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Shrines Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by [ATA]Grant, May 8, 2018.

  1. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Please share any constructive feedback you have on our latest Shrines feature in this thread.
    While we may not be able to respond to every bit of feedback our team will be actively reviewing this thread.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    There should be more passive rewards to choose from, not just 1 that passively helps everyone in the clan, especially if it's something that will make the winning clan an enemy to others.

    The chests need to be upped more than just 26 (or however many there are). If more than 26 people fully contribute, it's hard to choose just a little over half the members in the clan to get chests, especially since for many of the clans, it would take almost the entire clan to participate to be able to win/hold the stronghold.

    Going in, I knew it wasn't going to be for me or my clan. I can't say my expectations were high for it, and the actual event was even less competitive than I/ATA had imagined. Haha, I really was looking to see if all the bigs would battle it out for top spot, but it took maybe 15 minutes longer than I had thought for Meisha to capture the Stronghold. (2h 15 minutes after the event was active, it was captured.)

    -That's all the constructive feedback I have to offer.

    Oh, and please don't make the rewards be like what you shared in that pdf in beta...that would be even worse...literally awful...
  3. ShriekingViolet

    ShriekingViolet Citizen

    Feb 7, 2018
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    It sounded at the outset that this competition was intended for only the biggest clans. That's fine, but you know what happens? Smaller clans tune out and don't bother paying for gems or anything else to try to compete. What's the big deal? You have 4 or 5 clans in a given realm willing to pay hundreds or thousands per player whenever there's an event, right?

    But have you considered what happens when the rest of us who maybe budget more like 20 to 100 USD per week at most stop buying things? 50 people per clan in my realm, I think. It adds up over time. Let your controller have some fun with analyzing your revenue from this game and applying some assumptions.

    I think you'll find it might not be so wise to cater so heavily to the platinum card holders and trust fund babies that you lose everyone else.
    Dead88, TheDarkAngel, MOAR2 and 5 others like this.
  4. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Lol, I brought that up when this game was still in beta...then again when legendary dragons were released...
    Katniss and MizMezzie like this.
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I'm glad you said constructive feedback and not positive, because there is absolutely nothing positive I can say. Terrible terrible terrible,let's break it down you've alienated 99% of the players, you've made 99% of the realm give 10% of all rss generated to the strongest player. You've essentially given away even more BFA (bonus from allies) making the strongest player even stronger if that's possible. You've actually created resentment, division and increased the number of people quitting in one fell swoop. You have the audacity to call it an event, that would imply involvement when in reality you cannot participate as it is a futile effort.

    Honestly, I feel like you are deliberately trying to ensure that this game fails. Because you're doing everything right to ensure that.
    Dead88, TheDarkAngel, MOAR2 and 9 others like this.
  6. GizzerGizzer

    GizzerGizzer New Citizen

    May 7, 2018
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    Realm 18 is pretty tied up in alliances. Outside of the top three guilds and their twelve allied clans, there isn't much chance at the shrines and after the first five minutes they went completely uncontested. Day two of the shrine event has those same allied clans rearranging themselves so that each clan may benefit from all three alliances.
    I'll post some screenshots in the feedback discord. I realize that shrines are meant for endgame users. However, when you have their entire clans reaping giant dragon boosts and running out to zero a bunch of th14 players in a rank 40 guild, perhaps things have gone awry. Those th14 players are now probably done with the game.
  7. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Well, as for constructive feedback:

    Whoever owns the stronghold gets to mooch off of the entire realm for 10% of all of their collected resources and gems!

    That's the greatest idea ever!

    What's even better is that the strongest clans have the greatest chances of winning and becoming even stronger while the gap between them and the other realm players increase! I think it's a preeeeeeeeeetty solid update. Keep up the great work!

    MUEWZZA New Citizen

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Definitely killed realm 18 with your stupid shrines.with the top 3 clans alliance & their various subs imposing 10% tax on the whole realm definitely killed all chances of competition.more than half of the top 10 clabs are part of alliance & subs.& suprise2 been holding the shrines since the start with no challenges.way to go ata.
    Dead88, Katniss, Katie_00 and 4 others like this.
  9. MizMezzie

    MizMezzie Citizen

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Feedback probably depends on the intended objective for this.

    If the goal was to completely shut out lower-level players and clans, generating a healthy dose of resentment sufficient to make a lot of those players consider away, then: well done, objective met.

    I'm a lower level player. While I haven't dumped a ton of money into it, I HAVE made some purchases, and probably would have continued to do so if ATA hadn't designed an update making it clear just how little they value that larger, less powerful portion of the playerbase.

    I'm giving it a couple of rotations on this new content to see how it's likely to shake out in the longer term, but I'm probably not going to spend more money on the game, and I'm quite close to just uninstalling.
    #9 MizMezzie, May 9, 2018
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
    Katniss, Katie_00, ButterBean and 3 others like this.
  10. Dissenter

    Dissenter New Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Everyone above stated pretty much exactly what I feel the new tyranny tax and shrine systems have inflicted on us lower and mid level players. You could simply rectify this by reversing the taxation. Put simply: the occupying force should be taxed to keep control. The added benefits should come with a cost. So if you want to park at the shrine be prepared to fork over your earnings....oh and another thing THE RULER OF THE REALM HAS THE BIGFEST PERCENTAGE TO PAY.....it’s idiotic.. EPIC FAIL
    Zillaque likes this.
  11. Que_sera_sera

    Que_sera_sera Citizen

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Pretty much boycotting this game til shrine is over

    Ata can go _____ (put verb here i.e. fart, poop, etc.) themselves.

