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Multiple Account Management

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Gophersaurus, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. Gophersaurus

    Gophersaurus Citizen

    Aug 18, 2020
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    ***I want to thank everyone for their support. ATA made a massive mistake today with their invite to hundreds of new players. Forcing all of those players to end up on the wrong realm and unable to change. Here I raise valid concerns about their current system for only 1 account and character per device. Accept it, ATA. Your current system is completely flawed.

    I would truly like to see an implementation made for changing accounts so that myself and many others don't have to reset in game passwords multiple times a day, utilize app cloning, or play on emulators.

    Such a perfect example of this in my realm. TONS of individuals were trying to get to the PIMD (party in my dorm) realm and couldn't. They all were left in limbo because they were unable to change and put in tickets. This shows exactly what I mean. Several players are already quitting because of this and hundreds of players looking for guidance, but no ATA support staff is at work to help them get to the right place. Let us choose our initial realm and change characters/etc.

    It's extremely inconvient and the only reason I have been told is to "prevent accounts being sold for real life currency".

    I'm not sure how allowing it will increase accounts sold. The people who sell the accounts and the same one's who run 20 clients at once through emulators. Can we really not get this ability because you fear people will profit financially from an account they played?

    Thank you for your time.
    #1 Gophersaurus, Aug 18, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
  2. PizzaChocolate

    PizzaChocolate New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Saw this on reddit. I agree. Hopefuly other redditors jump on board this and give the support it deserves. This needs to be changed as soon as possible. I can't explain the frustration that new players experience when they can't easily change to the server of their friend or want to start over and getting the hang of things initially. This should be a top priority.I understand where ATA is coming from to a certain extent. But honestly, there are far better ways to mitigate these issues. This just causes a great amount of frustration within the player base and often times I have seen in realm chat that players will even quit because of this.
    Gophersaurus likes this.
  3. OldBaldAndUgly

    OldBaldAndUgly New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I appreciate someone finally saying it. +1
  4. JennyCraigLover

    JennyCraigLover New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Power of Reddit and discord, combine and go to arms! Please give us this feature please. We have been asking for years. I personally am tired of the inconvience as well.
    Noobss and Queenlovely like this.
  5. DehydratedFrog

    DehydratedFrog New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Hopefully this thread is finally going to be enough to persuade the devs to change their tactics. It is ridiculous that every other game has the change account (or character feature and this one doesn't). If people are going to do the wrong thing and sell accounts, they can already do that currently through using methods OP mentioned.
    Gophersaurus likes this.
  6. DesperateMango

    DesperateMango New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Here from the discord posting. You know, as much as I want to believe they will do the right thing and make the change. Chances are, they won't. I know they don't view us as players as shareholders and investors, because technically we aren't. However, many people have invested hundreds (some thousands or 10s of thousands) into this game because they love it and want to show support of a semi-local gaming company in this genre. It's a shame that it is so difficult to get them to here us out.
  7. RareChickenYum

    RareChickenYum New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    They are more concerned about losing "revenue" that they would have never have seen anyways. I brought this up over a year ago and still nothing.
  8. ChappyBoyDoggo

    ChappyBoyDoggo New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Lol, can we talk about all of the broken links for inviting friends. I can't tell you how often in realm chat I see people asking how to switch to their friend's server, saying they followed the invite link and everything but end up in the wrong place still. I am one of the multiple account users and this here is a new account. Luckily, I knew the work around. Not everyone does. I'm glad a popular youtuber finally posted something about it. Let's gooooo. New accounts and community power!!
  9. HecktorHangry

    HecktorHangry New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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  10. Gophersaurus

    Gophersaurus Citizen

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Todd and Grant seem relatively receptive to community ideas. So maybe we can pull this off. I appreciate all of the support. :)
  11. DarquandusLitFam

    DarquandusLitFam New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    I am DISGUSTED with this. HUNDREDS of us from PIMD show up, invited to your trash excuse for a game. Then, we are given an invalid link.

