Using my 2018 standard iPad. This weekend, the first screen you see when going to the store is the Black Friday 4.99 promotion. First I was having instances where I would touch the red x in the upper right corner to move to the store, only to have it close to the realm (instead of to the store with the rest of the offers, chests, etc.) I could close the app and restart, and be able to get past this screen and into the store. Now it will either be on this offer screen, or close to the realm, no matter if I close and restart, or restart the iPad and launch the app. The player can only access the one promotional “Black Friday” screen when selecting “store”, attempting to close the promo screen will dump them back in the realm instead of proceeding to the main store.
Finally caved after hours, bought the Black Friday bundle... I now have access to the store again. (Well played, I guess?)
So now it’s the 19.95 limited offer I can’t get past if I want to swap ore or buy my clan a gift? No, not falling for this twice, guys.
All right, I’m slapping my forehead and wishing I can delete the thread... I was only going to “shopping” via the icon.... Store is accessible through menu>shopping... Sorry for the user error report.