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All my allies are reseting!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jusplyn, May 18, 2018.

  1. Jusplyn

    Jusplyn New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    This sucks. Whats up with that? Ive had like 5 in an hour...
  2. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Same,it's costing me millions! What is going on !! They are basically stripping me at this point. Giving such a small % refund.
  3. Jusplyn

    Jusplyn New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Ya least they do is give full refund if they are gonna delete em...
    Gwain and ButterBean like this.
  4. Jusplyn

    Jusplyn New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Prices are gonna go up i bet...
  5. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    It’s been brought up about getting the full refund instead of the dropped price refund
  6. Jusplyn

    Jusplyn New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Nows the time to go hit people. Could destroy alot of gold right now....
  7. Gwain

    Gwain New Citizen

    Dec 26, 2017
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    There should have been an announcement sent out days in advance. What are the criteria? How can people have confidence when they don’t have visibility of the metric used or the associated values for each ally when they purchase? How often will this purge be done? When can I buy back in without fearing i’ll get another inactive ally? How long does my shield need to be up now that the psycopaths are out to destroy ally gold?

    I feel this will hurt the small-medium players more than the top ones. Both materially and mechanically.

    This should be a full refund, at the very least, to avoid a further loss of confidence in the ally system.

    There should be serious thought given to retiring the current ally system. Perhaps an ongoing 2:1 trade in for oc gold to ore/food until another use is found for gold.
    ButterBean likes this.
  8. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yep totally agree! The medium and lower level players are going to be hit the hardest, because let's be honest they generally have the worse allies. And most of the time can only afford the lower end allies, and now they're being reset on us. To be honest it really feels like the mid/low players are being nerfed, are they really not wanted here ??
  9. MeAgain

    MeAgain New Citizen

    Oct 28, 2017
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    What are you doing ATA? So you think it’s okay to strip us from allies and pay a drop price? I don’t think that’s fair as you cannot see if a player is active or not, they may or may not be in a clan and you decide they are inactive? Poor form!
  10. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    While I did see it brought up...I still haven't seen a response from ATA to say what they are doing and what they were thinking when they decided to go along with this idea. This is not the most fair thing for them to do to players. I'm scared to buy allies now. They're making it super hard to trust them if they are going to forcibly drop allies on us and not even give us a fair price for it. I've seen people say they lost millions of gold from this. (I don't know how true this actually is) but how fair can this be?
    We don't know if a player is active or not when we buy them. All we know is that they have nice stats for a nice price...so we buy them and find out later that they are inactive and we end up losing half their value because ATA decided to implement a feature that makes no sense at all?
    I can't even say it wasn't asked for...especially since people were seen asking for this in the forums, but come on ATA, I honestly thought you'd think this through more than you did... we did not choose to drop the allies...why do we get half price for them? Why do we have to lose out on something that was not our fault? Do you honestly expect us to send mail to each ally before we purchase them to find out if they're active or not before we hire them?
    Now I am fearing seeing this happen to me with one of my big allies.
    I totally don't support this.
    Yavvy, 0ggles and ButterBean like this.
  11. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I messaged ATA in regards to this, there response was as follows "
    We are improving the efficiency in how we remove inactive accounts and in relation to that the account that is owned as ally will be affected. The mechanic of the ally market and the loop-holes available if full refunds on reset allies has caused imbalance to our older games that shares the same ally mechanic. In order to preserver fair balance and prevent previous loop-holes we've encountered, this is the ratio of refund for reset/inactive allies. It is also to stay consistent with our other games with this mechanic. Part of the intricacies of the ally market is choosing optimal allies, being mindful and avoiding inactives can be done with some digging around and due diligence"....

