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It Hatched From The Deep

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Has any clan placed in that event? Mine is really active and we're at 25k right now. Only 119k to go for a 1 star reward...
    pretz and TheDarkAngel like this.
  2. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    How are we supposed to do the clan event when my clan which is one of the top clans in the realm and has been killing monsters and gathering the drops like crazy has only had two egg Titans the entire event and to be honest the rewards from killing the egg titans are crap???
  3. TheDarkAngel

    TheDarkAngel Citizen

    Dec 28, 2017
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    I think this event is wacked! My team is 4th in the realm and super active. Yet we don’t even have 1 star yet with less then two days to go. Half the team is at 0 pts! Hello? This is a problem!
    pretz, Monocorny and Audreyhorne1000 like this.
  4. PowderKeg

    PowderKeg New Citizen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    It does not appear that I received relic chest after getting 1st star. What’s up with that?
  5. Tanaquil

    Tanaquil New Citizen

    Mar 29, 2018
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    I have received random event "receipts" from egg chests three times. What are these even good for? Are you supposed to be able to redeem them for something in the shop, and if so, what?
    pretz and Audreyhorne1000 like this.
  6. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    The spawn rate has increased. But they're all spawning in the exact same location, over and over again. This doesn't feel like a fix. And it still feels like my (again, very active) clan, has no chance at getting any of the relic chests.
    TheDarkAngel, pretz and Monocorny like this.
  7. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Also, we have to choose between egg titans and placing in the egg quest.

    I know I've been the most active complainer on this post...I don't think I'm wrong about thinking all of these things are ridiculous. And should be better acknowledged.
    pretz, MOAR2 and Monocorny like this.
  8. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I have had it where I'd kill a monster and then I'd think I got no spawns, then I look harder and I see my egg spawned Waaaayyy over like 4 tiles over or more depending on what was in the way. I have to give it a wide look because sometimes I wouldn't think anything spawned. It seemed a bit better this event though. They spawned closer together for the most part.

    They just upped the spawn rate. Hopefully you guys are lucky! I finally got the honor of one of my gatherings to spawn one. But if you see a bunch of lines going somewhere, check there. There may just be an egg titan there.
  9. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    That is just lag. If you force close, the brew will show the correct number. Sometimes the server doesn't have a chance to catch up with the brew you used and it'll tell your game you don't have enough when you think you do, then it'll go down, or when you add the brew, it goes back down. It actually does register it correctly in that case as well. You'd either have to force close, or I've found adding an extra brew (I usually just do a 10) will cause it to go back up, or it will just do it on its own.

    The hourly events have a specific rotation. They run on an 11 hour rotation, so this sometimes happens, but it's not by design. We have been tracking the events (us normal players) and they didn't change the order. It still goes
    RESEARCH, Troop, Monster, MIGHT, Resource, Troop, Monster, CONSTRUCTION, Troop, Monster, Resource... rinse and repeat.
    --And the Dragon Quest-- Swamp, Grasslands, Badlands
    It was just a coincidence.

    They always do it. https://forums.kingdomsofheckfire.com/threads/it-hatched-from-the-deep-multipliers.938/

    For that, that's the same titan leveling up. So it spawns, you kill it, it levels up and goes to the next level that drops eggs of higher levels. If you keep looking, you'll see that the titan stops spawning after a few kills in that location.

    I hate that, haha. I totally went after the egg titans and went from top 10 to out of the 100 lb. Haha, that's the choice we have to make now it seems. I kind of hoped it'd be both, and I didn't pay attention until the end. The yolk one is a clan contest, so it's nice to help the clan finish it so you can get those awesome chests. They don't only give relics, but also gems...so it was totally worth it for me.
  10. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    They're good for nothing. It just helps the server keep up to date with what you got. It's the game's way of keeping a record of what you got/opened so they don't give you a duplicate. Take for example the one you get when you open the chest that gives an avatar... No one would want the same avatar twice by accident or anything.

