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It Hatched From The Deep

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. NoOneSixx

    NoOneSixx New Citizen

    Jan 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Take half of a chicken, half of a bunny, and half of a lizard. Bind then together with kitchen twine and microvave on HIGH power for 10 minutes....
    Hermione and KorDontCare like this.
  2. KorDontCare

    KorDontCare New Citizen

    Apr 14, 2018
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    Will yolklings reset for the second week? I really don’t want to have to shield around the clock to protect the overage if they will end up not counting in the second week.
  3. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    You...actually did it. You ignored us til the end of your terrible and glitchy titan event. I seriously had faith that you would recognize the multiple f-ups. Compensate us fairly for the huge amount many of us wasted on this seriously botched and ill-conceived event. And acknowledge it. It's the right thing to do.

    Otherwise can you please delete these forums since they're clearly useless?
  4. Monocorny

    Monocorny Citizen

    Feb 17, 2018
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    No there will be a different type of yolklings we’ Have to collect. We collected frigid yolklings this week, next week is void yolklings.
  5. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    To be honest, I'd rather them work on the servers and the issues than respond to the same thing over and over again. I mean...they have responded to many of us about the same things many times, and if people relay the replies they got on here in the forums, it's helpful at least.
  6. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I don't feel like they've responded to anything on here besides increasing titan drops and spawn rates on the 3rd day? They didn't address all of the energy ppll wasted on those first 2 days.

    I don't feel like "they have better things to do" is an appropriate response at all. They're a company that makes a ton of money off of their players. They need to treat us with a little more respect.
  7. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Did you request an invite?
    And they do respond. Grant responded and apologized about the issues here, and they apologized in game too in the compensation email.

    #67 Hermione, Apr 16, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
  8. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I never said that though.
  9. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    *To clarify, they addressed those iss they haven't used this forum to respond to anything. They sponsor this forum. This isn't discord or a Reddit thread. If they're going to ignore us anywhere, it shouldn't be here.
    No I didnt request an invite. I shouldn't have to do extra work because I am already on the ATA-hosted forum.

    The 2 threads you linked to are about server issues. Did you mean to link to another post regarding the event? We've only been talking about the event mistakes here, and I have not seen anything yet.
  10. Audreyhorne1000

    Audreyhorne1000 Citizen

    Feb 23, 2018
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    You're right. Sorry if I took you out of context. Your response of wanting them to focus on server issues, etc., read that way to me.

    They need to reply here or in an in-game message. They shouldn't rely on other players to relay information on their progress, plans, etc. That's a bad company model & it's not fair to players like you or players like me.
  11. NoOneSixx

    NoOneSixx New Citizen

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Where does someone who does not understand the purpose of eggs and yolks (or whatever name the quests call it) find out how it relates to the game? ATA does not respond via the game help and realm 10 players only offer hate filled sarcasm. This forum only tells the “pros” how the event unfolds which is great for them. New players? Who cares? Right? That seems to be the message. Which costs ATA real world money since they ignore new players. With questions. Real rc reply to my question: “ffs LEARN already”. Brilliant advice from a stooge.
    Audreyhorne1000 likes this.
  12. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    The eggs don't really relate to the game. They were planning to do this event for Easter, but it got delayed. Haha, it seems sooo out of place now that it's not Easter anymore.

    If you mean you don't understand the actual event and what to do - (I swear, Grant explained it better and WAY SHORTER than I'm about to right now)

    The Egg Coins are what you get from doing the events (The hourly ones give some, placing in the leaderboards do too, and doing the dragon quests) and the actual events where you have to hit specific monsters (or sometimes all) and when you gather Malus Gallus Eggs from the Foul Clutch nodes that spawn, you get some Egg Coins as a last collect bonus. Those Egg Coins can be used to purchase the chests that come in the store.

    Destroy Monsters,
    These Foul Clutch nodes spawn

    Gather these
    The Malus Gallus Eggs are the actual eggs that you gather from the Foul Clutch nodes. Those are for the Solo event.

    Attack these Egg Titans
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Get these in those attacks
    The yolklings are gotten from the Egg Titans. Those spawn randomly from when you finish gathering from the Foul Clutch nodes. *You have to fully deplete it, and it's random that it'll spawn*
    So, hitting the titans can give you some yolklings every time you hit it.

    Destroy These

    These Bad Eye Sites spawn

    Gather these

    From those
    Every time you destroy the egg titan, it spawns some bad eye sites that you gather from to get even more yolklings. (and the person who does a kill shot gets the clan a chest that has some tokens and some egg coins)

    [​IMG] The Yolklings are for the event that you do as a clan. If you go over caps with that, the over cap yolklings can be stolen. 70k = the NEW cap. You can see how many you have in your profile, and by looking for your name in the clan's event in the tab that says clan.
    The clan as a whole tries to 3-star the event, then they fight for top places to get on the leaderboards.

    [​IMG]The Malus Gallus Eggs are what count for the solo event. You collect/gather enough to 3 star, then you will be in the leaderboards competing for the lb prizes.

    [​IMG] The Egg Coins are what you cash in in the store for the chests.

    Just think:
    Yolklings = For the clan
    Malus Gallus Eggs = For you alone
    Egg Coins = For the chests

    TL: DR, check out the picture in the post on the first page for a less long winded explanation.

    And don't worry, all the names are hard to remember for me too, lol. I was totally looking at that picture on the first page to see what ata named the foul clutch nodes and the bad eye sites, lol. And I stole all the pictures from Grant's compact one. Sorry, I don't know how to make the pictures smaller.
    #72 Hermione, Apr 16, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
    AryaStark, Daenerys, Katniss and 3 others like this.
  13. Queens

    Queens Citizen

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Please give a time certain of when coins and yolklings expire. Some players don't know the yolks don't mean anything since the event has ended.
  14. Enakronizum

    Enakronizum New Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    That was a horrible event. Please don't ever do anything like that again. The hours were horrible and inconvenient. The length of the event was too long. The prizes were not worth the effort. Please don't ruin this game like you ruined 'Smash Monsters'.
    Monocorny and Audreyhorne1000 like this.
  15. Stephen01

    Stephen01 New Citizen

    Feb 18, 2018
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    thanks for the event I had fun

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