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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mrsirman, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. holon

    holon New Citizen

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Who cares, it' just a game..right!? No it' not 2 those that love this or any other game. Bass, I'm new, but I agree, I've seen b4 in other games. More recently, my old fab gm was Parallel Kingdom. Devs dont care cause its their brain child, until they lose money. Then its 2 late cause they just unload it. Piont is, until no one buys packs, devs don't care. If they care, we wouldn't b talking here!!
  2. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    While I agree with the PVP mechanics KOH has set up, I really wish there would be a way to kill your own troops... Like have a button that kills your troops! I mean, it’s not like it’s exploitable and would save a huge amount of trouble trying to do it yourself. I plan on staying at a lower TH trying to get my research done before rushing brackets, and through training quests, I have built up quite the army of trash troops (which I won’t really need later on). Pleeeease KOH it would be awesome to be able to remove troops.

    Also, I would recommend not spending any gems (and especially not money) on troops. They are not worth it... they will die and it’ll be a waste. Focus on other things, since you can always restock up on them. I saw a guy get zeroed once, built up his army in one day, only to be zeroed again.
  3. Mulette

    Mulette New Citizen

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Why not have a DISMISS TROOPS button, with a confirmation question or 2 to verify against accidental Dismissals. Or a RETIRE TROOPS button. Just some random thoughts...
  4. Mulette

    Mulette New Citizen

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Another thought would be to keep the system as it is, where the weaker troops get injured first, but as the stronger troops also get injured, have the first wounded (T1's etc.) succumb to their injures thus freeing up the beds for the newly injured
    ShhhShawn likes this.
  5. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    That’s exactly how I feel...

    I made an account (where I was a complete noob and rushed too hard) and I got zeroed, making me unavailable to even attack two lvl 5 camps at the same time! It was nearly impossible to complete any DQs or anything, so I said screw it and made another account.

    Now, while I realize that while PVP is still kinda OP, it is true that you can prevent things like this from happening, but it’s time consuming... if anything, ATA is really just missing this one point: I don’t play this game 24/7, I check it maybe once or twice a day (sometimes more) and any notifs I get, I rarely check my device for them, so I miss most of them.
  6. Dilligence

    Dilligence New Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Killing off troops is as easy as sending the ones you dont want out on one wrong dragon tok a large player 100% kill no injuries
  7. Sirius

    Sirius Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Old but t3 give 64 might so 800k t3 is 51,200,000 might.
  8. Teobeanie

    Teobeanie New Citizen

    May 15, 2018
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    I am starting to think it’s all a money scam. You build up troops, they are killed off, you can only rebuild quickly by spending money. The only players that can really enjoy themselves are the money spenders. I’ll quit before I spend money. I have a PS4 and Wii U, I don’t need this.
  9. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Lol you sir are truly inspiring, I salute you. You have acknowledged the problem and have simultaneously created a solution, the only solution I may add. I played for many months, and stopped for similar reasons, I login every few months and all I see is more complaining about the same old crap, nothing changes.
  10. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yes this pretty much sums it up in one, defend the indefensible. I quit months ago only login to see how things change... FYI things haven’t changed, same old 💩.
  11. DWaRFiNaWeLL

    DWaRFiNaWeLL New Citizen

    Jan 28, 2018
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    And the fact this thread is right here and not one ATA dev has commented. I was zeroed once ,I rebuilt but I will not do it again it is one of the poorest designed games I've come to play. Fight the fight Bass but you know as well as I do they will not fix this. Zeroing should be done away with and the wall mechanics need to be fixed if your max March is 250k the 250k troops should defend your base it's that easy. Not 4 mill t4 troops.
  12. PhantomBeast

    PhantomBeast New Citizen

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I made a thread yesturday. Some well needed barriers. Go read it and if you like get some attn to it. I'm so tired of the big paying players having a huge advantage
  13. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    The discord is more interactive with the staff than the forums are
  14. Exxer

    Exxer Liked Citizen

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "Im on the fence about continuing with thisapp... N i loved this app blew thousands of dollars on it... But this flaw is crazy ... ”.

