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Shrines Activate May 7th!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 3, 2018.

  1. BawkBawk

    BawkBawk New Citizen

    Feb 15, 2018
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    I agree, it would be nicer if the realm as a whole grows, this creates a more competative environment. Not draw a line between the too 3-4 clans and the rest of the realm..
    OneBadBabs likes this.
  2. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    What a joke, it's absolutely disgusting what you've done. I'm appalled for you, you've alienated 99% of the players and simultaneously made it practically unplayable, certainly not enjoyable. I could list the issues, and the problems with this ridiculous "update" but anyone with an iQ above 2 doesn't need this explained to them. Good luck trying to keep this game active, it's going to be like the other failed ATA games due to your total disrespect and disregard to your players.

    Ps. You suck
  3. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    They need to add better bonuses to Growth. Research rates, construction, Dragon XP, honestly any of these. It would make Growth look a tad better. They need a shield phase for Shrines as well and possibly lower the biome bonuses a bit.
  4. V10L3T

    V10L3T New Citizen

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Yes. It’s like taking $1 from everyone in town to give it all to a rich person who will just use it to wipe their bum with it.

    The tyranny tax is unnecessary and wasteful.

    In the end, the top clans don’t get a major benefit from the tyranny tax (1% of realm rss split 50 ways and tax for sending to clanmates) and the entire realm is disgruntled.
    SHOW_PONY likes this.
  5. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    People are acting like the 10% tax is gonna make the game completely unbalanced and mess it up. The fact of the matter is that time is the main source of growth. You could have triple the rescources of the top player but if he has more speed ups and gems then he’s gonna be stronger then you as all his upgrades will be taken care of quick. So what if everyone has to give them a tiny bit it wouldn’t of mattered anyway cuz you would never be able him without spending anyway. Shrines may of made the gap bigger, but to be honest it was pretty much impossible from the start.
    Nahtahl likes this.
  6. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    You seem to have ignored the crucial part, that we are forced to make the enemy stronger. You are saying time makes people stronger, well when you are getting free gold that instantly makes it easy to get BFA (bonus from allies).. That is an instant static bonus, then factor in the profit made on ally sales it's a HUGE advantage. Plus I believe they also take a tax on gems (can't confirm as I won't give them a single gem) I should be making MY account stronger, and helping my clan members get stronger!! Now im FORCED to hand over RSS to some LB guy I couldn't give two hoots about, someone I've never even spoken to and are perfect strangers and wish to keep it that way. If people want RSS they should gather it, and take from other players in the form of PVP. Not simply be dictated to pay a TAX, as the saying goes NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

    It's a complete joke, one thing you are correct about is the fact it is impossible to take the shrines. So why call it an event when it only affects 1-2 people . Let's call it what it is, a joke, and a lot of kissing to the LB players.
    Gumiho, DeliSubs, OneBadBabs and 2 others like this.
  7. V10L3T

    V10L3T New Citizen

    Sep 6, 2017
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    It was never about catching up to the strongest player. Anyone with half a brain knows that the more time and money you spend on the game, the stronger you will be. And shrines are meant for the strongest players. It was never about the benefits they get but the penalties imposed on the smaller players which are unfair as they have no chance of controlling the stronghold.

    Let’s consider this. 10% of 10% tax (which equals to 1% of the realm rss from hunting/gathering) goes to the ruler of the realm every 8 hourly. What happens to the remaining 90%? It is wasted.

    Then the ruler has to split this 1% (which may amount to 4-5 million) 50 ways and there are taxes for sending it to each member. So, in the end, it is just a pittance.

    So why tax the entire realm for 3 days when nobody really gets much out of it??

    I don’t know about you, but if I consider just the gold I make from gathering 4 level 9s, say 3 rounds of gathering in a day, I should be making 840,000 x 3 = 2,520,000 gold/day. Now, with this tax, I lose 84,000 gold per round which means I lose 252,000 gold/day and over 3 days, I would’ve lost 756,000 gold. Plus add the gold lost with every monster hit or every titan hit.

    This is not a huge amount but I didn’t agree to getting less rss for the time/money I spend on the game, especially when the amount deducted as tax is just wasted down the line.
  8. OneBadBabs

    OneBadBabs New Citizen

    Jan 31, 2018
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    We have taxes in real life already. Now we have taxes in this game? Bullocks.
    DomNation likes this.
  9. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Boo hoo, u make them stronger... u just said it’s not about catching up to them so if that isn’t your point then what is? They get a stronger hiring more allies means nothing if u don’t intend on trying to catch up and surpass them. If u planned on staying behind them already then tax shouldn’t even matter to you. You gave up already gg
  10. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    After a brief rest to wash off the scorch marks, Shrines will reactivate just in time for our weekend events.

    Shrines will be activating once again Saturday, May 12th at 2pm (PT)!