    They have finally upped the spawn rate of the egg titans. Your clan mates have to work at hitting these titans and collecting the yolk if they want to get the prizes. Relics and gems. It's up to each individual player whether or not they will help out the clan with the yolks...especially since (as of right now) you don't get egg coins from those titans. They do give you loot and XP for your dragons, so it's way more than worth it, especially since it costs such a small amount of brew. Hopefully with these new spawn rates, we'll all be able to finish The Yolks Have Eyes in time.
  11. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Again, I appreciate your perspective. But it comes off as super apologetic on behalf of ata, and that compounds the weirdness of their silence. I, and the others on here, don't need strategy advice.

    The bottom line is: the event is both bad and botched. They need to give us the respect of acknowleding it.
    TheDarkAngel and pretz like this.
  12. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    *misspoke - I know some people did ask for strategy tips, and yours are helpful.
  13. KickingHorse

    KickingHorse New Citizen

    Jan 15, 2018
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    what is the difference between void and frigid yolkings?
    GoblinGrounder and pretz like this.
  14. RubberxDucky


    Sep 1, 2017
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    How there’s always someone who has something to complain about in a game when they try to add something new, I’ll never know....
  15. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    Because the addition of it ruins the game for the entire event as a result of various shoddy issues that we've been experiencing all day, and all night. During the events the lag is so bad I LITERALLY can't even play the game. It will just load after I press "attack" for 5 minutes straight then my phone crashes.

    The entire map is a mess of what looks like open nodes then I find out someone was somehow already on it or it was "depleted." I can't hire allies since those who somehow don't have lag immediately take them back. And btw all of this is just my single, personal experience.

    This doesn't even include all the other issues that have arisen with the event. And just like with love sick we'll get our 10k gems and pipe down...except I'm still not satisfied. The things you get stripped away from the game can't just be made up in gems. It'd be by actually using the spender's money to create higher quality experiences, gameplay that is relatively sensible, and above all else a server that can handle 20 players at once without imploding after 10 seconds.

    I agree with others on the idea that f2p is the way to go until me and the rest see a change that truly shows there will be improvement and legitimate, thorough discussion on all of this, instead of just one (or two) non-admins keeping the forum an echo chamber. And now, to take my leave, in order to not do the same as for myself.
    TheDarkAngel likes this.
  16. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    So why isn’t this event separated into some sort of th brackets? I liked that about the normal events. I don’t agree with having like a th9 needing the same points as a th20. Even if it possible how are they supposed to go for the leaderboard rewards when they can’t hit stronger monsters to drop the more rewarding nodes. They don’t have to be as small brackets as the other events but I still think it should be separated somewhat.
    pretz, NoTolerance, Hermione and 2 others like this.
  17. Monocorny

    Monocorny Citizen

    Feb 17, 2018
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    So the main solo quest will not take place on Monday or Tuesday. The Foul Clutch quest won’t take place on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. The clan quest won’t take place on Monday or Tuesday. Why have a two week event and not have quest on multiple days half way through? Are there going to be different quests those days? If not then this event will be even more of a failure than it already is.
  18. pretz

    pretz Citizen

    Dec 30, 2017
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    Lol no one seems to have the guts to reply to mine
  19. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I literally can't believe they're not responding after 5 days of complaints. I've never been on any games message board before. Are other companies this sh*tty to their players?
    pretz and Monocorny like this.
  20. Syggerick

    Syggerick New Citizen

    Mar 13, 2018
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    So I finally get ranked to find out that the solo event is vs my entire realm...I spent hard earned money and burned a lot of gems to take first in events for extra coins. Could you have thought to mention ingame that it was vs my entire realm? I see that is says it’s vs realm here on the forum but I don’t check forum all the time. I am very upset with you guys. I’ve spent a lot of money and feel cheated right now
    pretz and Audreyhorne1000 like this.

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