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Attacking should cost brew

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by dlz9345X, May 28, 2018.

  1. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    One of the main concerns for lower level players is getting zeroed when you are starting to build up. I bet everyone agrees that getting attacked 100 times for literally no reason is dumb, especially when you lose SO much progress (like 2-3 months of work). Making PVP cost brew seems kinda natural, as attacking monsters cost brew. Even making it cost like 20 brew would be pretty nice. It doesn’t really hinder higher people trying to attack over cap people and it doesn’t provide any unfair advantages to anyone. As well, you could implement a higher brew cost per town hall lower to further incentivize attacking similar town hall/progress players - just like how attacking someone 5 town hall levels or lower doesn’t get points in slaughter events.
  2. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    No. Pvp already heavily favors the defender. Making pvp cost brew will drive players away and most players don’t have enough brew as it is
    Green_Sack and MOAR2 like this.
  3. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    I don’t really think so... if you can’t spare 20 brew to attack someone, but have 50 to attack a monster and deal a maximum of 30% health, I have no idea what you are doing in the game. As well, I guess PvP does favor the defender, but what the heck do you do if someone that has 10x your might attacks you? Like Jesus, my wall is 500mil and his attack alone is 3 billion... PvP really just favors the strong, as well as most aspects in the game. The strong get stronger, while the weak simply try to catch up.
    Poger, ChatonCiel, Hermitfox and 2 others like this.
  4. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    And don’t get me started on this “a group of little guys can fight the big ones”. Lol, I’ve seen this way too much and it doesn’t work. First attack is always defended. Then what do you do when a group of high mights rally your clan members. At this point, everyone just tries to shield, and those that are simply offline doing other things get completely trashed. Anyone who tries to help is also destroyed.
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yep, i agree. Attacking people should cost brew, and if they are attacking Low level people it should cost more brew.
  6. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Lol the mechanic in this game are ridiculous, need to scrap them and do a overhaul. But that won’t happen, too many people quit and ata never advertises their games . Koh is another future combat, smash or the other games that crashed and burned quick
  7. MOAR2

    MOAR2 Citizen

    Jan 12, 2018
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    ATA gives out shields like candy. If you don't want to get attacked then shield.
    Green_Sack and DeViLs_iLLeST like this.
  8. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    They give one 8shield everyday if you complete dragon quests.. There are 24hrs in a day, what do you suggest they do for the other remaining 16hrs.. How do you suppose they get rss for later upgrades ? Like when the buildings start costing 100mil + when they have say 5mil protective cap....

    They don’t give out shields enough, and the cost for the shields is ridiculous.. There are accs that cannot defend against a solo ATk even when they are at max reinforcements. The system is flawed and unplayable for new players or small players, and they can be attacked at will and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.. No cost for attacking players, and no hit restrictions is just bad on so many levels. But these games are boom-bust so not really designed for long term only short term max ROI
  9. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I have 912 hours or 38 days in shields built up. ATA is very generous with shields. You fail to realize that this isn’t a pve game correct? 1/2 of the first 6 drags in this game are pvp drags (Quartz, Yyrrrkk, Bubbles). It takes 75% of my brew to destroy just one monster. Now you want attacking to cost brew? Unless ata amplifies that brew regeneration by a minimum of 10x it’s just not going to happen. Attacking costing brew also eliminates clan wars and idk about you but brew tokens don’t build up as fast as you spend them and doing pvp will make them deplete at an expontially faster rate.

    As it’s been stated this game favors the defender. No you cannot defend against easily everyone. Level your wall dragons, do biome research make defense troops, buy allies. Decreasing pvp isn’t going to make the game any better but yes they can make some improvements like increasing the garrison or increasing hospital capacity but if you make pvp cost brew you can expect a significant increase in zeroing because they will make it worth their while
  10. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    While sure, you can shield, but I’m not a hardcore player that’s on 24 hours a day... it’s easy to get attacked while you are offline or on vacation or something.

    Also, I will have to state: I am not against PVPing! It’s just that this game does need some balancing. I don’t mind when I forget I’m overcap and someone attacks me, that’s just my fault. But if someone attacks you 100s of times for no reason, ATA should stop wondering why people quit. I totally get that attacks really favor the defender, I am trying my best to do everything you’ve said to increase my defense,

    However, I don’t think that making attacks cost brew will make clan wars go away or anything. Even a simple 5 brew cost isn’t gonna make someone not attack, but now people will have to take their attacks more seriously. Right now, the only incentive to not attack is, oh my troops are gonna die, but ATA has made failed attacks less hurtful to the attacker to try and balance gameplay. By adding brew cost, even a 5 brew cost, players can still do 11 attacks per monster they attack... if you can’t sacrifice even a 10 brew token to attack someone (not to mention it’ll take like 2 mins to get 5 brew), this game is just simply appeasing the money payers.
    xXHazardousXx likes this.
  11. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    If you're scared of losing troops, start an 8h rally, or hide your troops in someone who isn't about to re-shield if they have a long one.
    If you're in a war, be more careful!

