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Remove Hunts from PVP

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Multiplat, Dec 18, 2018.


Should hunts be removed from PVP?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    I got to thinking, why are hunts included in PVP when their purpose is fighting monsters? If huntresses were removed from pvp, I think the players in this game would have a far better playing experience than they do right now.

    Benefits: No matter if a player is zeroed, their hunts would be 100% protected so they could continue playing the game and rebuilding their pugs/knights to continue pvp'ing.

    Side effect: Walls would be lower since hunts would be taken out of the equation, but players could focus on buildings knights/pugs to make up for that. Is the lower walls such a bad thing though? Hunts don't add much to defense anyway.

    This would allow for the current garrison and hospital cap to focus on only troops meant for PVP, and this would remove the issue of players quitting because they can't monster hunt after being zeroed. What do ya'll think?
  2. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    Hunts are a strategic offensive weapon. For that reason alone they should be able to be killed off on defense. Having hunts be an invincible troop on defense does not make sense because of there benefit to offensive PvP attacks.

    Hunts are offensively strategic because,
    1. Used to loot more resources from targets (they have a higher carry capacity than pugs and knights)
    2. Used to strip more gold from targets (same reason as above)
  3. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Hunts wouldnt be an invincible defensive troop since they wouldnt be in the equation. Im only saying for hunts to be removed from defensive walls since they arent designed as a pvp troop to begin with.

    Maybe I should have explained that better?

    The idea is that huntresses wouldnt defend when being attacked since they are designed for pve. Instead the defending troops would be the militia, guards, knights, and pugs since they are based on pvp. The hunts would stay safe in the city so the player is still more than capable of playing the pve aspect of the game even if his pvp ability is hindered by being zeroed.
  4. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    For that matter though, using hunts in a pvp offensive march usually only works if the attacker is drastically stronger than the defender. If that is the case, pug marches are already large enough to take large sums of rss. A few extra attacks wouldnt hurt.
  5. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    “Hunts not defending” is literally the same as them being invincible. In other words, there is no way for them to be killed in your idea.

    Being able to kill a persons hunts allows an attacker to hinder the PvE aspects of another player.

    You say hunts were not meant to defend or attack? Then why draw the line at just hunts? What about pugs, maybe they shouldn’t factor into defense, or be able to be used for PvE... same for knights.
  6. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Well that is the main reason players quit. Players play with the sole purpose of trying to ruin the game for others. If this kind of change was made, players could enjoy the game for what it is while still having the ability to pvp all they want.

    All you see on the forums are players complaining about not being able to play after being zeroed. With this kind of change, players could zero each other all day and still have the ability to play the game at the end of the day. Less players would live under a shield and more players would participate in pvp.

    People play games to have fun after all. Where is the fun in playing a game if other players only try to stop you from playing it? o_O
  7. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    That. Is. Literally. The. Point.

    People zero others in order to kill their troops. There are plenty of ways already to protect yourself (bailing, shielding, increasing your hospital cap).

    You are correct, people definitely do quit from being zerod. However, another demographic will quit en mass from the change you are proposing, myself included. It’s a balance to appease everyone and defenders have certainly already been favored in battle mechanics.

    Heckfire is a forgiving game in that the only thing that is destroyed on an unsuccessful defend are troops (if above HC) and gold (if uncollected). No building are destroyed as they are in other game of this genre.

    I remain attached to my initial statement several posts up, there needs to be a way to hinder individuals PvE ability.

    However, with all this said I would be in support or making knights carry more troop loses on defense and pugs on offense (the specialized troop carries the brunt of the encounter). But, all troops (hunts pugs and knights) will get injured and eventually killed.

    Numerically let’s look at a defense situation

    • Pugs: -10,000 troops
    • Hunts: -10,000
    • Knights: -10,000
    What I am proposing,
    • Pugs: 7,500
    • Hunts: 7,500
    • Knights 15,000
  8. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    You are quite devoted to the idea of making the game unplayable for other players.

    Although the point of the game is to pvp, that idea goes out the window when there aren't other players to pvp against. The concept is to maintain a larger player base so there is more activity at the shrines and more troops to kill in FFA without ATA having to merge realms every time the top clans make enough players quit.

    I understand where you are coming from since it is definitely an effective tactic for pvp to hinder the ability of another player to monster slay. However I would prefer to see more players still active in the game and actually enjoying their time instead of having to devote their life to living under shields just to protect their ability to play the game.
    Athena647 likes this.
  9. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    The idea that you can protect one entire troop type is poor.

    Raising HC cap to a million, or introducing a new way to protect or revive troops would be better then making hunts uninjurable on defense. The idea being to provide additional safety measures to all troops and not have it infinitely skewed towards hunts.

    Also, “you” just got zerod, your game play should be affected, go hit lower level mobs for a bit, you will still be able to PvE with the remaining troops you have (from your HC)z
  10. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Raising the hospital cap doesn't change anything though. Hospital cap barely covers 1 to 1/2 marches. As it is. Even if the hospital cap was raised to cover 4 marches, that would still only cover 2 marches of hunts, 1 march of pugs, and 1 march of knights. The hospital cap as it stands now is fine if it only had to account for the troops meant for pvp.

    Yes it is easy to hide troops, but what happens if you can't log in for a period of time because of a rl event? Do you want to come back to being unable to complete DQ's because instead of hitting 7's, you are stuck with knights and pugs which are only good for hitting 5's or slow killing 6's? How much fun are you having at that point?

    You seem to be missing the bigger picture here. Hunts have little to no impact on pvp. If they are taken out of the equation, you are then able to focus primarily on training pugs for offense or knights for defense instead of having to retrain 500k+ hunts every time you don't log in for a day and get zeroed. You are still able to cripple a players ability to pvp, while the player is still capable of playing the game and attempting to rebuild to catch up.
  11. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    We are talking in circles. We have both reiterated our points multiple types, with neither of us seeing or relating to the others opinion.

    As much as I’d love to keep talking back and forth, I will not comment further on this thread unless a new point is brought up.

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