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clan alliance

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TiniCerberus, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. TiniCerberus

    TiniCerberus New Citizen

    Mar 17, 2018
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    I know there is alot of negative feelings tward this topic. but i feel with this game it would help to have a form of clan alliance. this being that you can form an aliance with another clan. this would entail.
    1. you can have a separate chat where all clan memebrs in the alliance can talk.
    2. you can send or receive resources from allied clans.( you can already do this with clan memebers.)
    3. you can send or receive defence troops from allies.
    I think it shiuld happen through the deplomacy board. since you have to pay gold to post. use that to make alliance agreements. have it to where if it is on the deplomacy board and the allied clan names are in there it forms that alloed chat.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I agree with 1, but not 2 & 3
    I've heard about the alliances in the other realms where the top 3 or 4 clans are all allied...That's just like having 1 huge clan of 4 clans. Where everyone else has 50 members who can send resources and send reinforcements, you have 200. I can see unfair advantages totally happening and people exploiting it.

    I would like to see a different color for alliances and an alliance chat, but nothing else. You can still hit alliance members and you can do anything to them that you can do to enemies.
    I honestly don't think the majority of players would agree to an alliance being brought to KoH if 2 and 3 were in it, especially since it'd bring an unfair advantage to the people with the most alliances.
    Valorian and TiniCerberus like this.
  3. TiniCerberus

    TiniCerberus New Citizen

    Mar 17, 2018
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    i see your point, i mainly just want a way for allied clans to chat thats not pigeon mail lol. i can see where the rest would cause chaos for everyone. i just wish there was a way to do alliance with restrictions or something. like a timer and cap on how much and how soon you can send resources or Troops to allied clans. so they cant judt all gang up on everyone.

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