Thanks Ape for zeroing people on new year. I was too busy, and just got zeroed 2 times because of new year holiday. If APE thinks that is so good buns on new year, i'm so sad. Next year just on your brains before making 2 times "Slice and Ice". You wanted to say " happy new year, but you will be zeroed for fun"? Not funny guys. You giving some gifts, and you zeroing people on holidays. Next time gift to people some shields on 24 to def. His castels on new year, to not have broken new year in this game.
It was definitely a feeding frenzy in our realm too. No warning, no 24 hour shields given, lots of people caught unawares because who the hell would do a PvP when they did? Now we know. Always assume it's a possibility and never assume you'll be given a shield.
I saw the 24 hour notices before they started. though I agree that 2 FFA's was too much. They could have added in AYCS events instead of those and i'm sure players would have enjoyed it more. Though I think ATA did that because of how many rewards they gave out.. What better way of spending those rewards than having to rebuild an army or 2?
I dont think they care that some people got zeroed and quit the game, as long as the bigger players that put tons of money into it keep killing off the people who dont spend much.
I don’t really find it very unfair, but I do think that ATA should keep the original ffa handouts. Start with a quest that gives a 24 hour shield, then do a FFA and those who don’t want to participate can use the 24 hour shield