And you think people play this game more cause you lowered gem income and more gems needed for everything I am very sure you will lose probably %20 active players with this insanely ridiculus update Well done
Your update is horrible!! Decreased gems, costs way more in gems to speed anything up. I haven't noticed more drops of speed ups either. Please consider our concerns and reevaluate!
This upgrade is a downgrade. It's very hard with your new things for me to be able to grow. Especially if I'm to keep up with someone who is spending money. I shouldn't be forced to pay to play!!!!!! This game was fun. Now your ruined it. Really, how can I grow when the gem rate is drastically lowered. No one in my clan wants to buy a pint now, so brew is low, how can I buy when gems are low. You're making it sound like we have to pay real life money to play your game. The cost to speed things up with gems is greatly increased!!! I really hope this is fixed soon
I've already commented on how the principal of the change is very wrong, however I hadn't looked at the actual numbers and OMG! What did you really think the reaction would be for dropping gem rewards from monster hits by 80%. And also massively increase the cost of speedups . I would have loved to be in that meeting, absolutely outrageous. Simple next steps for you: 1. Escort the person responsible from the building. 2. Backout out the change and hope, yes hope you still have a game 3. Hope you don't get investigated for fraud. 4. If you do get investigated, be glad you did steps 1 and 2 TODAY! Just shocking....
Bye bye ata. I have played from the beginning almost and this update is the worst move you could make. All you have done is make the pay 2 win player stronger. Congrats on losing your player base.
Ok I'm back to complain again lol. I've had 24 hours of these changes now and I'm still incredibly disappointed. Maybe even moreso. How low can I go? Depends on what else you've buggered up. My new beef is with the monster chests. I am getting almost exclusively 1 minute speeds when I get speeds out of the chests. Again I say exactly how is this a quality of life improvement when I am a TH25? 1 minute speeds do diddly squat to help me finish quests for construction and research when everything takes days and weeks to finish. I have always been a grinder.... Grind for everything... Now I'll have to grind harder. Please start putting better speeds back in those chests!! You guys are still in outfield as far as I'm concerned on this upgrade.
UPDATE: We’ve been listening and discussing the feedback around the economic update from yesterday. While the issues that were identified are critical to the long term health of the game, we’ve reassessed the path that we can take to achieve those long term goals while minimizing the impact to players in the short term. As a result, we have reversed the cost of speedups and speedup tokens, and players that used speedup tokens or Jewels to speedup during this time will be compensated. As alternatives to the price increase, we are prioritizing new content and ways to use speedups. We will also aim for more transparency and a proactive approach to communicating changes in advance. We encourage our players to take part in our new “Burning dude” event, where they can more fully experience the changes to the reward economy first-hand. As ever, we will continue to monitor data as well as review and discuss feedback as we strive to make Heckfire the best place it can be.
what is the compensation I use gems and speed ups al the time I even buy items with real money. but even now I'm thinking to stop. greets mastebeta
o yeah I really hoop you come with good compensation becouse I spend already allot on the game. but now I dont knowe how you are going to keep players in the game with this updaye
Ok so you fixed Speedups what about the mob gems and brew price ATA It’s a pretty half baked fix given that you still cannot get gems at a decent rate from mobs
Lowering the cost of the brew was awesome. Personally, I think the 250 brew should still be lower. 1k, or 750 would be much more reasonable. But lowering the gems you get from monster kills!? What?!? So players have built up a stockpile of gems? This whole game is designed around exponential growth, so with no new content to blow your stockpile on.... of course the chart is going to go show a steady increase... Regardless, you should be paying attention to BASE MIGHT (might number excluding troops), not gems. Just because players haven’t been spending gems, doesn’t mean they are actually that much further ahead. It’s easy to blow through gems. I’d most likely attribute the rise in gem stockpiles to the large quantities of speedups given for dragon feeding events. Prior to those rewards, most players were using gems to speed things up. (3-hitting lvl 8 mobs) 100,000 brew costs half a million (500,000) gems now. I can kill ~565 mobs with that brew. If you had left gem rewards for monsters drops the same: I would’ve gained around 150,000 gems back. Not ideal, but the return rate on level 12 mobs is better, I’m sure. Maybe yielding closer to 200/230k. *(A 50% return on my gems would be enough to justify spending tons of time killing mobs and playing the game.)* With your changes to gem drop rates from monster kills: Those same 565 monster kills, that same investment of 500,000 gems will yield me a measly net return of ~25,000 gems!!! That’s a return of about 5%! Seriously?... You guys were on the right track here! Keep people playing the game by further incentivizing actual activity within the game! Those gem counts will plummet when you release more content. Just focus on keeping people interesting in actually playing the game!