    Um, here's my question... If you spent 'thousands of dollars' on the app, how were you spending it? I've spent maybe a grand total since December, I'm TH25 with T4's all unlocked and most of their upgrades done, bought all 3 legendary drags on got up to around rank 15, I'm close to getting a mastery unlocked. I've got about 2.5mil T3 and 2mil T4 troops. My wall is something like 50bil def and there are plenty of people that can solo me even that high.

    TL DR version... Don't waste your money making poor purchasing decisions next time? Just a grand in this game goes a pretty dang long way as long as you spend it wisely... Sheesh.
    SmallCap likes this.
  15. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Tbh I don’t know why everyone’s complaining. Sure it sucks to be zeroed, but really? KOH isn’t the only ganne with a zeroing mechanic. Heck, I’ve played games where people can zero you in one attack! It’s not the game that’s unfair, it’s how you’re playing it.

    I’ve spent a grand total of 0$ on this game. It’s pretty fun and I’ve never been zeroed on this account. Wanna know why? Because I take measures to protect myself from it.
  16. ENNVYY

    ENNVYY New Citizen

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well after you get zeroed when your "measures" fail one day and you lose a mil or so of your troops dont complain. Bottom line, the a-hole wallet warriors rule the realm. I left the top 10 clan I was in to mind my own business and still the "big boys" seek out weaker players to prey upon. I really want to quit this game but it's hard to just give up when you have invested hundreds of dollars and more ...I used to throw money at this game, but no more. As long as new people join the game that haven't learned their lesson yet, ATA won't and doesn't care about our plight.
  17. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    If you exceed your hospital cap then you run that risk. I agree that the cap isn’t nearly large enough to accommodate multiple full marches, and the lack of “protect specific troops” doesn’t make it any better but it’s a risk you take.
  18. Arewyne

    Arewyne Citizen

    Dec 8, 2017
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    I agree with what you said in your original post Basswiigee. I have been zeroed in less time then it took to turn around. There should be change in pvp. Like a clan notification that one of your clan mates is under attack. Often you don’t know it is happening until after the fact when there is nothing you can do.

    As for zeroing and the t1-2 troops I would like a way to upgrade them. Like rather then just giving us new troops give us a way to train them or invest them like 2 t1 =1t2. And so on. So we could convert them to higher troops. Much like the rss chest you have.

    As for the hospitals it would be nice if t1-2 did not fill them up. Maybe have a % of troops fill the hospital. Like if 10% of your total troops are t1 then they only take up 10% of the hospital space available. Like wise for the rest of the troops.

    Are these ideas feasible?
  19. PopularMonster

    PopularMonster Citizen

    May 16, 2018
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    Nah, Nah, Nah! Tha biggest flaw is that there are too many shields. It's easy to get those mofos. Screw that, I want it harder to get shields! Mofos be sittin around with 200 + 8 hr shields. Bruh fr? Nawh. Less shields = more zeros.

    Zeroing it's what it's all about.

    Another huge flaw is that 1 hr to zero is too much time ..aint nobody got time for that, son.

    They need to change this crap, I want it to take 1 minute to zero a player - well 2 minute tops.

    Last huge flaw is that we can't kill the dragons, we need to be able to kill other player's dragons.


    Cuz it would be fun, fam.
  20. Hamzilla

    Hamzilla New Citizen

    Dec 23, 2017
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    My main advice bud. You said you hit 241m? And then got brought down to 100m? At 240m having 800k plus t3’s isn’t safe. Not to mention however many t2’s and t1’s. At least 200-300k to fill your hospital. So let’s say theoretically you have over 1m troops if my calculations are correct. And I’m assuming you’re probably around the th 18 range. Flat out was to avoid this is do NOT have over 1m troops at only th 18....and 800k when your only hitting 240m sounds like a serious troop bloat. Getting zeroed was going to happen sooner or later

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