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Problems posting in help thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AProbe, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. AProbe

    AProbe New Citizen

    May 20, 2020
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    This is intended to be some constructive feedback. I have played probably close to 30 games similar to this one. There are some important differences that set this game apart from the others. One of them being the designated ffa scheduling that helps keep large player farming to a minimum. I would love to see more protection for smaller players. Players such as myself spend smaller amounts of money than some, however I do spend an average of $50/month in game. But I cannot defend against players 3, 5, 10 times my strength. In order to compete with them aside from spending more dollars is to be on the game a good portion of every day, and spend a major share of gems on shields or re-training most of my troops. In short, this will quickly become tiresome and frustrating. I am sure you are already aware of these possible scenarios, and probably plan for a percentage that quits of similar circumstances.
    I love the game play and characters, but in order for an avid gamer like me tol maintain interest in a game which feels like so many others, you might entertain ways of making players like myself feel like we can survive and flourish without feeling the pressure to spend more money.
    This is a tough year as we all know. I am curving my interests more toward games that are more aligned to console games. I would rather spend $75 and play indefinitely, having the same fun as everyone. With extras to purchase that only add prestige and bragging rights not massive power advantages.
    Thanks again for your time.
    Kohn - Aprobe in game
  2. KingOfHerHeart

    KingOfHerHeart New Citizen

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Pls help me i want to change my Realm in Pimd forum they said to write [ATA]Mareline in referral so i did as to enter PIMD REALM but instead of that they just took it as Marceline
    Pls help me change refearral or delete my acc so i can start over and get pimd rewards pls as soon as possible KOH

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