No clan should be able to hold any shrine (mini, core, or stronghold) for two consecutive weeks following a capture. Right now the three biggest clans are just trading off who holds the shrines. And they’re not even using the mini shrines (presumably bc it ties up a march) while every other clan in the realm ignores the entire aspect of game play. Requiring the 2wk cool down would require that clans work together to hold all of the shrines at once to receive max benefit and also allow smaller clans a chance to attack and hold the shrines in the following weeks. Right now the shrines are not for everyone. If anyone has other ideas as to how shrine action could be more accessible to others, I would love to hear them!
ATA doesn’t give two hoots about everyone, the game mechanics and events ensure that. Looks at the biggest feature, shrines for lb players 1%, look at events as you hit th23 you are competing with LB th25 which have a huge advantage. Look at the none existent hit range, and the ridiculous bonus the LB get from the shrines, look at the latest update of dragons going to rank 30.. None of these help or even include the average players, primarily because they don’t care about anything other than $$$$$$$. ATA was once a good company, actually cared about the community and the people that played their games, but they became greedy. Many players stay only for the friends they have made, and for what ATA once was.. They have such low protective caps so to upgrade to th24-25 you will be forced to shield to get the 130mil+ rss requirements, did you see the price of shields ?? Holy cow, I play iron throne and 7 day shield is less than 1$!! But they give out shields like candy there, and also daily login rewards 😂 KOH is no longer designed to be enjoyed by the many only ruled by the whale spenders.