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Shrines Activate May 7th!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 3, 2018.

  1. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I think they still need to expand upon the system more. I chose the Growth route, again, for my realm, but I still don't feel like I am giving back nearly enough.
    ButterBean likes this.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I hope they add more, but nothing that is detrimental to the "losers." I hate rewards that harm others, especially if it's harming those who were already too weak to participate in the event.
    MamaKim likes this.
  3. Xena24

    Xena24 Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I think its good if Clan can occupied one Shrine only to give way to other clans.
  4. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The problem is if everyone has one they cease to be a benefit, however it should be made more accessible for more people. As it currently stands it is basically for 1-2 people and their respective clans and subs. I would like to disabled notifications for the shrines because they aren't apart of my gameplay.
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    @ ATA
    This would be more impressive if it was accessible to ALL players, and not just the same 2-3 players and their respective clan an sub clan. There are more players on the realm not just the top 2 players from each realm. 95% of player base aren't included in this feature, and now you increase the %boost hahaha Are you trolling us ?
  6. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Everyone can access shrines only the strong hold them for long though.
  7. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Well I can speak only from my personal experience, and that of my realm and those I have spoken to. The same people take them each time, with no way of mustering a strong enough rally to even challenge them. So by access you mean fail and lose troops in an impossible task I do so agree, but other than that no participation is possible. Now they have increased the % to 100 on each smaller one making it even harder, 100% boost in today's ally market equates to something like 300-400mil. Majority of players don't even have that to start with. If you have a method for the average player to actually participate I would very much like to hear. My clan is currently LB 10 and we can not touch it.

    I don't understand why it isn't competitive or even accessible to so many people. You may as well do away with the shrines and just give the LB the awards permanently because it's a joke. We are losing players fast in my realm, I highly doubt we are the only ones. I'm not saying super weak people day 1 should be able to do it, but I'm talking about people who have played for months!
  8. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    It’s normal for realms to lose players though literally phone games don’t exactly have phenomenal retention ratings. But the shrines are supposed to be for the larger players to do instead of hunting down small accounts and mangling them.
  9. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Oh it’s non existant then eh? Then why do u care about the stupid 10% tax anyway. All u did was confirm exactly what I said about you never catching up anyway, so if u are never gonna catch up then why worry about the tax? Either way they still always going to be stronger. It’s cuz they paid money to do that, since they were willing to put money into the game to keep it funded and try and make it where it’s not one of the ata games that flopped upon release like that car game they tried making. They should be able to make use of the tyranny rule. They paid to be that top spot and as u said it’s pay to win. If u don’t like it then u should be one of those people who have supposedly been quitting the game. Wish I could see your reaction when you eventually get zero’ed by someone or maybe your biggest Allie will get hired while your off and u looted bad. Cuz if u have so much tears from this, then that’s gonna have u on the fast track to depression😂
  10. DeliSubs

    DeliSubs Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Congratulations. Not only have you provided 0 feedback in relation to this thread, but you have managed to defend a pointless event that has no benefits to anyone else besides those with fat wallets.
  11. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    There's really no way to make the Shrine's more competitive. It's the same issue in other similar games. Especially with everything bottlenecked right in the center. The best they can do is lower the bonus of the Shrine's and add other/better realm-wide benefits to the Stronghold choices. The limit of one main Shrine per Clan is the best you'll get to make it fair.

    EDIT: There is a downside to the person(s) holding the Shrines. They are using up a March slot and can't do jack.
  12. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Your rebuttal is weak and fails to address any of the issues or things I mentioned previously. Why do I care about 10% ?.. Well I'll break it down for you, due to it being text I'm
    Unable to speak slowly.. I don't login each day and spend my time (and a little cash) here, improving my research, my dragons, and growing my acc just to hand over MY hard work to an enemy.. And I can assure you that no one else does either.

    The only thing you are actually able to understand is the gap between players,and that the wallet warriors are the only ones that matter, and the complete inability to catch up to the top LB players regardless of time or skill.. They pay for those LB spots, and are given extra benefits from spending vast amount of cash, but that doesn't mean you should have to spend thousands to PARTICIPATE in events on a free to play game ! When the biggest features aren't accessible to players they will NOT stay and play.
    DeliSubs likes this.
  13. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I was one of the first players on here, haha. Been here since day 1 of beta and day 1 of soft launch. I am not p2w, so I can't compete in this event. The tyranny tax sucked for me too. I did pay a little back in beta and the first week of the game, so I can't call myself f2p, but I did not spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game as others have. To be the top player, you'll have to outspend Donno...My pockets aren't that deep. I'm not made of money.
    I knew going in that this event wouldn't be for me. I knew back in beta that this event wouldn't be for me. When they introduced the Tyranny tax though...it was a total slap in the face. I had to spend my time in the game to be taxed and it would go to the players who spent the most in the game. Ok, 10% didn't break me...it wasn't the difference between me getting something done and me not getting something done...but the fact that I had to give anything up to someone by force since they won an event that was only for the top spenders was quite upsetting for me no matter how you put it. I hope they have better prizes, and I hope those prizes don't have any way of affecting those who don't participate other than putting the top players further ahead. I want to play my game and let them play theirs, but don't let them interfere with my game-play. I'm sure those are the sentiments of ButterBean. I can't blame him for being upset at having his RSS being taken from him and given over to those who spent the most in his realm. It rubbed us all the wrong way. I'm Ok with winners winning something...but for people who lose/don't even compete in the event...they shouldn't be forced to lose something...that just plain sucked and I'm glad they removed it and hope they don't put it back.
    The shrines need to be more attractive to bigger players. The prizes are not great. Give Avatars, give something worth fighting for, but just don't take away from the players who "lose". That's the crappiest way to lose an event...

    yeah...I'm not in the feedback section...and I don't feel like putting this there now that I typed it, lol especially since all the relevant posts are here...so oh well. It stays here.

    I'm not mad, I'm just showing why I can totally agree with ButterBean and giving my opinion on the subject. I haven't even looked at shrines since the first time they launched in the real game.
  14. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Congrats, I guess me saying the tyranny rule should stay isn’t feedback. I guess players who shouldn’t spend money on the game to keep it alive shouldn’t get to pick all the bonuses that were available. I guess that even with a 10% tax from everyone if u weren’t already pay to win then you weren’t ever going to catch them and could most likely be zero’ed by them any time they wanted regardless since of how far they are and will always be. If it’s going to be a pointless struggle already then there really isn’t even a reason to whine, which is all this thread has been. That is the point I’m making. The tax punishing players while that is true it’s not the only way of doing it, it is a war game so u will always be punished by something. Whether it’s you being overcapped losing resources from hits, having all your troops killed while u sleep, or by someone chilling next to you trying to snipe all your monsters so they get the gems instead. This is just a “useless event” after all to you so why don’t u focus on the main game worries then. Unless this useless event bothers you that much then u shouldn’t even be back on here to reply to this.
  15. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    And y’all are concerned and arguing about a weekly event that isn’t meant for you. This is meant for the bigger players. Not mid and small players as y’all are. The tyranny tax was stupid and that’s why it was removed oh and btw everybody paid it except (I believe) the one holding the stronghold.

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