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Just a thought...

Discussion in 'Diplomacy' started by ProfessorDaddy, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Yeah, but people earn might in different ways. Some through Research, some by mass training troops. And the areas of research may be different between 2 people who have the same might. One may do really well in monster hunting while the other in PvP related attacks. It's really hard to make that distinction. We as players tried earlier and Derek kind of made us see that there were too many ways to earn might and TH was a poor indicator of a person's strength too. (heck, there are some people who are TH23 who couldn't even hit a level 7 monster...and who had way lower might than I did at 20...even lower than I had at 18. So yeah...
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    I Don't think I understand what you mean then. I'm pretty sure the PvP event is a clan event as well as a solo event...It's not really a zero all event. Kills count the same as injured troops...so it's not really a zero all event either. And as Illest said, they did have PvP to where you would lose a ton of troops (dead) as if it was nothing. They had to fix that because no one wanted to play like that. It was not worth it for the big and the small alike. I'm not at the top. Nowhere near the top. They have to balance the game properly, so you may not like the state of things as they are now, but it came a VERY long way from where it was.

    And yeah, you have open tickets. The reply when you send a ticket Literally says that they are backed up. They will get to you when they catch up, but until then, you'll have to be patient. Just because your specific ticket wasn't responded to doesn't mean no one has made the request that you're making.

    They invited so many players to their discord and I've seen first hand that they listen to us. You may not feel like your ideas are being heard, and I'm sorry you feel that way, but if you aren't in the majority, your idea won't go through. Ask ata for the discord link and see for yourself if you don't think they have listened to us. Look back in the history...heck, look at the suggestions and suggestion-short list when you get in there and see if our ideas aren't being listened to.

    And some things are on the list, but lower on the list than others. Your bug may not be high up on the list, but I'm sure it has been mentioned before and they're working on it, or will get to it. There are so many players sending in tickets, you'll have to be a little more patient when it comes to having your questions answered.

    You weren't there at the start, so I can't expect you to know how it was when there were more kills than there are now. All I can expect you to know is how it is now. Changes happen, and the devs are working on more things. You may not have heard about them, but they are. Just wait a little and you'll see that they are working on many different changes for the game. It's young still and has a long way to go. It has come a long way since beta too.

    I honestly don't know what you want this game to be in terms of PvP. Explain it to me and maybe I'll understand you more. Like, go into detail. Just saying Clan incentivized PvP isn't going to help. Be specific.Give a full idea of what you think the PvP events should be like. Maybe if we all understood exactly what you wanted, we would agree with you more. But we'll have to actually understand exactly what you mean. So go into detail and describe it to me as if you're trying to describe it for the first time, but don['t forget, you have to say exactly how you see a PvP event going. One that gives clans incentive to participate even if you're in a smaller clan.
    #22 Hermione, Mar 17, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  3. Archeyblaize

    Archeyblaize New Citizen

    Jan 8, 2018
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    This is true however some clans have attmpted to build small communitues within several clans,granite it hasnt worked much
    DianaD likes this.
  4. Archeyblaize

    Archeyblaize New Citizen

    Jan 8, 2018
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    PvP will still be there,just mass clan vs clan
  5. Tweak

    Tweak Citizen

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I would like to see that millions of troops slain within days thing. That sounds like it would be fun. You say that’s bad for the game but having the same slay goblins this day, slay skeletons the next is good? That is way more stale then pvp.
  6. DeViLs_iLLeST

    DeViLs_iLLeST Liked Citizen

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I want to say one player alone lost 10m troops in under an hour
  7. Neft

    Neft New Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    being honest, on my realm ive heard about small players mass suiciding big ones with roughly 150 attacks around the same time.

    doesnt seem like much but 200k troops on a 3mill troop wall even if its a loss is 45k woundeds a pop

    assuming it takes 10 hits to fill hospital cap at 45k a hit 45x10 brain dead math 450k that leaves the other 140 suicide hits at 1-2mill troops its roughly 30k woundeds a hit until X point on hospital since ive smacked people at 400k troops and they only lost 8k due to being past the free heal you get on hospital.

    but still - your going to lose a lot of troops if not all of them.

    the current PvP system is absolute garbage, but the other system they could go with is far worse as it means small players dont stand a chance at all.

    PvP with a Tiering system is actually pretty damn hard to balance as its just power lobbing/mass suicides.

    on KoA for example 1 tier above troop wise 20k T5's beat 50k T4's so attacking them would just 0 yourself in a single hit and vice versa

    on DoA - instead of a tiering system they have different troop types so your march formation matters, like sending archers with i believe pack dragons or some other troop would 0 yourself regardless of what you sent

    on KoH - TH 18-23 can mass suicide eachother no matter what the wall defense is, 24/25 mass suicides since T4's dont get wounded as easily by T3's - rallys are basically useless late game unless its backed by someone absurdly strong or your just picking on noobs

    KoH PvP again - controlled tests on a 1.8bill wall, 10k troops - 4k died, 30k troops 1.5k died, 163k troops - about 13-14k died

    the ones that died are from the attacking march, 1.5k isnt even 5% of the march as proposed by the devs in support tickets and it was a loss.

    So yea, KoH PvP is in need of an overhaul seems more like they tied RNG to it instead of actual equations - or at least its how it feels

    for example: if loss = true troop loss = math.random (i know it wouldn't actually be like that)

    but thats just to give an idea

    - lest Edit if the forums allow it.

    yes and some people dont realize how important badlands brutality and such is, like 1 increase in the attack against players depending on size can be 10% of your total might march wise for example you have a 517mill hit it could turn into 573mill from a single level in that research from 4-5
    #27 Neft, Apr 17, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  8. WendyTestaburger

    Jan 21, 2018
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    To start, I buy a few things each week because server space isn 't free AND because developers don't need fulltime jobs to distract them from my entertainment, LOL. Seriously though, good games need time and server space or people complain about lag and leave. And I don't blame them for leavong but logic dictates that they NEED funds to do all that and keep players happy. There is a lot of free game play here, and after all, not buying gems or items doesn't prevent growth, just slows you down a little.

    As for pvp play, I noticed no one actually has spoken up for friendly skirmishes. It doesn't always have to be some obsessive scouter finally finding some one to zero or take rss from, after all. I do know this: I have a long list of games I have played that have died when a small group got ahead of the rest and refused to let anyone else have a chance at catching up. People continually attacked ruthlessly by bullies QUIT. And even though new players need to learn how to play, maybe they should be protected on their own server or something before they are ALLOWED into something like r18 or the way r12 was. It would give them a chance to learn because NO ONE reads these days. Some idiots actually get all their knowledge from Sinclair Media or Fox or other Murdoch controlled sources. Keep them stupid, don't encourage reading and you can control the sheep.

    PS. I found Hermione's guides early on, and I STILL run into players who are higher in might or have been playing longer than me who have NO IDEA there are forums, nevermind a guide. I have actually TYPED in the entire URL to her guides on my phone to help my clan learn (And I got fumble fingers and a small phone 🤣). And still.....lol. I love reading, I admit, so I don't get the haters but I always figured if it is something worth knowing and it is only in print, then tough it up and read😏
    #28 WendyTestaburger, Dec 6, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
  9. Blah13

    Blah13 New Citizen

    Jul 29, 2020
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    I'm in love!!
  10. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    2.5 years later and there’s literally only ever been 1 additional post in this section...

    I rest my case.
    alex12164 likes this.

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