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Changen in Tyranny taxation rate system

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Vanessa18tan, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Vanessa18tan

    Vanessa18tan New Citizen

    May 9, 2018
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    I believe that Tyranny Tax is a cool feature.

    However, I feel like the there could have been better ways of implementing the tax rate.

    Imposing the same tax rate of 10% to all players seems unfair as it gives a major disadvantage to small players to grow bigger as compared to big players. In the long term, this system would make it near impossible for small players to ever catch up to the big players.

    I suggest changing the taxation rate system to a progressive system where the rate charged is determined by the level/might of the player.

    For example, 3% to level 1-8 players, 5% to level 9-15 players and so forth
  2. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Why tax the players at all? The whole idea is ludicrous and idiotic, with 95% of player hating it why bother changing the % when it isn’t what the players want. People are essentially having their activity and work taken away from them to line the pockets of the same 2-3 asshats everytime. Why would you find it a cool feature ? Are you perhaps just a Brown nose,for that along with limited intelligence can be the only reason anyone would think giving 10% of your rss away is a “cool feature”...
  3. Vanessa18tan

    Vanessa18tan New Citizen

    May 9, 2018
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    Thank you for your reply. I think it's a cool feature because it very much reflects how the real world works. The game is essentially a war game. You're meant to either rule the realm or survive as a mere 'citizen'. So if the ruler imposes tax on its 'citizen' then that is fine as the game will have to somehow show that being the ruler will have its great benefit.

    I just think that the game could bring a little bit more balance to all players by changing how the tax rates are impose. That way the game wouldn't feel too one sided.
  4. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    I mean this whole ruler of the realm is one sided. We’ve had the same ruler three times in a row, and it’ll only continue. At least some of the times he’s generous, but at this rate, they’ll grow exponentially faster than anyone else.
    ButterBean likes this.
  5. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Reflects real life ?... No it doesn’t, this type of taxation is one of the major things that caused the American revolution. We pay tax in real life in exchange for benefits and facilities provided to us by our elected government. This is a TAP TAP game not real life, and we receive ZERO benefit from the tax, it just goes directly to the strongest player. Making them even stronger, and increasing the ridiculous gap even further. It’s bad enough that the biggest feature is for only the top 2 players, now they expect us to pay for it !! There is NO balance in this game, and it is one of reasons many of ATAs previous games crashed, players simply stopped playing them. When the players stop playing and ATA deem the cost to be too high they close the doors, Future combat, gangs of war, smash, to name but a few. If they carry on as they are this will be the same. Even kaw their biggest cash cow is suffering from players throwing in the towel.

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