    Heck, people totally slip up. my clan got attacked plenty, and heck, even I left my reinforcements in the wrong person and fell asleep and lost some troops (but after healing, I still had a lot left since I don't hide in just 1 person)

    You just have to try to play it safe. If you don't want to trust someone else in your clan not to re-shield, you can find some inactive looking person to set a rally on. set 3 rallies, whatever you want. Don't have more troops than you can protect... Do research to increase your marches. If you can't get a shield, there are other options. I'm sure you can check in at least once every 8 hours to cancel a rally or start a new one...heck...if you know someone who has an alt you know they won't mind you hitting, why not use it?

    I may not be good at judging who's inactive, but I usually look for clanless people...They're usually kicked for inactivity and with no clan, no reinforcements. If they have few troops, you won't lose too many if you accidentally let it go through... if they're inactive, they won't teleport away.
    R0R0 likes this.
  12. R0R0

    R0R0 New Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Hermione what’s the rally feature do as far as protecting troops? I’ve never heard that one before. Also do you have links or directions you could point me towards on how to increase your wall defense? Thanks
  13. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    If your troops are tied up in an 8 hour rally, they are safe from being killed if someone hits you. It's as i they're not there (unless that rally gets prematurely cancelled)

    A few ways you can increase your wall def are by buying better allies and training more troops and it also depends on your dragons and the research on them. Check out the biome specific research tree. You'll see a few that would help you in specific biomes.
  14. Hermitfox

    Hermitfox New Citizen

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I like this idea because getting zeroed, having to leave clan area to a lower level area, then getting zeroed again because I'm on my own is about to make me stop playing.
  15. PopularMonster

    PopularMonster Citizen

    May 16, 2018
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    Bruh, let's just face it, that at the end of the day, heckfire is just gonna become one of ata's other pve game. I read this and I was like wow, a person really wants attacking to cost brew? What kind of nonsense is this dude! Heck, I've been to two different realms in my entire gaming career and people just don't seem to pvp much, too many pve events, and since nobody wants to be left behind they do less pvp and more pve. During ffa a lot of clans shield up so it becomes hella borning. Then there is the problem of trying to pvp outside of ffa - you get people whining and complaining about how you're not supposed to pvp outside of ffa, and that type of mentality is just gonna kill the pvp aspect of the game even more.

    I know someone reading this is probably thinking: ha this scrub only been to two realms, other realms have more pvp! And while I have heard other realms are more pvp based, don't get too comfortable. ATA will keep dropping more and more pve events and pvp is gonna become a thing of the past, because too many people are gonna be focusing on doing pve to not be left behind, and pvp will be thrown out the window.

    My one dollar and fifty cents, keep the change.
  16. PinkOnAShelf

    PinkOnAShelf New Citizen

    Jul 18, 2018
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    I don't think it should cost brews. If you are slaying monsters every time it comes up and getting your 3stars daily and helping in the raids you rallyneed every new you get. Sometimes I think we should have more....but I do think there should be some kind of penalty to those who are zeroing the little guys. Even at my level I have no chance against those big boys. So a big penalty would hopefully stop them from doing that. I've seen many get to lv 15 then be hit 100+times in 30mins and leave the game.
  17. MrMcJaggers

    MrMcJaggers Citizen

    Apr 17, 2018
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    In an even fight, yes. How often do you see someone hitting someone around the same might? It can be free for someone near the same TH level.

    On a different note, I think it favors the attacker. With the new rally mechanics, any lost defense to a rally has the defenders troops killed, even if the hospital is empty. Also, when the hospital is full, losing an attack kills more of he defenders troops than the attackers.
    Maybe theres a difference in the two parties’ troop toughness research, but its pretty disheartening to see a successful defense lose 3x as many troops as an attacker who failed.
  18. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Comparing might is pointless. The general comparison is th v th. I see it quite often. And it heavily favors the defender. It has switched from the attacker being favored. It used to be the defender would lose troops on each and every hit and you could be completely zeroed. Most of the accounts you see these days have rushed their accounts to be a high th level and neglected the research and such that actually benefits.

    You have to keep in mind that the attacker loses troops on each attack and even heavier losses on failed attacks I can lose around 5-6k t4 pugs per failed attack compared to maybe 500-1k t4 loss on a win

    Also about the hospital I agree that it’s cap is not sufficient enough nor diverse enough to let you decide what troops to protect. Rallies have losses now because rallies were not being utilized so a couple troop kills is the incentive for it.

  19. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Brew is already burned through enough due to raids and PVE.

    If you really want to stablize PVP, adding in a feature so higher th players lose more troops attacking a lower th player may be more down your alley. Even making it so a player cannot kill troops while attacking someone 5 th levels below themselves may be something more beneficial. At that point players up to th19 would be safe from being zeroed by those bored th25's. Just a thought. ^.^

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