    Ain’t paying no tax
  12. ShriekingViolet

    ShriekingViolet Citizen

    Feb 7, 2018
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    Yup. Just been building might by cashing in tokens as needed. No hunting, no rss gathering.
    TheDarkAngel, DeliSubs and MizMezzie like this.
  13. Que_sera_sera

    Que_sera_sera Citizen

    Dec 10, 2017
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    I liked the idea I’d the tyrant giving up something to gain something

    Other than that why should devs change this format if ppl play like as they always done. Boycott is the best way to show them with an exclamation point that you are upset. Obviously those who pay, their boycotting hurts devs. Even if you are free to play, boycotting makes the gaming experience of those who pay also less enjoyable.
  14. Vending_Machine

    Vending_Machine New Citizen

    Dec 17, 2017
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    1) shrine bonus only apply to marches and cities on island. Not off island.
    2) mandatory lock out time for those clans who capture shrine
    3) lower time until switch of decree. Go to ~24 or 30 hours from 3 days
    4) show rss gained by realm lord on tyrant mode. Add to show running total In the rule the realm window. Resets with realm lord owner change
    5) bonus eventually turn to penalty for clan the longer a clan collectively is on a shrine. (Decaying bonus over time, from +25% to -25% over 24 hour period, with a mandatory lock out time, preventing from an instant clearing of penalty and jumping back on shrine
    6) realm lord clan has access to special map, which pits all realm lord clans in a “special pvp slaughter event”. Where kills count more than injuries for reward bonus passive buffs( no new additional +% dragon or biome buffs but give out other temporary buffs. Like + temporary stats to knights and/or pugs, or + gather rate, or reduced energy needed for monster/titan nodes.)
  15. Vending_Machine

    Vending_Machine New Citizen

    Dec 17, 2017
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    7) change up the shrine bonus. Capture grassland shrine, get badlands atk bonus. Capture badlands for swamp. Swamp for grassland bonus... etc...
  16. RickSanchez

    RickSanchez Citizen

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Have the shrines active for 3 days post capture, then 4 days off so that the rest of the realm can breathe if the ruler chose to be a tyrant. Also allows the top three clans to do more in the game outside of just holding rallies at the shrines (which is making the top clans dislike this shrine feature, also).

    Make the growth rewards more appealing to the ruler to really exaggerate that they are being greedy if they opt to be tyrants.

    Make the war option increase the duration of realm wrath.

    Make it so the biome shrines lock down for some duration so those players can at least do some dailies and hourlies if they are occupied for the same duration as the stronghold, and make the benefits of those shrines end sooner if this were implemented.
  17. Deadlysilence

    Deadlysilence New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Instead of holding a stronghold for two hours straight, it would help a lot to make it an accumulation of time you spend in capturing the stronghold. The one with most time who capture the stronghold in a given time will be held king.

    Also giving incentives individually to those who participated in capturing the stronghold or shrines will encourage players to participate. And giving another rewards to clans with most number of hours accumulated in capturing it.

    It also helps for small clans if you allow forming of alliance in capturing the stronghold except for the former clan who capture it. The allied clans can reinforce each other in rallies and in defense.
  18. Xthumbles

    Xthumbles Citizen

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Ive posted my suggestion in general discussions - shrines. I’ve also messaged in game. Something needs to be done pronto players are falling like dying flies
  19. navkat

    navkat Citizen

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Yep. Everyone in 18 pretty much knew in advance that ChuckNorrisKing was going to immediately get and hold Realm King indefinitely and that the shrines will simply rotate between the top 3-5 clans.
    This "event" really doesn't involve the rest of the realm at all except that we've probably got a permanent 10% tax now.

    I spent money on the game but I'm starting to see that even the premium is never really going to make me any kind of competitor or participant for any of the really cool features.

    I see both sides of this: there are people who spent in the $100s who are pretty pissed off about not having even a remote chance at being included/granted access to all of the game's features...but there are people who (must have) spent thousands and thousands, they're probably *still* actively spending and they demand tribute. They literally *expect* their money to have paid for power over other paying players. That's what they *want.* What they're buying is a safe way to act out their latent narcissism or whatever and it's ATA's business to sell them that feeling of dominating others for cash.

    I get it. It is what it is.

    I'll probably get bored soon...maybe not but probably. I'm not angry, it's just annoying to play and I feel myself feeling more like the app is a daily chore that requires constant input out of a sense of loss-aversion than a fun game.

    Good luck though.
  20. SuperFnMerlin

    SuperFnMerlin New Citizen

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Everything said below by mikkkito I agree with. I also do not think tshrine rallies should be subject to the 25 gem penalty for withdrawing.


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