Some of our clan members are inactive but higher ranks don’t want to kick them because they contribute to clan might? I’m just curious if this is true. I know it sounds stupid. I just want a definite answer. TIA
Yes, all members might contributes towards the clans overall might which can be seen on the leaderboard for example.
Ok...they DO contribute to overall clan might but they do nothing for your clan if you're trying to compete in the Daily Clan Contest and if you're trying to get monster chests, and when you have other clan contests like those we have on most weekends. Do you think you could get active members who are actually going to contribute? An active member is better for the clan than an inactive one who doesn't contribute anything but might... Plus, your clanmates will outgrow the inactives if they have quit, so there's also the possibility of growth that you can have. If you have an active player wanting in and you have no space...if it were me, I'd kick the inactive for the active and continue on my way. But it's not my clan, and I can't speak for yours. Obviously make sure they're actually inactive. Even do activity checks. Heck, there could be a real reason why they're not on (like loss of electricity or internet connectivity) but if they quit, that's just an account filling a space where you could have had an active member doing some actual work. If the inactive member becomes active later, they could always re-join if they want to, but I don't see the point in keeping them just for might.