It’s no fun being continuously zeroed.... you would not enjoy being placed in a realm higher than 27. Your clan can’t protect you from some of the real hard hitters in this game
There should be a Rez troop graveyard that is half price and half time. Devs make more money. We complain less. Everyone wins
I agree the hospital is upside down. I've been playing a year and have been zeroed 3 times. Each time it to months to rebuild. The last time was in June and I didn't recover till September! I'm a clan leader and we've lost real good people because of zeroing, because in order to protect your investment you have to basically live and breathe KoH. A game shouldn't require you to give up your real life to protect your work. There should be a PVP cap on hitting smaller players. We had a TH 25 with almost 2 billion might hitting an TH 18 with 200 mil might yesterday. How can a mid sized clan defend or even play offensively against someone who hits at 29 billion and has a 39 billion wall?? That's not a fair fight. That's bullying. We don't have defensive/rally caps that high for the bigger players it's like shooting fish in a barrel. We send pms, we text and try to delay the inevitable, but 90% of the time it always results in a zero. If you want to keep long term players this needs to be fixed.
Well that is why players are often times trying to come up with solutions to this problem. I have brought up the idea of making it so a player cannot attack someone 3 th's below them. Of course though there are always players who argue against limitations. If enough players agree with a solution to this problem, perhaps ATA will listen and implement a solution. Just check out the suggestions thread and see if anything posted there is more down your alley. Plenty of threads there covering varying topics.
I lost 700k knights defending someone that had no dragons. Right around 40mil might was lost overall. Myfault, I knew they had no dragons... I just forgot to pull troops out while I switched accounts so I could knock their defense dragons off gather nodes. So 800k t3 troops is probably around 50m might overall.