    - Shrines are deactivating once the current Reign period ends
    - Shrines re-activate Saturday along with the Free For All & Clan Slaughter Quests
    - The Stronghold Shrine will have an extended 6 hour initial capture time
    - The Tyranny Decree won't be an option for the next Ruler of the Realm
  11. Akiepakie

    Akiepakie New Citizen

    Nov 5, 2017
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    And also the ones following the next ruler? For R10 we all know it's going to go to IG or one of the other big players. Tyranny decree is/was just rubbing it in for anyone but the really big players.. Really hope it's gone for good
  12. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I can only hope that ATA have listened to the masses, and never release another shrine with the same mechanics. Pretty much the entire community agreed for once, stating categorically how much they hated it. Many left and quit the game, even more boycotted monsters and gathering. No more TAX ever again !! I actually want my 10% back, but that won't happen. Certainly many unhappy and disgruntled people after this nightmare, let's hope it's over. I'm not wanting a sequel of this particular nightmare.
  13. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    The tyranny option was the only real option in my opinion. The tax wasn’t even bad with it only being a mere 10%. The other great choice is helping the realm grow quick right? Yeah spending lots of money to help others catch up to you makes perfect since from a business standpoint... Purpose of shrines was to encourage players to spend more and compete against each other to capture them right? Why bother to spend money to compete if u just gonna force the option and help the entire realm grow for free lol. Better off just removing the ruler benefits all together and giving the bonus out for free then if that’s what you want. That way no one has to cry over some gold that they will always earn for however long they choose to play the game anyway.
  14. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    That's sort of drastic. Helping the realm grow benefits you later down the road if you're a big player. Keeps activity up and people are collecting resources faster. More than likely you'll still see OC players and can keep farming them. The goal of the game isn't to completely make players quit and have a dead realm. That would be very dull. I feel sad that I was the only (or one of few) Ruler that chose the Growth path for my (27) realm.
  15. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Maybe people wanted to see what the benefits were for the Tyranny choice. Not much information was given and it was hard to know if it'd tax your clan too or what would happen exactly. And the wording wasn't really that good, so there was a lot of room for misinterpretation. Seeing how much rss you can get from a realm is a lot easier than just guessing. I bet they thought they'd get way more than they actually did.
  16. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Hahaha hilarious !! You mention that people shouldn't spend money to take shrines and help others "catch up".. You're deluded (or trolling) if you think people will catch up, the gap is so large it's ridiculous, comparable to a premature baby fighting a world class MMA fighter. I don't understand why you think that it's ok if the masses help the leader grow but not the other way around, there is a word for that...hypocrisy. 10% is a lot, especially when it's from the entire realm. I bet if you took a 10% drop in salary you would just say "oh it's just a mere 10%"

    One good idea you mentioned was getting rid of it altogether, that's a good idea ! You mention competitive play, it's none existent the same person/people will take it time and time again,and NOTHING will stop it. The game is already suffering from players quitting, when you login each day to essentially lose and be segregated from events it's not long until you look elsewhere.., It's happened in several ATA games, and all end in the same situation. The game gets closed and removed from the App Store (think it's at 4-5 failed ones already)
  17. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    The only thing I’m getting from you is that if a player is bigger than you, you want them banned and removed from the game because it’s unfair
  18. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Woooooow. Talk about reaching.
  19. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Strange conclusion, especially considering I neither said nor implied people should be banned or removed due to power. What I did say was we shouldn't be FORCED to hand over the benefits from OUR activity to the LB player. And I mentioned that the fear of players "catching" up is none existent. So do I think it's unfair that ATA forced the whole realm to contribute to the already ridiculous gap? Hell yes I do ! As would majority of the players. It's no coincidence that many players are quitting, and this type of behaviour only quickens the already imminent death of the game.

    Most likely ATA stopped it primarily from for business reasons. For it is incredibly hard to be profitable when people quit in the mass exodus. I believe we lost 4 or more members from our clan due to these recent "events" (200-300mil players). Events that are designed only for 2 people in a realm aren't exactly events, just more segregation and cause the average player to seek other games.
  20. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Can't say you're wrong here. Total sour taste in my mouth knowing I had to hand over rss, even if I didn't miss it, just knowing that I was handing over RSS to someone else...RSS that I earned, was pretty upsetting for me. I share plenty with my clan, and honestly usually am in CC way before I am even OC asking if anyone needs food or ore just because I'm seeing yellow, lol. But yeah...if Felt bad handing over RSS to a player who I didn't agree to give RSS to. I did get over it since I knew it wasn't making a huge dent in my rss, and wasn't hindering me from growing...it was just that feeling of things being taken away from me to go to someone who won an event I could never have competed in that kind of put an extra nail in it.
    ButterBean likes this.

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