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Balanced game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ___BUTCHY___, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. ___BUTCHY___

    ___BUTCHY___ New Citizen

    Dec 26, 2020
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    This game doesn’t make any sense...
    a player with stats 70 times bigger than me can attack me while I really can’t do much about any retaliation!!!
    This unbalanced should be fixed like in KAW.

    I’m not the first one complaining about this:
    ATA plz fix this game...
    #1 ___BUTCHY___, Dec 26, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
  2. eMew

    eMew New Citizen

    Jan 4, 2021
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    It’s severely unfair, and it’s not even hard to add a cap in - maybe they’d rather people just leave the game and stop investing their time money and effort into it 🤷🏼‍♀️
    ProfessorDaddy, Nenichw and _ONE_ like this.
  3. Queen_of_Fools

    Queen_of_Fools New Citizen

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I was unshielded for 45 minutes in the dead of night, and what felt like an entire clan just about wiped out my troops in that time.

    this game isn’t balanced, fair, or reasonable. Not when the only way to defend is to shield or hide, or to spend massive amounts of money...and even then you’ll be stomped by those who spend more. My defenses didn’t even slow my attackers down. What’s the point of doing anything when you can be easily beat down and have months of work wiped out in less than an hour?

    honestly, it’s like this that makes me want to quit, and leave this game to the bullies and pay-hards.
  4. Appa

    Appa New Citizen

    Aug 23, 2020
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    How is it Player vs Player (PvP) if player A is hitting player B and player B can't hit back..?? It's totally one sided.

    If I can hit you, you should be able to hit me back.
  5. MaddAddam

    MaddAddam Helpful Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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    If people couldn't hit people way weaker than them, they wouldn't spend loads of money would they? Why would ata want a fair game, when they can have a profitable game instead?
    ProfessorDaddy, HellCatRed and DianaD like this.
  6. ToughMonk

    ToughMonk Citizen

    Oct 2, 2020
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    there needs to be a limit to the number of consecutive attacks from player A to player B within a hour.

    this would stop people being wiped in seconds by 1 person and force/ allow others to battle. [also I think there should be a debuff after teleporting / limit the range you can teleport]

    also there needs to be a way to upgrade T1 and T2 troops up to T3.
  7. eMew

    eMew New Citizen

    Jan 4, 2021
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    That may work short term but it’s not a long term business plan. PIMD hasn’t lost financial value and there are caps on that to make the field slightly more even and playable for everyone.

    I also think this thread isn’t true in every realm - it’s a specific couple with bully clans in it.
    DJ_GoldRock, EatPizza and Empress143 like this.
  8. DianaD

    DianaD New Citizen

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Why would ata want a fair game, when they can have a profitable game instead?[/QUOTE]

    I don't "like" this but it makes sense.

    However, there should be a stop gap from much stronger players picking off smaller players...

    People will always spend money in game - *More long term players equals more money*
    HellCatRed and FieryImp like this.
  9. EatPizza

    EatPizza New Citizen

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I'm 2mill might don't go on often but I got hit 4 times for in the ball park of 1k to 4k oc by a guy who's almost 400mill might, i don't know why tbh. But there leader didn't like it, after there leader found out and after I moved it stopped I don't know what stopped it but it did. I'm bringing it up because even though that occasion won't happen often it still will happen and I think that's when things should come into place to stop it. I do get the profit stand point even if it is weird thinking. Also for the other people who were getting hit just ask yourselves why? I've seen in my own realm that people moan for getting hit but they had troops that could die or a bit of rss.
    Splyt_ likes this.
  10. Only_Kyles

    Only_Kyles New Citizen

    Jan 20, 2021
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    the solution is simple. as soon as the player is logged out, the hospital should automatically increase to the size of the army. Or 80% at least. Everything in ATA hands
  11. AxemYellow

    AxemYellow New Citizen

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Or an automatic shield after an attack. Not for a long time, maybe 20 minutes. I have also logged on to find that I've lost almost all of my troops in a 30 minute time frame, from continuous attacks
  12. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Currently, PvP in Heckfire leads near-exclusively to detriment for all involved parties. It lacks a reward structure of any kind, as well as being devoid of nearly any potential for strategical play. In addition, the PvP that currently exists is actually almost entirely PvOP. (Player vs offline player!) Isn’t that fun!?

    The only entity who benefits from the current PvP structure is ATA. Time spent retraining lost troops, or trying to boost PvP stats, means ignoring other sections of the game that help you get more out of the time you spend playing. Meanwhile, ATA gets to try to sell you a vast majority of tempting options to speed up your progress. I call this the “temptation phase”, and obviously the less time you spend here, the better.

    You can call Heckfire a PvP game if you want, but the fact remains that this game is centrally based around PvE, with elements of PvP sprinkled in to set you back as you go through the real bulk of the game: upgrading your buildings/research.

    The gameplay doesn’t really change that much as you progress. You do essentially the same things over and over, but continually upgrade. And upgrading is fueled by PvE notPvP.

    The PvP elements of the game don’t involve strategy, they involve statistics. Numbers and percentages, with all the advantage coming from *ahem*, your upgrades.”

    -From the Magical Mythical Heckfire Multiguide
    Oct31 likes this.

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