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Ally gold refund put directly into normal storage while off line

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by aahz, May 8, 2018.

  1. aahz

    aahz New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    While offline one of my allies was hired away. Normally the refund remains in allies icon until collected along with the profits from being hired away. While the profit of being hired away remained in the allies area the refund, over 5 million gold, was put directly into my regular gold storage it seems. Putting me way overcap while offline resulting in 42 attacks costing me 144,460 troops. Not concerned about the gold but the loss of that many troops has definitely hindered my ability to play the game. Is this a new way that hired away allies refund is being done? In chatting with other clan members it appears I wasn’t the only one this happened to.
  2. aahz

    aahz New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    So they confirmed I hired an ally for $5million plus while online. They confirmed that the ally was hired away while I was off line. They confirmed that I never collected the $5 million plus refund. They confirmed that I was attacked 42 times. And that all this happened while I was off line for 11 hours but somehow it was my fault that the ally refund went striaght into my resources while I was off line.

    Great support on me reporting the bug. Yes that is sarcasm.

    This happen about a week ago while they were implementing the shires. I know I had other clan members this happened to. If it has happened to anyone else please report it so the bug doesn’t just pushed aside and blamed on user error.
  3. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I don’t get what you’re saying or asking or complaining about.

    Are you complaining that you were attacked after having an ally hired away?

    And the gold disappeared?
  4. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    they're trying to say that they got an ally hired away...and because the gold got collected, people were able to see that they had gold in a scout and attack them, but they hadn't logged on for a whole 11 hours...so they didn't collect the gold, and that they hadn't actually collected it...

    11 hours tho...that's kinda long to not have been online but not have expected a hit.
    But they're blaming the hits on the gold being collected because the people who hit them wouldn't have had incentive to hit had the gold not been collected.

    (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with them, just trying to add a bit of clarity)
  5. aahz

    aahz New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The ally got hired away while I was off line and the gold went straight into my regular resources rather than staying on the allies screen waiting to be collected as it normally does and should have.

    I never collected the gold from the allies screen after the ally was hired away as I was off line. In fact I never collected it all as it somehow went straight into my regular resources putting me overcap by $5.6 million gold. And of course as result of it going straight into my regular gold resources while I was off line I was scouted and attacked 42 times.

    I’m not a fool and know to stay under cap.

    They searched their files. Noted to me that the ally in question I hired while I was on line. While I was offline that ally was hired away. They then pointed out that I never collected the refund from the ally being hired away. I couldn’t collect it from the ally area because for some reason it was put straight into my normal resources. I think this is what everyone is missing here.

    The refund from the ally being hired away went straight into normal resources; while the funny part being, the profit part of an ally being hired away, which was $80000 stayed in the ally area. This is the glitch/bug.

    If I was dumb enough the collect the refund and leave myself $5.6 million overcap, by all means I would have attacked me too. But I never collected it. I was off line. The refund from the ally being hired away didn’t stay where it should have after an ally gets hired away.

    And yes Hermione you are correct, without that gold being put into my normal resources there would have been no reason to attack me. I can take solice in the fact that it cost the attackers a lot of lost troops themselves until they knocked my defences down enough to walk all over me. And I can also be thankful that once their attacks stopped giving them gold they stopped rather than zeroing me.

    I could care less about the gold. And if you’ve noticed I haven’t complained. I’m reporting a bug that took place while they were implementing the shrine programming. I also know it happened to one other clan member fore sure. I’m trying to get in touch so they can report their experience with this bug.

    If you would like me to complain .... Loosing 144,496 tier 3 troops because of this bug is troublesome. I’m not about the spend hundreds of dollars buying gems to speed up troop production to get my game back to where it was. That many tier 3 troops at just under 4400 per training every 17 hours is a 32 days to get me back to where my game was before this bug.

    As for not being online for 11 hours. Some of us have jobs and like to eat every now then, lol.
  6. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    It doesn’t take 42 hits to clear somebody. You were zeroed and while the gold thing sucks theirs a little more behind it than just I had gold out so I lost 150k troops you’re starting to reach for something else man but 5m gold doesn’t take 42 hits to clear particularly if you have t3s
  7. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Damn sucks to be you buddy. Looks like they really had your number, they wanted blood not just your gold. You will have received a notification when ally was sold, so you should always check when these are received because it may have been a strip attempt.
  8. aahz

    aahz New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Response one. I wasn’t zeroed. If you read the post they stopped hitting me once all the gold was collected. And when you’ve got lower level players hitting you that really want your gold it took them 42 hits. You might have also noticed I said did them some serious troop damage just defending. And I DIDN’T have gold out on purpose. The ally glitch auto collected the gold while If was off line. I see the point of my post about the auto collect glitch is still being missed. I’m not “reaching” for anything. I’m trying to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else by reporting a bug.

