ATA has said a realm incentive system is something they will Work on/ consider at the end of Q4/ Q1 next year, after artifacts are released.
I would be futile to send us into top only realm. Our max attack will never break our walls so it's a stale mate. We have walls into the trillions and the single biggest maxed out attack is under 200billion. If it wasnt for cc I would have left a long time ago
Yes.. I wish shrines are out of here... Strongest clans take turns and cycle thru with agreements.. and allianves... And only zero anyone else who has the nerve to attempt to hit it... I was in one of those clans.. they literally schedule the shrines in.. depending on who's turn it is... So the strong get stronger .
I dont think it should change the leaderboard, but I think they should be in the game. It draws attention/time away from attacking smaller players.