At the beginning of the game you are taught how to feed the dragons and what not in the tutorial, and when you join a clan they give you some basic tips for what is best to do. This thread is for those who haven't learned all the specific strategies when it comes to how to best level your dragons. At first you dont have as many dragons so it is a little difficult to plan the best offense, defense or monster hunting march, but as you obtain more dragons you see that there is a profound affect that your dragons have on your game play. Each player has a prefered biome (grasslands, badlands, and swamps) where they get the best bonuses. When you click on your profile you can see the percentages of you biome bonuses. Once you have that figured out you can start developing your dragons to fit your wants and needs. When you go to you dragons you can see which abilities they have; what type of dragon it is and whether it gives bonuses to gathering/monster hunting or attacking/defending. You want to save all of your food for your dragons that give bonuses to attacking and defending against other players. Dragons that give bonuses to gathering and hunting monsters, will automatically level up during monster hunting. This is why it is best to save the food for your dragons that give bonuses in attack and defense. You aquire more food through hunting in specific biomes. To further explain, if you hunt monsters in a grass lands, you will aquire grasslands dragon chow and so on. You can take advantage of this. If your best biome is grasslands, that means that hopefully you are located on a grasslands node, which means its most importand to puts grasslands attacker/defender dragons as your defense. Because these types of dragons are able to best defend you, you want to feed them more. To level them up the fastest, you can hunt monsters specifically in that biome, giving you a little boost. You can use this with any type of dragon. I hope that this is helpful to some of you. If anyone has anymore info to offer, feel free to share, and if anything i shared here seems wrong or you have better ideas, feel free to let me know.
I’m thinking because we get 4 dragons in the biome we are most in (unless we buy the other 2 - $40 in USA), due to random chance. Do we want to focus on all 4 in the biome and then one of each or more from the other biomes? Or focus on your defense and then your attackers after?
For each biome, we will have at most 3 hunting dragons (2 if you don’t have the legendary and 1 if haven’t gotten your second free). Besides th 25 (since you are probably an expert at this game unless you rushed), those over th 10 have 3 marches, 2 dragons per march. Since you will also have at most 3 PvP dragons (2 if you don’t have legendary, and 1 if you haven’t gotten your second free), you should be doing your daily hunts with your “preferred” (What you excel in) PvP dragons. Contrary to popular belief, this means that your preferred PvP dragons should actually be getting the most xp from your daily hunting as you hunt with them everyday compared to the biome specific hunting drags. 😎
My second piece of advice (although I guess I’m not in the endgame so you don’t have to pay attention to me) is that PvP should not be your main concern in th < 22. Let’s face it. Your tier 1-3 troops suck. If any developed th 25 came in and wanted to zero you, you are getting zeroed. Once you hit th 18, basically it is best to just develop huntresses. Maybe pugs if you want some action. Knights not so much. PvE is what you want to go for. Slowly develop all of your research and buildings to reach th 24 (I’m not there yet so you really shouldn’t be listening that much to me 😗), where you can start to develop all your tier 4 troops. This is why you probably hear many people complain about how huntresses should have highest priority in hospital. When you get zeroed, huntresses are your wonky way to rebuild. Having knights that don’t do anything or pugs which may get some action every few weeks are just needless fodder. The only thing you really want to focus PvP wise is your dragons, as they will be staying by your side for the rest of the game.