    Response two. Yes, when I logged in there was a notification that my ally had been sold but it auto collected and went straight into my gold resources there was nothing to collect as it had auto collected and was taken during the attacks.

    And update. It has happened to two more people in my clan. Two days ago one member happened to be online when it auto collected and was shocked when he looked in the top corner and saw his millions in his resources as he hadn’t collected it from the allies area yet. It automatically went there when his ally got hired away.

    And it happen again to another poor clan member two hours ago. It auto collected and put him 27 million oc. Was one hell of a shock when he came back online.

    I’ve asked the them to report it though they don’t see the point considering the experience I’ve had reporting it. And I have to say I find it rather funny that there are other reports of different allies glitches appearing in this bug reporting section particularly after I was told they take the allies programming very seriously and there has never been a glitch in the ally programming.
  9. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    It does not take 40+ hits to clear 5m gold.
    0ggles likes this.
  10. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I've had many different types of glitches with allies myself...especially with them not updating my current gold after hiring an ally or collecting gold until I do something that affects the gold. I've even had a time where I collected gold and the gold didn't appear in my gold on hand and it said insufficient funds when I went to rehire. It was my fault for not double checking, so I totally got hit for that. The next time that happened, I expected it so I force closed, then went back in and saw it all there so I could rehire. (That all happened before I realized doing something that changes my RSS count would update it, like hitting a monster or cashing in a small token.)

    I totally do believe that there are a few bugs in the ally collection. I haven't experienced the one you had, but I'd be hella upset if it happened to me because that'd mean I'd lose an ally and the gold to buy one similar in stats too, so my abilities would go down. It's good that you report bugs so the devs can see what's wrong with the game.

    Hopefully you find a way to replicate the bug...but that's a hard one to replicate. Having it happen to multiple people definitely does help them track down the cause of it.

    I hope you don't shy against reporting bugs. If there's a bug, report it. If you don't, they'll never get fixed. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone here on this, and I'm sorry I mentioned my opinion on the 11 hours being a long time. This should be a place where we can report our bugs without judgement, so I'm sorry for judging you about that. That was wrong on my part. I do hope we don't scare people away from reporting bugs. If no one reports bugs, nothing will get fixed.
    #10 Hermione, May 29, 2018
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
  11. aahz

    aahz New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    So it seems to have happened again though in a slightly different manner. And if this is how the ally refund system now works it is a huge over sight in the devos thinking.

    My clan is in a bit of tiff with the neighbouring clan, so all of us were expecting the odd poke attack here and there. Of course we all keep ourselves under cap to avoid being a juicy target and give the neighbors reason to attack.

    Again, while off line an ally was hired away. The refund and profit of the ally being hired away of course was given. As I was off line I never collected it into my resources. It remained in the ally section waiting for me to collect it.

    I was attacked and that refund sitting in the ally section; not in my resources as I hadn’t collected it, was taken during the attacks to a tune of 20 million plus gold.

    Is this how an ally getting hired away works now? That gold can be striped even if you haven’t collected it into your resources? If this is the case it is a huge fault in the ally system.

    Why is it a fault you may ask? If you notice when looking to hire an ally you can see who owns that ally and which clan they belong to. If you know the location of the clan in the realm you can basically hire away an ally then turn around and attack the player you just hired the ally away from and get your gold back.

    Makes me not want to bother hiring allies if the refund can be taken before I’ve even had a chance to notice an ally has been hired away and actually collect the gold into my resources.
  12. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Uhh, sorry to burst your bubble, but that is exactly how it works. This is not an oversight by the developers and they definetely did a good job trying to balance this. As you’ve pointed out, if it was auto collected, then when they scout you, now u are 20 million gold over cap, so they attack you and gain that yummy gold! That’s bad!

    Now let’s say that an ally of yours was hired away (not auto collected) and someone attacks you (cuz they are mean lol), but you keep that gold in the hired away section. Well now players have a way to store infinite gold! Just hire and when it’s rehired, it’s stored in your ally “gold storage”

    So in this case, that gold can be destroyed! Whenever you are attacked and you have gold stored in there, some of the ally gold is DESTROYED!!! Note that I said destroyed. The attacker does NOT receive that gold (in fact, they don’t even know that they destroyed any).

    On your point on hiring away, yes that is a tactic! I see it all the time, hire away your enemies ally and destroy that gold (and lower your defenses). However, this is labor intensive (it should be), it makes your attacker have to scour the allies to find your ally.
    #12 dlz9345X, Aug 13, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
    Hermione likes this.

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