    Next, we can't change accounts.

    Then we can't unlink google play.

    Then we can't uninstall and reinstall.

    Then we can't get support from help ticket.

    ATA is a disgusting excuse for a company and I now know why this game is failing. Wow. Terrible impression for Hundreds upon hundreds of potential new players. Seriously, this is horrendous. You don't even have an overnight staff of support specialist on the biggest day this game has had in years? The other commenters are being far too nice. Never again will I do anything with this company.

    Can't change or make a new account, in 2020????? LOL kk.
    FarkleJr, Trishelle, ExiIIium and 2 others like this.
  12. ChateIaine

    ChateIaine New Citizen

    Aug 21, 2020
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    This is actually a nightmare of an interface for the game. Wait... Maybe it's not the interface that is a nightmare. It could be the decision making process of those higher up in the company. Why would a game not let you change servers? What if you want to play with friends? I have people who have been waiting for 24 hours for a ticket response to get to 117 and still nothing. Why is this the case? Really?
    FiestyNapkin likes this.
  13. VetustaIem

    VetustaIem New Citizen

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Someone said the support doesn't work after 4 PM. Is this true? I have already waited a day to start playing the game. This can't be how this works. I'm surprised you have any community of players left dealing with this nonsense. I imagine it's a nightmare for them trying to get their friends to play with them.

    2 Days at least for being able to play with my friends in a different serve? Really? Is this acceptable for you, ATA?

    I feel sorry for all of the loyal players who supported you over the years.
  14. FiestyNapkin

    FiestyNapkin New Citizen

    Aug 21, 2020
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    This is sad. I was looking forward to this game. Now, we have some players in the correct realm. Then we have a bunch of PIMD players stranded on a different realm. Some have quit, some have given up entirely on rewards from this game. I just can't fathom the logic behind this decision making process.

    If what OP says is accurate for the true reasoning behind it. Listen up, ATA.

    Are you listening?

    Whoever made this decision at your company has less than average intelligence.

    Flat out. I am gone. See ya.
  15. PirateKaIypso

    PirateKaIypso New Citizen

    Aug 21, 2020
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    This is the biggest nightmare of a first impression for a game since No Man's Sky. Don't take that with a grain of salt. It's reality. You are so ignorant and out of touch with what players desire. Can't pick and choose where you want to go. Links from friends seem to not be working.

    All that aside, even if the linked worked. Still a horrendous idea. What if I was an actual player ( i could have been), and I wanted to make a farm character alt? I support games within reason(60 to 100 USD) usually, but after that, I'm tapped out for a few months. I need a way to compete with players who pay.

    I am not bashing your monetization model. I am bashing your restrictions over allowing players the freedom to choose how they play the game. With all the light hearted humor in the game so far, I would expect a more responsive and understanding Dev team. This makes you worse than every Eastern owned Company as far as customer support goes. At least they let you choose your server or have farm accounts.
  16. RompYourSocksOff

    RompYourSocksOff New Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Still issues for so many stuck in 119 instead of 117. Come on ATA. Really? These are your loyal customers that you are maliciously taking advantage of. Truthfully, this is just disheartening to see. Some people have waited over 48 hours for support and still nothing.
  17. OkayGift

    OkayGift New Citizen

    Sep 29, 2020
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    Here's how to get a transfer to a closed realm, because support lies.

    If you can't get in because it's "closed, immediately open a new support ticket and send this message "Hello, I request to join (insert realm number) by catapult." It'll make the transfer faster, and if they deny your request, rinse and repeat.
  18. XxGoRiLLaxX

    XxGoRiLLaxX New Citizen

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Agreed! I made a few farm alts.... Used invite link and none of them are in my realm.....
  19. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    This is a known issue at the moment. Please make an in-game support ticket and we will be happy to sort it out.

    Please include:
    - The name of the account that invited you to the game
    - The realm you are looking to transfer to
    - Specifically state this was due to the invite system not working. That way we can stop the regular transfer timer.

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