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Revamp Potential Rewards

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Multiplat, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Multiplat

    Multiplat Helpful Citizen

    Feb 11, 2018
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    In an effort to increase the challenge of receiving potential rewards, can they be changed from whoever finishes the gather to whoever gathered the most?

    For instance, a level 6 ore node has 60,000 ore. Right now, a player could gather 59,999 ore and be kicked off by a bigger play to steal the token.

    With the recommended revamp, a player would have to gather at least 30,001 ore to receive the potential reward. This would mean if players wanted the final reward, they would have to fight for it instead of waiting until the last second to tile hit.

    There would obviously need to be some guidelines so it isn't abused.

    For this idea to work, a player would only be eligible for the potential rewards if:

    1) They do not recall from the node prematurely (only eligible if they are tile hit).

    2) If they gather at least 50% of the resources from the node.

    This kind of change could encourage the "pvp" that ATA is looking for while making potential rewards a challenge instead of a test of strength.
  2. dlz9345X

    dlz9345X Liked Citizen

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Sounds good, although what could also happen: you gather let’s say 55000/60000 food from the node. An alt or a friend hits you off and recalls.... now do that for nodes around a clan, and now you just annoy everyone in the clan there and if they want to get rid of it, now you get a token for your troubles.

    Still, I love this idea and I’m pretty sure this edgecase won’t happen much (I think it just takes too much effort) or there’s another simple solution.
  3. PopularMonster

    PopularMonster Citizen

    May 16, 2018
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    No support cuz #swag

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