Today we're releasing our first public test of Raids and Idols, our newest addition to Kingdoms of Heckfire. Read on below for all things Raid related, or head over here for Idols. Raid Details Raids are large clan events that span multiple stages. Earn Clan Raid Summon Energy by completing tiers of your Daily Dragon Quests. Clan Raid Summon Energy is awarded to your Clan and can be used by high ranking Clan members to Summon Raids. If you leave your Clan, the Clan Raid Summon Energy stays behind! Unlock Raid March Caps, Hunt and Gather Levels from the new Research tree to power up and help your Clan defeat the Raid Once started, work together as a clan to complete the listed objectives to clear each stage. After clearing stages you'll reach the Raid Boss. Defeat the Raid Boss to complete the Raid and earn valuable rewards including Mana Tokens, Idol Fragments, and Idol Upgrade Materials. Read up more on Idols over here! (Please note that this feature is being released as a Public Test, and that mechanics and details are subject to change)
How do we test it... Do we have to research it? I sure hope not no heads up some people got 2 month researches going... Sucks....😭
Yo esoy igual.... No hay ninguna Guia qué especific requisitos minimos para poder Al Menos atacar en Los 3 niveles dear las raid!! Toy muy decepcionada 😩
Es verdad el foro debería ayudar con una guía del cómo se juega y como se hacen algunas misiones, mi inglés no es muy basto, así que no entiendo muy bien muchas cosas y pues si requiero de ayuda =_=