    This is most likely their usual copy paste response for these issues. They say it is in keeping with their other games. I was Megatron in KAW another ATA game (played for years) and this is NOT how kaw works, in kaw the % returned increases over time (In kaw you have owned the ally for 0 days you receive only 4.5% of their value back. For each day that you own the ally the percentage of their value you will receive will increase until it reaches the maximum 58%.Also when an ally is dropped its price is immediately reduced by 25% and for every 3 days the ally remains ownerless its price will drop a further 25%)
    when you drop allies YOURSELF... I was often using RESET BOMBS in Kaw OSW, and they even disabled reset on kaw sometime ago.. Accounts have remained inactive for years in kaw and they do not simply get deleted. I believe the last person to reset on kaw was chaos, when he raged quit and reset his main. They later returned the acc to its former size and obviously said it wouldn't happen again... But I'm straying from the point, the fact is this is not what they do in other games from any of my experience. There is no way to determine if an ally is active, they may have allies themselves they may even be in a clan, and from all appearances they would appear to be active. And there is also the time limit, we can't exactly sit there and message each and very ally while having millions of gold out if they are really expecting people to do this. All in all this targets the mid/low players the MOST as they generally don't have the available gold to purchase what ata call "optimal allies" lmao

    I myself have lost a few million, how ? Well it's pretty easy. They are paying something like 50% drop price, so two allies at 1mil drop you have already lost a mil. And a LOT of people have ten or more allies in this price range. Can you imagine a 60mil ally being dropped !! Damn if that happens to me I'm quitting. So far I've lost 3 or more allies in the price range of 1-3 mil. It takes a fair amount of time to get allies, and to get the gold. Come on ATA this is just heartless and unnecessary, I honestly feel bad for anyone who had their hard work taken away from them by the devs while they sleep. Not happy with you ATA, you need to actually play this game and then you will actually understand how disheartening actions like this are. So out of touch with the players/customers. NOONE will support this.
    #11 ButterBean, May 20, 2018
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
    Yavvy and 0ggles like this.
  12. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I swear, it's like ATA is pushing people closer and closer to quitting with all these bad changes...
    People only pay for things they like. ATA is a business...yes, but when they royally screw over their customers, they can't really expect those customers to remain as they are...I try to keep a level head when I voice my opinions...but I honestly don't see why ATA decides to do things like this...Sometimes I feel like the only reason I stayed after all the rotten changes was because I was here since beta and feel a certain way about watching something as it grows from the early stages to what it is at the end...but ATA has made bad change after bad change and this one does not in any way shape or form benefit the players.
    I can't even say the changes to the Dragon Quest were even the first thing that made me decide I didn't want to spend anymore...it solidified my reasons not to, but that wasn't even the first, and the ally changes that they just did will Not be the last. They just keep adding more and more reasons for people to dislike things about KoH.
    Save your baby, ATA! Don't let KoH suffer an untimely death! Look at the warning signs! They are there, and they are loud!
    ButterBean and Yavvy like this.
  13. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yes totally agree, couldn't have said it better myself. We are losing players fast. Good players, big players, I've lost 5 friends recently and 4-5 of my clan members quit. I'm not talking about people who've been playing a week or two but people with TH23+ Accs (playing for MONTHS to get there). We need NEW players to stay and grow, for without them the game simply has NO future. I have been playing for MONTHS and was an Ally trader in other games, and as such I do luckily have some decent allies, but honestly a new player could have easily lost every single ally they owned due to this. And as a new player they most likely didn't even know wth was going on. There is not a chance a new player or even many mid/low players can afford to have an ally list of all the best "optimal" allies.. At this point I stay ONLY because my friends still play, and not actually for the game itself. I'm sure I'm not alone.

    @ATA can you at least read forums and comment please, or at the very least have MODs armed with the information necessary to let the people know you're actually doing something and do actually care!
    0ggles likes this.
  14. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I think removing them from the map would be ideal but not removing them from the market. The market is already incredibly overpriced and this is just making it worse and hurting players (I lost I think 200 gold so I lucked out so far)
    ButterBean likes this.
  15. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Hey there,
    I'm going to be following up with our support and game design team members as this is not the experience we want our players to have.

    I'll provide an update as soon as I have more information to share.
  16. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Over the weekend a number of inactive players were de-activated and dropped as Allies. Owners of these Allies incorrectly received a partial refund of the total value of these Allies.

    This was not the intended behavior, nor the kind of experience we want to provide to our players. We will soon be sending out in-game mail to the affected users with more information.

    We apologize for the confusion and our lack of communication. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to correct this mistake.

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