 23 I needed 10mil at the time and that was hard to come by. So I just find it crazy
  10. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Maybe it's more likely in top clans...I mean...there are 50 of us and some builds take days. So with what they are saving up, the name gets put in the clan announcement saying so and so needs ore, this person needs food. Send all ore to them. So we send all ore to the person who needs ore, especially if we're doing DQ, it's easy to get the required ore. Let's say everyone in the clan participated in giving the person ore. That's only 3M ore per person counting the person upgrading. Now...it's easy to send them more than 3M Ore in less than 3 days. That's an average of 1M ore a day. Heck, sometimes I ended up doing 3M ore in 1 day, especially with caps going up and the all you can slay events. Some of the clan members can hold 4M ore and still be under cap, and with research and builds taking many days, it's easy to not need the ore you get in monster slaying and dragon quest events...Plus, if you're ever in need, your clannies will do the same for you.
    Let's say only 19 people could contribute not including yourself. 150/20 = 7.5M ore in 3 days each player... that's 2.5M ore a day... That's not much either, and that's
    If your clan members are that stingy that they won't send members ore to upgrade...maybe they need to learn that there is strength in helping each other. The more people who help, the less they have to send to get someone to UG their TH to 25. Plus, if you help them, when it's your turn to upgrade, it'll be just as easy for you to UG.
    And honestly, if you're at 24 going to 25, you should honestly be able to get the majority of the ore needed by hitting monsters yourself too along with the ore you're getting from your clannies.

    Make lists and be fair with the orders or who is next to get the ore needed. Make sure that you guys send to the person who's on the list and you'll see that you get there more. If 150M seems too high for your clan, try starting out by helping the lower people get their "big" upgrades done. Show the clan that by helping each other, they can get things done faster. Make lists and make sure that everyone on the list gets their things done. Be organized and use the clan announcement. Make sure everyone in the clan knows what's going on, and see what happens. People are more willing to share if they know they will be helped too. If need be, make the upgrade to 25 happen on weekends or something so people don't feel drained. 1 person to 25 per week, or per 2 weeks, and in between, work on sharing with the members who need ore, but not as much as for the UG to 25. Once people see the benefit of this, they'll be more willing to help, especially if they know it works.

    I hope your clan does the daily pint purchase at least. That should be a no brainer. You make more gems to buy the pints just by killing monsters. That should be a requirement for members in your clan. Buy the 1k gem pints daily.
    #10 Hermione, Mar 29, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    holon, AryaStark and Athena647 like this.
  11. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    It's difficult to make it mandatory and kick people just for not getting pints, but seems like we get them here. I always buy
  12. Speaker4thedead

    Speaker4thedead New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    No point training your troops cos sooner or later all of them will be lost from getting zeroed for no reason. My advise is don’t spend on this game. Don’t spend too much time and effort in building up your might too.

    Conclusion? There’s no TH level Vs Might cos at the end of the day, you will lose everything in split second.

    HecktorVIII, ProfessorDaddy and holon like this.
  13. Speaker4thedead

    Speaker4thedead New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    And those who love to zero others, you must be such a loser in real life. It says a lot about the person playing behind the indentity/username. Do you gain my respect for doing so? Definitely not. In fact, I felt sorry for you guys.

    holon likes this.
  14. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Ok, one bit of advice I can give you... Never, I mean NEVER spend money on troops. That's literally the WORST thing one could spend their money on. Troops are literally the ONE thing you can lose (aside from Resources...and you really shouldn't spend money on resources)
    If you're going to spend money, use what you spent to build something permanent. Your research will never leave you. (Even if ATA changes something, they reimburse you like they did with lethality.) Buildings also don't get destroyed when a person zeroes you.
    Troops are like bullets. You use them to fight a war and sometimes you lose them, sometimes you make other people lose them. They are not worth spending actual money on. If you sink all of your money into training troops, you have spent your money on something that can be easily taken away in a few minutes. Oh...and there's a 24 hour PvP event going on right now, so I'd suggest you shield or hide your troops in clanmates who have done so...preferably those who have shields that will last until the end of the PvP event. Good luck, don't spend money on troops...and check out some guides... like this
    Tips For Troop/Resource Protection (For New Players) <== LINK
    It will tell you how to protect your troops.
    holon, AryaStark and RiskyBiscuits like this.
  15. Speaker4thedead

    Speaker4thedead New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Shield up for what? I don’t even play anymore and besides, I was zeroed for no reason. Not going to waste my time to re train all my troops. ATA has just lost a p2p player here and more have left the game in fact.
    holon likes this.
  16. RiskyBiscuits

    RiskyBiscuits Citizen

    Jan 1, 2018
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    If you don't even play anymore, then why are you here in the forums? Just to whine?
  17. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    It was not for no reason... There's a PvP event going on right now... A 24 hour PvP event. They mailed us about it in game. That's the reason you were zeroed. You need to be more careful when these events come around if you don't want to lose your troops. These guides are here to help you, but they can only help you if you actually take some form of advice. Sorry you got zeroed. I made these guides because...believe it or not, I got zeroed a lot...it made me want to quit because I knew I could never complete with the p2w players without matching them dollar for dollar... It was luckily during beta, so we started over a lot. I learned new tactics to protect my troops, and many more were built in to help defenders. I found a new way of thinking and it helped me decide I like this game. I can only lead you to the guides section, maybe to a guide, but I can't make you read them...even if you do read them, I can't make you use the advice. Good luck in whatever you do next.
    holon and AryaStark like this.
  18. Speaker4thedead

    Speaker4thedead New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Er.... is this your forum? This forum is not open to public? Need your approval to post? Or you only strictly accept positive comment here? If that’s the case, please highlight it clearly in your terms and conditions for posting.
  19. Speaker4thedead

    Speaker4thedead New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Besides, it’s freedom of speech. Anyone is allowed to voice out his/her opinion. No? If not, I suggest you screen through all posting first before posting them publicly. That way you will get all positive n good comments only. Most importantly, pleasing to your ears.
    #19 Speaker4thedead, Mar 31, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
  20. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    KnyghtZero and I are just regular players. Nothing we say reflects in any way on what ATA thinks. (Just in case you misinterpreted his/her comment to think there was a rule saying you can't voice your opinion.) You can as long as you don't break any rules in doing so, so you're free to carry on as you are. And hopefully you continue to play and maybe take my advice to help you so this doesn't happen again, especially with PvP happening every now and then.

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