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Announcement New Dragon! Pet-Ra Arrives in The Realm!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    The scorching expanses of Heckfire’s deserts make for a sobering sight. While even the desolate badlands have cacti and the occasional ornery boar, the deserts are a true kingdom of the dead, as the sands have long since swallowed anyone or anything foolish enough to attempt to plunder it’s treasures or even survive there. Beneath this seemingly endless sea of white hot dunes though, an ancient secret stirs. Disturbed from its slumber, It screeches and keens, awaiting some being foolish enough to break the shackles of its accursed power in search of a most dark bargain. Let the ritual of Black Friday Begin!

    Introducing Pet-Ra!


    Pet-Ra is a being of purest vengeance, ancient and terrible. She also likes mint tea with a little bit of sugar in it, and was very insistent I mention that. In search of vengeance and tea, she stalks the realm, cursing anyone foolhardy enough to stand in her way. Death, destruction and horror all travel in her wake, so direct her and hope that this cursed power is never turned against you! Scourge your enemies and curse their memory with Pet-Ra!

    Pet-Ra is a wild Dragon, specializing in PVP combat.

    Curse Power
    Pet-Ra has all the best curses. These curses vary in scope, ranging from a permanent hangnail to snakes for hands to spontaneous human combustion, but they’re all bad. Pet-Ra is a curse elemental Dragon and gains Curse based bonuses to her attack power!

    Realm Raider - attack bonus on all biomes
    Pet-Ra is rightly feared over all of Heckfire. She receives a bonus to attacks made against other players on any biome.

    Shrine Specialist - attack and defence bonus on all Shrines
    Before the sand swallowed her Kingdom, many monuments were dedicated to Pet-Ra. Rather than Digging them up, she’s simply decided to claim new ones. Pet-Ra gets a bonus to attacking and defending Shrines.

    Realm Executioner - lethality bonus on Shrines and nodes on all biomes
    Pet-Ra has mastered the powers of life and death, and is on pretty good terms with the dark beings that control who lives and who dies. If Pet-Ra says they’re dead, then who are they to argue? Any battle involving Pet-Ra on shrines or Nodes will be more lethal to your opponent.

    Realm Ally Booster - bonus to the max attack bonus you can have against players on all
    No one is keen to get cursed by Pet-Ra for giving less than 110%. PVP marches involving Pet-Ra will have a boost to the maximum attack bonus cap from allies. Scare your troops into line with Pet-Ra!

    Expert Defender - Bonus to Knight and Royal Knight abilities.
    Pet-Ra once controlled a noble army and she will control a noble army again. Since most knights would prefer not be raised as an army of the dead, they fight extra hard to avoid that fate. Nobody motivates like Pet-Ra!
  2. Bizarro

    Bizarro Citizen

    Sep 3, 2017
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    No thank you.
    PKs_Pet and ViciousBlonde like this.
  3. Naruto

    Naruto New Citizen

    Mar 22, 2020
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  4. ViciousBlonde

    ViciousBlonde New Citizen

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Why cant I unlock the new dragons with the Epic New Dragon stamps i already have?
    CnCwithWindows, PKs_Pet and CraziEffi like this.
  5. ViciousBlonde

    ViciousBlonde New Citizen

    Feb 13, 2018
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    And why am I listed as a new citizen when I’ve been here over 3 years?

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