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Shrines Reactivate this Weekend!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 18, 2018.

  1. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yes maybe the reset is an extreme measure, for many a step too far. But look at ATA history, for if we don't acknowledge the past and learn from it we are doomed to repeat it.. I speak of games like Smash, Gangs At War, Future Combat these games got stopped due to user drop off (what we are seeing now).. These aren't the rantings of a crazy person, but the actual facts from my personal experience and statements given by the company in numerous interviews. They did research and from initial download to 1 month after there remained on average less than 10% of players still playing... So it is already a rather small number, and now I have witness mass exodus in both my realm and clan. 90% of my friends that would previously chat for hours, and participating in rallies pvp etc now only login to blast monsters, do DQ and then leave the app for another 23.9hrs.. Many don't even play, as they have deleted the app.
  2. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    A full reset, stupid. Disabling Shrines, pointless. Shielding makes perfect sense for the Shrines. As it stands right now people who own a Shrine can lock down the other two by simply knocking anyone off. Even if they can't capture it some will pointlessly knock people off. My realm is fairly active. People growing well. My realm is realm 27. Shrines were never meant to be for some no name clan not even in the top 5. It's the same way as many other games with the same feature. It would also help to spread the Shrine islands much farther out rather than bottlenecking them in the center. Increase the growth rewards and/or add better features that can help the entire realm. I've been the Ruler of 27 since the start. I spread chests out to other clans, not just my clan or my friends. I also make sure Growth is always selected. Not every Ruler is trying to screw their realm.
    Feyre_88 likes this.
  3. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Riley no offence but you are honestly the exception. You cannot base a entire feature on your sole actions, as it has had a negative affect on most of the realms. Tyranny has been remove (thank god, truly terrible idea, rubbed a LOT of people up the wrong way) but for majority of realms the shrines give 0% benefit to the players not holding them, only reinforce the idea that they are "no-name clans" and don't matter. Well I personally think the DO matter, everyone that plays is apart of the community as therefore matters regardless of size.

    We have had 1 ruler (Bigge) who did actually give out the gem nodes to the realm. That is the only time anyone got anything. You mention the no-name clans like they are pariahs or something, they are the backbone of the community.. Good luck getting BFA without them..Many of my members have 500mil in allies, rank 15-16 dragons with T4 troops, and together collectively we can't even touch them..We have lost a lot of big players, so these no-name clans are actually often just clans that have collapsed in on themselves (or new players, also very important). I was in CFB (sadly no longer together) which was previously lb 1-2 and then collapsed in on itself, that I contribute to a merge, when you get a merge let me know how you feel... So perhaps it may be beneficial if you actually look around and check out the bigger picture with the collective information. There are more issues at play here, let's not push forward regardless because it is simply the easiest thing to do. We should aim at improving things not simply enduring them.

    One good thing that has been happening is we no longer have to fight over Titans. One Titan on the daily biome I saw was there for a nice 1hr as no one here hehehe
  4. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    The idea of shrines was never for smaller clans like yourself. It's the same in several other games. It's an end-game feature for the biggest clans, aka Top5. The Shrines are there to help clans fight for the Stronghold. There's not suppose to be Realm wide benefits to everyone with those. The Stronghold contains the realm wide benefits and without Tyranny its a lot better.
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    You're deluded, or just plain stupid not sure which. The shrines are taken by the top 2 people that is all, but good luck playing your game when everyone quits lmao tool
    0ggles likes this.
  6. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Glad you can insult me directly and not contribute to the argument. That speaks volumes of yourself. Only one core Shrine can be taken and held by any single clan. So you're wrong. Without a shield phase core shrines can be kept empty by clans owning a different core.
  7. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I'm Glad you appreciate my honesty, I came to this fair and just conclusion from reading your messages (all of which fail to acknowledge the issues) The shrines are owned constantly in most part by two people, essentially from the same clan (subs) so no matter what colour you spray a turd no amount of fairy dust will change the underlying fact it's still just a turd. You cannot take a shrine of any type, and you keep saying " not for low clans" and "end game players" like it's your mantra, I'm talking about people with 500mil+ in bfa (145% + boost in respective biome) level 50 dragons with rank 15-16+ and T4 and still don't stand a chance, so do me a favour and pull your head out of your butt. These are respectable accs that are being told by ATA and fools like yourself that they simply don't matter unless they spend a few k....

    These are what ultimately cause boom-bust games, even the co-founder Araski acknowledged that whale spenders decimate the longevity of the games ( hence why most have spending limits ) Having been around ATA games for many years, I know how quickly they can crash and burn, so do your research before just assuming everything is good because you have a shrine... finished taking to you anyway, you're one of these individuals that most likely will never a clue what's going on.
  8. IQuitThisShtGame

    IQuitThisShtGame New Citizen

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Shrines or Stronghold. Learn which is which.

    Yep, you're mad and you'll just insult me with each reply instead of making a valid argument. You are no longer worth my attention.
  9. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Why would anyone waste their time trying to differentiate between the two ? For they are both impossible to obtain? Not worth my time, and certainly not worth my money. Peace out ✌️ You will see people posting on on app rating that it's a P2W or P2P game, having played games for many many years I can assure you many many gamers will not download or play a pay to play game.

    @AtA please change game description on App Store, it is no longer a free to play game unless you mean the most basic features, as you have systematically and deliberately ensured with game mechanics, and whale spending that average players or even moderate spenders can't partake in the games biggest feature. Won't be seeing me around much I've had my fill.
  10. YoMommaOfDragons

    Dec 30, 2017
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    I posted about having shrine features be accessible to more players in the suggestions forum but I appreciate all the comments here.

    I suggest that once a clan rules the realm or takes a stronghold/shrine (please forgive me for not differentiating) that clan cannot hold another for at least x period of time. This would at least make the feature available to top 5 -10 clans. Currently only top 3 participate in our realm. Simply taking turns holding each.

    To build on another idea of making the shrines more spread out, couldn’t there be smaller shrines in the further corners of the realm that could be competed for by smaller clans? Creating a system with tiered leadership think (dukes, earls, lords)? Perhaps those who hold the distant shrines can benefit rewards for their clan members within a certain radius of the shrine - ie. nearby hives.

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